I was praying for you and I believe that God wants to show you something. Right now part of your growing in God is learning and being obedient to your parents, even when it's not what you want to do. There are going to be times when you want something and one says no, or a task that needs to be done, and you do not want to do it, or an opportunity to sneak something that you want, and know you can get away with...but God wants you to remember that even though someone else may not be watching, He can always see you. And His desire is that in everything that you do, you do the things that please Him. (Colossians 3:17). This is called integrity. That you do what you know would please the Lord no matter what, or who is or is not looking.
In Hebrews 5:7-8 says that God herd Jesus prayers because of His deep reverence for God. And even though Jesus was God's Son, He learned obedience through the things that He suffered. (Suffering just means to deny doing the things that you know is wrong, or deny the things that we know will not please God). If you read about Jesus as a boy, He had to obey His parents (Joseph and Mary). Then when He got older He had to obey God in order to be able to do the things that He did (all the miracles and stuff) for Jesus says many times "i only do what my Father tells me to do", and another one is that "He only says what the Father tells Him to say". (John 5:19, 14:10) Jesus did not do things in His own strength, His strength came from obeying God, and ad the Bible says...it is the Father within that does the works (end of John 14:10). This applies to you as well, and as you learn to obey your parents, teachers, police officers, and those in authority, God is teaching you to obey Him. When we learn to obey those in authority over us, it helps us to be able to hear and pay attention to God better.
If you back up a few verses in Hebrews 4:15 it says that we have a great High Priest (Jesus) who knows everything we go through, because He has gone through the same things, only He did not sin.
So remember that you are not alone, God is training you just like He trained or taught Jesus.
Blessings little man!