[QUOTE/]="Cturtle, post: 397375, member: 15700"]Sounds like to me that you should be keeping a journal (if you don't already). Because i can remember you saying in different ways that God has spoken to you. And yet it sounds like you have forgotten? Maybe i am just misunderstanding you sometimes?
The only way to build a strong relationship with God is to spend the time (like you are) with Him, studying His Word, and ways. As you get to know Jesus, and really trust Him, He will become closer to you. You might be trying to move to fast? The new King James Bible that you want, and prayed for is a good example of learning to put things into His hands and just wait on Him to bring it about. Patience is apart of Faith. It is putting Philippians 4:6-7 into practice. Everyday thanking Him for your Bible, and not giving up hope that He loves you so much, that you will have it soon.
God does not want you to focus on what you do wrong. He desires that you focus on the fact that He loves you, and Jesus Blood makes you righteous in His eyes. He wants you to learn all about Jesus, and what His Blood has done to save you. If you focus on the things you do wrong, then you will become sad, thinking that you can't do anything right. God wants you to know all about His grace (His overwhelming desire to treat you as if you never sinned) and learn how to walk in that Grace.
How is your study of the new testament going?[/QUOTE]
I don't necessarily study the New Testament. I randomly select a chapter and write my thoughts on it, passage by passage. And yes, I do keep a journal, which is where I write my thoughts. I think that I forget the love of God a lot of times.
The only way to build a strong relationship with God is to spend the time (like you are) with Him, studying His Word, and ways. As you get to know Jesus, and really trust Him, He will become closer to you. You might be trying to move to fast? The new King James Bible that you want, and prayed for is a good example of learning to put things into His hands and just wait on Him to bring it about. Patience is apart of Faith. It is putting Philippians 4:6-7 into practice. Everyday thanking Him for your Bible, and not giving up hope that He loves you so much, that you will have it soon.
God does not want you to focus on what you do wrong. He desires that you focus on the fact that He loves you, and Jesus Blood makes you righteous in His eyes. He wants you to learn all about Jesus, and what His Blood has done to save you. If you focus on the things you do wrong, then you will become sad, thinking that you can't do anything right. God wants you to know all about His grace (His overwhelming desire to treat you as if you never sinned) and learn how to walk in that Grace.
How is your study of the new testament going?[/QUOTE]
I don't necessarily study the New Testament. I randomly select a chapter and write my thoughts on it, passage by passage. And yes, I do keep a journal, which is where I write my thoughts. I think that I forget the love of God a lot of times.