Marilyn C Thursday at 9:21 PM #541 Every single day we humble ourselves to God and we shall be changed.
Cosia Senior Moderator/Exec. Secretary Staff member Senior Moderator Exec. Secretary Friday at 3:58 AM #543 Every single day we call out to our Father He is by our side
Marilyn C Saturday at 5:20 AM #544 Seems we have two different poems going. As a gift from God His indescribable gift And so undeserved.
Seems we have two different poems going. As a gift from God His indescribable gift And so undeserved.
Cosia Senior Moderator/Exec. Secretary Staff member Senior Moderator Exec. Secretary Saturday at 11:12 AM #545 And so undeserved mercy showered upon us With love, hope, and peace
T thenami Yesterday at 10:07 PM #546 with love hope and peace I shall dedicate myself again to the Lord