Took me a while to make sense. I suspect you mean "ulterior" motives.
It's beside the point whether churches or men pervert the scriptures, or whether churches or men pervert dreams and visions. The same indictment applies for either. Teachers or prophets are of equal guilt.
You really are blind aren't you? Every accusation you aim at those who receive dreams and visions can be directly applied to you yourself, Major! So here it is in your own words.
"It is because men are influenced by Satan and therefore mens bible scholarship can not be trusted. IT is for that reason that theology has in been in fact easy to fake."
These are your own words applied directly back to you!
Remember what Jesus said, "Judge not that you be not judged."
Major, you really do need to take that plank out of your eye!
Hilarious Major. You really don't do tongue in cheek do you?
Just to help you.-
My comment about banning the teaching ministry was
tongue in cheek, but obviously it sailed right over your head. Anyway you are most welcome to reject that comment as indeed I also would reject such a daft idea. It was merely written to expose the daftness of your own boasts.
No Major, that's completely wrong, the real thing is the Spirit of of the Living God, without which bible teachers are just purveyors of religious information, as indeed many are.
Of course you can have religion without knowing God, tell me something new or useful.
However, like all bible academics, you insist that people are more interested in the gifts than the fruit. Sadly the fruit of the spirit is equally missing in your type of church as it can be amongst those who follow the Spirit. The fruit of the spirit is found in a person, Jesus Christ, not in the pages of a book.
Major, it sounds like you have a wonderful relationship with a book. Personally, I prefer to have a relationship with the writer of that book, and that means taking time out to listen to what he says in the spirit. To believe that the Spirit of God is limited to words in that book alone is naive to say the least.
I shall leave your last words to speak for themselves.