You have spent most of the day working hard in the garden. Things have gone well. Those persistent weeds have been removed. The lawn has been closely mown and the roses dead-headed, but the shears really need some sharpening. Now you can relax in a warm bath and soak the stiffness away. "Ah ! This is Heaven", you say.
Or, another time, you have had the grand-children for an hour or two. All is quiet again, and with all the toys cleared away and the chocolate stains scrubbed off the carpet, you sit down to relax. "Ah ! This", you say, "is Heaven".
Then again, with Elizabeth Barret Browning, you can enjoy the morning air as you lean on the garden gate. "The year’s at the spring / And day’s at the morn; / Morning’s at seven; / The hillside’s dew-pearled; / The lark’s on the wing; / The snail’s on the thorn; / God’s in His Heaven — All’s right with the world".
And there, perhaps, is a wrong thought. We assume that God is in His Heaven, up there somewhere, looking down on His creation with mixed feelings, but being kind to us at the moment; not demanding too much of our time and worship. He’s in His Heaven. But where is Heaven ? In the sky, somewhere ? All in the mind ? Must think about that later. It’s time to get ready for work now.
We each have our ideas of Heaven. But when we try to describe it, what do we mean ? Is it waiting at the pearly gates for St. Peter to admit us (hopefully), and are we really looking forward to playing the harp for all eternity ? A meeting with some we knew long ago ? All unchanged ? Where is Heaven, and what is it really like ?
If we compare the Gospels of Mark and Luke against that of Matthew, we find different expressions for the same thing. Might we understand better if we think of the Kingdom of Heaven as the Kingdom of God ? We get the feeling that the latter relates a little more to the here-and-now than to Heaven, which we think of as being more in the future. When Jesus spoke to Nicodemus, He referred to the seeing of the Kingdom of God as being in this earthly life, and yet, face-to-face with Pilate, He explained that "My Kingdom is not of this world". It’s a mystery !
Mark quotes Jesus as telling His disciples, "Unto you it is given to KNOW the mystery of the Kingdom of God…..", making Heaven REAL in the heart. Here and now ! Jesus said "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you", and those words of Izaak Walton, written as an epitaph; "Of this blest man / Let his just praise be given. / Heaven was in him / Before he was in Heaven". Surely we each experience times of blessedness in this earthly life which we readily describe mentally as Heaven. Jesus did say "The Kingdom of Heaven is like this …." followed by several parables, which He explained to His disciples.
When Jesus put Himself in the place of the Temple, he wanted to convince His listeners that this wasn’t what it would be like some time in the future. It really was what it would be like from then on. This was the start of what God had promised it would be like when He would be King.
Re-thinking the content of the Gospels, we may be convinced that Heaven came to earth with and through Jesus, and that He gave the Holy Spirit to continue His work through mankind, so that over time, wrongs would be made right, and there would be progress towards God’s re-Creation.
Time would be involved, and the Body of Jesus would be represented by His Church. Jesus is using his people as He runs things in His Heaven on earth.
For me, Heaven is ....….... not a place.... not in the future.... but real, here and now.
For me, Heaven is a state of mind, and that is determined by one's thoughts. My thoughts are on several levels, and they are derived from memory, through input from the senses, and from the leading of the Holy Spirit.
As I type this, I'm in Heaven (and not because "I'm dancing cheek to cheek"). I know that all is and will be well for me. I look forward to enjoying whatever happens today, and tomorrow. I am content, even though my page just disappeared as I started to type here, and I had to restart, followed by the use of a different set of words. In fact, I am very happy, knowing that there was a good reason for that.
If I feel any disturbance, any difficult decision, even any pain, then within minutes, I can be back in Heaven, just by consciously following the advice of Jesus.
We just need to KNOW that we are each connected to our Creator. Then by following the Maker's instructions each of us can be in Heaven. Now, continuing here in His Heaven on earth, with the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit, "the earth shall be filled with the glory of God…..", finally, on the return of Jesus at the appointed Time.