Thanks for the sermon as well! He is funny.LOL My system is filled with virtual sticky notes!!!
Thanks for the sermon as well! He is funny.LOL My system is filled with virtual sticky notes!!!
Do you know why you're going to be just fine? Because you have a teachable heart and God loves that. Keep searching and learning and leaning and obeying HimIf you have any questions, let me know and I'll ask for advice for us
P.S. Read Proverbs 6:2... then read the info on your profile.
How so ? How do you make this claim?While I agree that we will be prosperous in spirit, physical prosperity up until recent history was never a Christian virtue. Look at every disciple and apostle in the new testament. Prosperous in the physical sense they were not, but their spirits were prosperous.
I took that verse literally until I heard someone say, but you will only receive it if its only God's will. So then that made me doubtful. Because I kept thinking, well what if it isn't God's will?So I got confused because the verse says what it says and then they are telling me no. So sometimes I just know something. I just know something is mine but don't see a way to reach it. So i'll pray but then i'll get doubtful because then I think, well maybe it's not in your will, so maybe i'll have it, maybe I won't.
If we look at history we do see Godly nations prospering. That is not ever up for debate. So there is a lot of truth in your post. My gripe as you likely know, is purely with it being a promise / something we can claim.
1. This is evidence of needs being met. Which for many can be seen as prosperity. But others not.
2. I really don't like it when this verse is used to support prosperity. This is talking about inheriting a new family in Christ and it may be earthly prosperity, but also may not be. The hundredfold return is more likely heaven. Has anyone on earth ever received a 100 fold return on their investment. I can buy a tenfold, but hundredfold? Just think about it.
3. No quams here. This can be used for earthly prosperity. But could also be heavenly prosperity.
4. Can't argue with that verse. Just, it is as I said above not a promise to all the righteous. It is like healings and miracles 'follow' us. We dont force them.
5. For a Christian all sufficiency does not have to include surplus money 'for ourselves'. Look at Mother Theresa. She needed money to help the poor and she got it. But she used none of it for herself. She had all sufficiency.
I personally believe not all of us are strong Christians. Myself included. I want financial prosperity. I would say I am a little above average at the moment. I like my nice house, car and bike. I could likely never do anything close to what Mother Theresa did. I have to admit that she is a better Christian then I will ever be. She pursued the things of the spirit and not the flesh on a level I never can. Well am not anywhere close to it at the moment.
I always think about the early disciples. How they communed and put all their money together. Used what they needed and gave the rest away to the poor. They were not obsessed with the luxuries of that day.
A great way to stand strong is to find a verse that backs up what Go's has given you. And make up your mind that the Word is right over everyone else. Because God never lies. And all of God's promises are yes and amen.
LOL Been there, done (do) that! It's that old habits that are hard to break. I still catch myself verbalizing the negative.Yes, I guess I need to filter my thoughts
My status updates are pretty much- pity me.
How so ? How do you make this claim?
Ok but this does nothing to back your claim. I am not angry at all but rather want you to show me through His written word where God backs up what you claim.Like I said, look at every apostle, aside from John, they were all martyred. All the martyrs throughout Christian history that were tortured and all the Christians in 3rd world countries that barely have enough food to eat. They are not physically prosperous, yet spiritually, they flourish.
Look at lottie moon. She essentially starved to death giving away the small portions of food she had to those who needed it
Abdicate,@Klub and @Fish Catcher Jim I believe you're talking apples and oranges. God's people are prosperous if they're obedient to God and there's no persecution. When persecution comes, those promises come in different ways and not necessarily monetarily. In the West, there is no excuse for want by Christians except they find they are not obedient to God. His promises are quite clear and so is the reason they don't come: sin. Since so many think the OT is done and over with they miss the requirements for many of the reasons why blessings don't come. There are as many threads expressing this than there are books of the bible. Instead of learning the errors of Israel many ignore them, and when blessings do not come into their lives, they blame God and never once look in the mirror.
Deuteronomy 1:32 (KJV)
Yet in this thing ye did not believe the LORD your God,
Mark 11:22 (KJV)
And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.
And when the apostles failed, they at least asked God why, Matt 17:19. They were willing to learn. There is so much more to God than what most Christians experience. He's so great so wonderful so loving and so kind. But, it has to be done His way. BTW doubt is a sin because its very definition is to judge God and choosing a way other than His way. And it's nothing new, for we are proud stubborn people.
1 Corinthians 11:30 (KJV)
For this cause many [are] weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.
Still want your scriptures that explain your thinking here.Like I said, look at every apostle, aside from John, they were all martyred. All the martyrs throughout Christian history that were tortured and all the Christians in 3rd world countries that barely have enough food to eat. They are not physically prosperous, yet spiritually, they flourish.
Look at lottie moon. She essentially starved to death giving away the small portions of food she had to those who needed it
@Abdicate@Klub and @Fish Catcher Jim I believe you're talking apples and oranges. God's people are prosperous if they're obedient to God and there's no persecution. When persecution comes, those promises come in different ways and not necessarily monetarily. In the West, there is no excuse for want by Christians except they find they are not obedient to God. His promises are quite clear and so is the reason they don't come: sin. Since so many think the OT is done and over with they miss the requirements for many of the reasons why blessings don't come. There are as many threads expressing this than there are books of the bible. Instead of learning the errors of Israel many ignore them, and when blessings do not come into their lives, they blame God and never once look in the mirror.
Deuteronomy 1:32 (KJV)
Yet in this thing ye did not believe the LORD your God,
Mark 11:22 (KJV)
And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.
And when the apostles failed, they at least asked God why, Matt 17:19. They were willing to learn. There is so much more to God than what most Christians experience. He's so great so wonderful so loving and so kind. But, it has to be done His way. BTW doubt is a sin because its very definition is to judge God and choosing a way other than His way. And it's nothing new, for we are proud stubborn people.
1 Corinthians 11:30 (KJV)
For this cause many [are] weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.
Still want your scriptures that explain your thinking here.![]()
Yep and the word for word is bee. How is a bee connected to word? The word pollinates just like a bee. Words are seeds. Bees take the seeds from one flower to another flower. Words transfer from people to people. Faith is the strong conviction about a subject. Since faith (strong conviction, belief) about something that doesn't exist (because it is hoped for) causes that thing to become. The Lord spoke "exist light" and it existed. The word became a thing. Literally, Hebrew is a creative, actionable, language.@Abdicate
Hey Ab here is something to chew on
The Hebrew root word for "things" is Word.
Mark 11:24 and then connect it with 11:23
How about Hebrews 11:1 and connect this with Mark 11:23-24 and so forth
ALSO Believing is not in your mind any more then seeing is with your eyes when it comes to Faith and the written word of God. People tend to shout Glory to God sitting up in church and when the pressure gets turned up they spout out a few scriptures and speak anything they want and in a short time crumble. This happens where Healing is concerned more then none. I know you know this already but far too many do not know the difference or know what it is to really see or Know in the spirit.
As i have asked before. Please show me scriptures to make your claim. These scriptures you bring are out of context so as to se,em to say what you believe.We are called to suffer for Christ's sake
1st peter 4:12-19
1st peter 2:21
We are called to rejoice when we suffer for Christ
Acts 5:41
And we may not have a place to sleep when we follow Christ
Matthew 8:20, Luke 9:58
Can you prosper monetarily/physically as a Christian? Absolutely, but it is not a promise guaranteed to all who are saved. We are called to be content, regardless of if we are rich, poor, a slave or free.
Light Be is how it is written before all the translations and such.Yep and the word for word is bee. How is a bee connected to word? The word pollinates just like a bee. Words are seeds. Bees take the seeds from one flower to another flower. Words transfer from people to people. Faith is the strong conviction about a subject. Since faith (strong conviction, belief) about something that doesn't exist (because it is hoped for) causes that thing to become. The Lord spoke "exist light" and it existed. The word became a thing. Literally, Hebrew is a creative, actionable, language.