Growing in Christ

I will give a reply once some one explains what you are trying to say here.

You keep talken about talken. How do you fit this into what I said ? I mean is it not just like you telling me about grapes and then me replying back at you about apples ? :confused:

Kj you said.....Jim, you need to just '''''be'''''' a Christian. You are in a relationship with God. Stop all the acting, practicing, habits, self effort and just love and trust God. You are trying to be someone special when you are already special to Him.

Brother I find this statement of yours quite disturbing to say the least.
From day one brother we must strive to be more Christ like, It's called growing up and walking as God has commanded us to walk.

God aint gonna do it for us - we must strive or make the effort and put His ways into practice or another words brother - do them - live by them - act in the manner God has commanded us to act.
It is always a joy Brother talking with you. (y)
When you talk about practicing this and that it sounds to me like you are trying to be a Christian. Instead of being a Christian. Your idea of growth and mine are different. This is going to come back to our disagreement on faith. So I guess we should just leave this discussion :whistle:.
When you talk about practicing this and that it sounds to me like you are trying to be a Christian. Instead of being a Christian. Your idea of growth and mine are different. This is going to come back to our disagreement on faith. So I guess we should just leave this discussion :whistle:.
Scripture tells us to put into practice......perhaps these below will aid you in seeing what the word Practice truly means directed towards Gods word..
1...repeated performance or systematic exercise for the purpose of acquiring skill or proficiency:

2...the action or process of performing or doing something: follow or observe habitually or customarily: exercise oneself by repeated performance in order to acquire skill: perform or do repeatedly in order to acquire skill or proficiency:

Or the ol stand by..........Practice makes perfect :ROFLMAO:
As always Brother KJ it is a joy talking with you
Enjoy the week end
God Bless
Or the ol stand by..........Practice makes perfect :ROFLMAO:

I think we are talking past each other. I replied to practice in the context of the title ''growing in Christ''. Your reply to my tithing examples I agree with. You said 'we must 'do' the deed and not practice it'.

We can practice street ministry but we can't practice loving God / growing closer to God.
Regarding tithing, as in the 10%, do the brethren feel that we're scripturally bound to that amount? It's just that I know of some people who have both low incomes and heavy financial burdens - family, and so on - to whom 10% is an unaffordable amount. I know of one young brother of about my age who felt compelled to leave a church because (among other reasons) they insisted on a 10% tithe and he felt ashamed of his lack of means to pay it.

The principle that I would go on is 1 Corinthians 16:2:
"On the first of the week let each of you put by at home, laying up in whatever degree he may have prospered..."

I've also heard it said that giving to the Lord's interests should be responsive, not prescriptive - that, rather than putting in a fixed amount of my income, I should give as I feel I've been prospered by the Lord, the consideration of which would be productive of worship and thankfulness.
The tithe is not something we do out of affordability. God's generosity allows us 90%. When we began tithing, we were bound up in debt, so we started, after much prayer and seeking God's answer for us, at about 3% and worked our way up to a full tenth in about 18 months. Within 2 years we were debt free. God does that.
Regarding tithing, as in the 10%, do the brethren feel that we're scripturally bound to that amount? It's just that I know of some people who have both low incomes and heavy financial burdens - family, and so on - to whom 10% is an unaffordable amount. I know of one young brother of about my age who felt compelled to leave a church because (among other reasons) they insisted on a 10% tithe and he felt ashamed of his lack of means to pay it.

The principle that I would go on is 1 Corinthians 16:2:
"On the first of the week let each of you put by at home, laying up in whatever degree he may have prospered..."

I've also heard it said that giving to the Lord's interests should be responsive, not prescriptive - that, rather than putting in a fixed amount of my income, I should give as I feel I've been prospered by the Lord, the consideration of which would be productive of worship and thankfulness.

Don't get the tithe and offering mixed up together. They are two separate offerings unto the Lord. For me and this works for me --------I will tithe over buying food if need be. However God Has not ever let me out give Him............
The tithe is not something we do out of affordability. God's generosity allows us 90%. When we began tithing, we were bound up in debt, so we started, after much prayer and seeking God's answer for us, at about 3% and worked our way up to a full tenth in about 18 months. Within 2 years we were debt free. God does that.
That's interesting - thanks for sharing your experience. What would you say is the scriptural basis for the 10%, for the Church?

Don't get the tithe and offering mixed up together. They are two separate offerings unto the Lord. For me and this works for me --------I will tithe over buying food if need be. However God Has not ever let me out give Him............
Ah, now this is something I haven't heard of before - tithing and offering as different things? I suppose it might be said that the brethren with whom I walk in fellowship don't practice tithing. When we gather in local assembly on the Lord's day, at the Supper we take a collection. That money is used for the Lord's interests - the maintenance of the meeting rooms, meeting the cost of three-day gatherings, printing of ministry, love-gifts to brethren, etc. What amount each brother or sister puts in, I don't know - some may put in 10% - many might will put in more.
That's interesting - thanks for sharing your experience. What would you say is the scriptural basis for the 10%, for the Church?

Ah, now this is something I haven't heard of before - tithing and offering as different things? I suppose it might be said that the brethren with whom I walk in fellowship don't practice tithing. When we gather in local assembly on the Lord's day, at the Supper we take a collection. That money is used for the Lord's interests - the maintenance of the meeting rooms, meeting the cost of three-day gatherings, printing of ministry, love-gifts to brethren, etc. What amount each brother or sister puts in, I don't know - some may put in 10% - many might will put in more.
Grant I will post more with scripture later but for now..........
This last part of your reply - This is Not Tithe or Honoring God - It is a collection or offering to cover the over head............of the ministry and such.........
God Bless