I've been away from the 'net for a few days, but my thoughts kept returning to this thread, and others Autumn has posted. ( I decline to use the second part of her name because it is a poor way of looking at one's self ).
We are commanded to love others as ourselves. Before we can love others, and possibly to feel their love in response, we need to learn to properly love ourselves.
Taking a good look in the spiritual mirror, and noting the beautiful things the Lord has placed within you.
You are a child of the King. You are entitled to feel His joy in you.
You should have a clear grasp of these good things to give you strength for the real test of proper love of yourself as His beloved child.
Sometimes our love for ourselves has to be tough love. This love for ourselves which is the template for loving others, and receiving their love in return isn't the 'whatever you want is fine'. It is a striving at all times for the best for all of existence, the closest to His plan.
Think of a parent's love for their child. It's not a matter of letting the child run everything nor do as she pleases. It's a matter of constantly looking to mold that person into their best possible way of being. The parent provides for fun, yes, but also discipline.
A good parent, and our Father is the BEST, will provide for all the needs of the child. This includes opportunities for enjoyment. The good parent will also step back and allow the child to step out on his/her own (while keeping watch, ready to step in if needed).
In the many issues Autumn has brought here, a common theme is that Autumn is unsatisfied with your her, often in relation to friends.
Have you noticed that as we grow up, the basis for friendship changes from playmates to those that we serve and those who we allow to serve us, and those who we work side by side to serve the same goal. We may and will have fun with these friends from time to time, but the basis for friendship is service.
I suggest we learn Christian love for self. When you learn how to really love ourselves, we will be ready to serve others. Friendships will not be far behind.