It was 1977, I was almost 11 years old and I was raised in a Bible believing independent church. So I had a good background in the Bible. But I knew something wasn't right, with me. At a revival meeting, a special church service intended to focus hearts on being saved and rededicating your life to Christ, I came forward at the altar call because the pit in my stomach was so great, I was so convicted, even though I didn't want to go forward in front of everyone.....God (the Holy Spirit) pushed me from within to go forward. It was such an unreal experience. Privately after the service, our Pastor talked with me and helped me understand what I needed to do to become saved. And this is what relieved that guilt, shame, conviction, and that pit in my stomach. If you are going through a rough patch and things are chaotic and you don't feel right about your life, where you are going in the direction of your life, or the purpose for who and what you are..........then you need to get right with God. Period. He is Life. He is Love. God will fill these spiritual things in your life and then you can at least be at peace with God and who you are and your purpose and destiny. This makes it so much easier to then deal with everything else in your life, because you are then anchored to the Rock of Life.I truly appreciate everyone's responses and advice. I have been going through a rough time recently and I have some soul searching to do it would seem.
It costs you nothing.....because Jesus paid the cost. Call on Jesus. He never fails, even if in the short term things get crazy. The Holy Spirit will help you with that faith.
You can do it. The Father is waiting for you.