I will give a reply once some one explains what you are trying to say here.
You keep talken about talken. How do you fit this into what I said ? I mean is it not just like you telling me about grapes and then me replying back at you about apples ?
Kj you said.....
Jim, you need to just '''''be'''''' a Christian. You are in a relationship with God. Stop all the acting, practicing, habits, self effort and just love and trust God. You are trying to be someone special when you are already special to Him.
Brother I find this statement of yours quite disturbing to say the least.
From day one brother we must strive to be more Christ like, It's called growing up and walking as God has commanded us to walk.
God aint gonna do it for us - we must strive or make the effort and put His ways into practice or another words brother - do them - live by them - act in the manner God has commanded us to act.
It is always a joy Brother talking with you.
