If I were to commit suicide, would I go to hell?

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As for the 'continued' slave trade...I am sure there is more to it.

I could even make one suggestion there. Attitudes were different then. We may all believe the slave trade is evil now but I don't know how I would have thought if I'd been brought up in Newton's time and place.

All the same, even if I do make that allowance, I feel I'm left with the questions. "Why did he change his mind?" and "Why did this change take so long after conversion.?"
I think we may be confusing evil with sin. The generalized concept of "evil" is something any human can know about and find repulsive. That's things like murder, theft, etc. The problem is that God is not only concerned with evil, but also with sin which goes much deeper. Every angry thought, every random judgement about that lady's funky dress at the mall, every little "white" lie we tell to make people feel better about things... They're all like getting a little speck of something in our eye, like we are all spiritually blind. And they all lead to our separation from God.

Evil tends to be things that happen on the surface, such as the actions we see outlined as against the Lord in the ten commandments. The actually sinful things, though, go much deeper. Consider when Jesus is speaking about Adultery in our hearts, telling us we need to love our enemies, etc.

A decent person can follow principles which will, largely and on the whole, prevent him or her from evil. However, the very nature of sin--which can often be invisible to the human eye without the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help us turn from it and Jesus' sacrifice to cleanse us of what we did prior to accepting him as Lord / what we mess up and do after that happens, is beyond the realm of any human to remain clean from no matter how hard we try. It is inevitable that we will mess up, messing up because of sin separates us from God, and only by accepting Jesus and what he did for us can that be set right.

I hope that helps paint a clearer picture, gentlemen. :) This sub-branch of the discussion has been quite interesting.
I could even make one suggestion there. Attitudes were different then. We may all believe the slave trade is evil now but I don't know how I would have thought if I'd been brought up in Newton's time and place.

All the same, even if I do make that allowance, I feel I'm left with the questions. "Why did he change his mind?" and "Why did this change take so long after conversion.?"

It could be possible that the Lord chose to work on other aspects of his life that were likely meant to lead up to this. Sometimes He will take away a bad habit / harmful thing / etc. from someone in an instant; sometimes not. i'm sure He has His reasons for the way He does things. If nothing else, for those of us looking back on it this shows a definite growth of character and a walk that moved in the direction of a more Christ-like behavior--which is what I think we are all striving toward.
Really? True believers can murder? What church do you go to? I am daft?
True believers can murder? KingJ, you must really live a sheltered life, and you need to read your bible more widely.
If anyone was a true believer it is King David, a well known murderer!
2Sam12v9Why did you despise the word of the Lord by doing what is evil in his eyes? You struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and took his wife to be your own. You killed him with the sword of the Ammonites. 10Now, therefore, the sword will never depart from your house, because you despised me and took the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your own.’
13Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.”

Nathan replied, “The Lord has taken away your sin. You are not going to die.

After my explanation you still believe sin is sin? Murder = steal $1 from the cookie jar? Really?
Your explanation is of little value because it is not our sins which excludes us from eternal life, but not being born of the Spirit of God.
To push your theory requires a complete absence of brains and common sense. These are simple judgments that even the world gets mostly right.
Thankfully my absence of brains doesn't come into it. I prefer referring to my spirit when it comes to understanding scripture.
Does your church not remove preachers guilty of mortal sins? Put them under discipline?
There you go again, mortal/venial sins. Just more inventions from a church that has done very little over the centuries to root out those who commit its called "mortal" sins.
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Jim anyone who hates what is evil will find Jesus. As hating evil leads to repentance. Those people you refer to do perhaps on face value look like they are good, but scripture paints a pretty black and white scenario for all.

John 3:19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.

Rom 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Rom 12:9 Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.

Matt 16:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

We draw close to God by hating what is evil. God then draws close to us James 4:8. God then judges us Jer 17:9-10. God then reveals Jesus as Lord to us 1 Cor 12:3. John 3:16 is a summary of this all but cannot be read in isolation / without grasping it is not some magical lines we need to repeat to be a Christian. Being born again does not happen without sincere repentance. Sincere repentance does not happen without a real hatred for what is evil.

Nobody who hates what is evil will reject Jesus and nobody who loves what is evil will accept Jesus. Hence your statement ''You dont have to love what is evil to refuse salvation'' = completely false. You DO!! If anyone who hates evil refuses salvation...well then God must be evil. My bible tells me that God scours the earth looking for those after His heart.

kj that is not always going to be the case. How about those God says I never knew you and they say but I did this and that in your name and was in church every week ? Truth is brother the church is full of "religious people" who have not ever made Jesus their Lord and do not love what is evil.
God Bless
Really? True believers can murder? What church do you go to? I am daft?

After my explanation you still believe sin is sin? Murder = steal $1 from the cookie jar? Really? To push your theory requires a complete absence of brains and common sense. These are simple judgments that even the world gets mostly right.

Does your church not remove preachers guilty of mortal sins? Put them under discipline?

There is no such thing as a "mortal sin". That's a religious teaching.

True believers are still human beings who also have limits, and can fail God and themselves when those limits are breached. A believer can have a momentary impulse to step out and kill a man who has raped and murdered his precious 5-year-old little girl---and actually follow through with it, too. Does that relegate him to hellfire? Not if he is a believer, as his place is with His Father, and his forever home is the Kingdom. It doesn't negate what Jesus has done for him already, which is to forgive him of ALL his sins---past, present and future, nor rob him of his standing before the Father as his son.
I believe in OSAS from God's omniscience...which we don't have...so we can't make OSAS statements. Hence I agree with you that a truly saved person will go to heaven. My point from my first post has simply been that the evidence does NOT point (at all) to a saved person being able to take their life.

It would have to be an absolute mental illness...

People who would go so far as to end their own life would have a mental illness.
1. There is no such thing as a "mortal sin". That's a religious teaching.

2. True believers are still human beings who also have limits, and can fail God and themselves when those limits are breached. A believer can have a momentary impulse to step out and kill a man who has raped and murdered his precious 5-year-old little girl---and actually follow through with it, too. Does that relegate him to hellfire? Not if he is a believer, as his place is with His Father, and his forever home is the Kingdom. It doesn't negate what Jesus has done for him already, which is to forgive him of ALL his sins---past, present and future, nor rob him of his standing before the Father as his son.

1. You say that but that is not what the bible says as I have already shown.

2. Of course God judges things properly. A murder like that would not result in loss of salvation / A true Christian will be capable of that. Suicide is different though as I have already explained.
1. You say that but that is not what the bible says as I have already shown.

2. Of course God judges things properly. A murder like that would not result in loss of salvation / A true Christian will be capable of that. Suicide is different though as I have already explained.

How did you explain this ?
True believers can murder? KingJ, you must really live a sheltered life, and you need to read your bible more widely.
If anyone was a true believer it is King David, a well known murderer!
2Sam12v9Why did you despise the word of the Lord by doing what is evil in his eyes? You struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and took his wife to be your own. You killed him with the sword of the Ammonites. 10Now, therefore, the sword will never depart from your house, because you despised me and took the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your own.’
13Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.”

Nathan replied, “The Lord has taken away your sin. You are not going to die.
David will be in hell today if his repentance was not sincere. What stands out is that the two mortal sins were once offs. He was not sold out to the mortal sin. He was not a 'murderer' as Paul explains in 1 Cor 6.

Your explanation is of little value because it is not our sins which excludes us from eternal life, but not being born of the Spirit of God.
In the OT... how is it that some people went to Abrahams bosom and others Hades?

Thankfully my absence of brains doesn't come into it. I prefer referring to my spirit when it comes to understanding scripture.
There are many instances where Paul says / mocks Christians for bad judgment citing ''even the world does not do X / gets Y right''. So you are disagreeing with Paul for starters by not using your brain.

There you go again, mortal/venial sins. Just more inventions from a church that has done very little over the centuries to root out those who commit its called "mortal" sins.
So your church is ok with rapists at the pulpit? It is a yes or no answer. You are dodging.
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I think we may be confusing evil with sin. The generalized concept of "evil" is something any human can know about and find repulsive. That's things like murder, theft, etc. The problem is that God is not only concerned with evil, but also with sin which goes much deeper. Every angry thought, every random judgement about that lady's funky dress at the mall, every little "white" lie we tell to make people feel better about things... They're all like getting a little speck of something in our eye, like we are all spiritually blind. And they all lead to our separation from God.

Evil tends to be things that happen on the surface, such as the actions we see outlined as against the Lord in the ten commandments. The actually sinful things, though, go much deeper. Consider when Jesus is speaking about Adultery in our hearts, telling us we need to love our enemies, etc.

A decent person can follow principles which will, largely and on the whole, prevent him or her from evil. However, the very nature of sin--which can often be invisible to the human eye without the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help us turn from it and Jesus' sacrifice to cleanse us of what we did prior to accepting him as Lord / what we mess up and do after that happens, is beyond the realm of any human to remain clean from no matter how hard we try. It is inevitable that we will mess up, messing up because of sin separates us from God, and only by accepting Jesus and what he did for us can that be set right.

I hope that helps paint a clearer picture, gentlemen. :) This sub-branch of the discussion has been quite interesting.
Evil and sin are the same thing. We know that certain thoughts are evil. We don't harp on it too much though as we know a thought is a venial sin. There is a blur that comes in with sin toward God. Sins like idolatry and homosexuality are not that evil if you have no God in your thoughts. As these sins are pulling the middle finger to a Creator God and not our fellow man. As is the case with something like the Jews not respecting the Sabbath.

God does rank sins. He does not see all sin as the same. We are confusing the lines between two very separate matters when we say all sin = sin. Namely: having a heart after God's vs salvation. Heart after God = hate evil and cling to what is good. Giving in to mortal sins point toward loving what is evil and hating what is good. Look at the OT. All were sinners yet some sinners were in Abraham's bosom and other sinners were in Hades. Salvation came to those in Abraham's bosom only. They had nothing to do with being taken from there to heaven. They were all sinners. Yet they were not in Hades.....why? Why was the rich man in Hades and Lazarus in Abraham's bosom?

If we study the OT we see that God's destruction only came when sin was full measure Gen 15:16. Continuing in mortal sins/ approving of those who do... makes our sin reach full measure. God did not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah / Paul did not warn the church in 1 Cor 5 ...for thinking bad thoughts.
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Father God, I bind death suicide and despair in Juk. I command they shut their mouths in the name of Jesus. I bind every attempt of the enemy to hinder, torment and oppress Juk in the name of Jesus. I ask every plan of the enemy for Juk be destroyed in the name of Jesus. Father, I ask you fill Juk with an insatiable desire for You and your word. Bring ppl across his path that would minister the love and tenderness of God. I ask his mind be clear and spirit light. I charge angels to surround him and defend him according to your word. Give him joy like he's never known before. Help him to know that the purpose and plan for his life is better than he could ever imagine. Father, give him peace in his heart and mind. I ask these things in Jesus Name and I believe I receive them.
I'll be praying for you Juk. God loves you and so do I. Put on your armor. Guard your heart and mind.
1. You say that but that is not what the bible says as I have already shown.

2. Of course God judges things properly. A murder like that would not result in loss of salvation / A true Christian will be capable of that. Suicide is different though as I have already explained.

1. The bible does NOT say anything about mortal or venial sins. That is a merely religious teaching. All unforgiven sin is mortal if you really want to insist on it.

2. Suicide is no different than any other killing, but a believer who commits it has been forgiven of it already.
Father God, I bind death suicide and despair in Juk. I command they shut their mouths in the name of Jesus. I bind every attempt of the enemy to hinder, torment and oppress Juk in the name of Jesus. I ask every plan of the enemy for Juk be destroyed in the name of Jesus. Father, I ask you fill Juk with an insatiable desire for You and your word. Bring ppl across his path that would minister the love and tenderness of God. I ask his mind be clear and spirit light. I charge angels to surround him and defend him according to your word. Give him joy like he's never known before. Help him to know that the purpose and plan for his life is better than he could ever imagine. Father, give him peace in his heart and mind. I ask these things in Jesus Name and I believe I receive them.
I'll be praying for you Juk. God loves you and so do I. Put on your armor. Guard your heart and mind.
That is a beautiful prayer filarks. I am in accordance with you :)
kj that is not always going to be the case. How about those God says I never knew you and they say but I did this and that in your name and was in church every week ? Truth is brother the church is full of "religious people" who have not ever made Jesus their Lord and do not love what is evil.
God Bless

Of course you are absoluly correct Jim but those people Jesus spoke to were never saved to begin with hence the words from God's lips.........."I never KNEW YOU"!
1. The bible does NOT say anything about mortal or venial sins. That is a merely religious teaching. All unforgiven sin is mortal if you really want to insist on it.

2. Suicide is no different than any other killing, but a believer who commits it has been forgiven of it already.

Everyone probably knows this but I thought it would be helpful to post the difference between the two, "mortal - venial".

The Roman Catholic Church divides sin into two categories, mortal sin and venial sin.

Mortal Sin is “sin causing spiritual death,” and Venial Sin is “sin that can be forgiven".
Venial sin is invariably used in contrast with mortal sin. Mortal sins are those sins that exclude people from the kingdom; venial sins are those sins that do not exclude people from it. Venial sin differs from mortal sin in the punishment it entails. Venial sin merits temporal punishment expiated by confession or by the fires of purgatory, while mortal sin merits eternal death.

Now then.....this concept present an unbiblical picture of how God views sin so Euphemis is actually correct (Not that I am her judge in any way, only agreeeing).

The Bible states that God will be just and fair in His punishment of sin and that on the day of judgment some sin will merit greater punishment than others and that means that there will be different degree of punishmwnt in the Lake of Fire.
(Matthew 11:22, 24; Luke 10:12, 14).

But the Bible fact is that all sin will be punished by God. The Bible teaches that all of us sin in Romans 3:23 and that the just compensation for sin is eternal death in Romans 6:23.

Over and against the concepts of mortal and venial sin, the Bible does not state that some sins are worthy of eternal death whereas others are not. All sins are mortal sins in that even one sin makes the offender worthy of eternal separation from God!!!
You are all ignoring this.

"If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask and God will for him give life to those who commit sin not leading to death. There is a sin leading to death; I do not say that he should make request for this. 17 All unrighteousness is sin, and there is a sin not leading to death," (1 John 5:16-17).
Of course you are absoluly correct Jim but those people Jesus spoke to were never saved to begin with hence the words from God's lips.........."I never KNEW YOU"!
Yes that is what I said and the church is full of them. People believing that their good in life is enough.
You are all ignoring this.

"If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask and God will for him give life to those who commit sin not leading to death. There is a sin leading to death; I do not say that he should make request for this. 17 All unrighteousness is sin, and there is a sin not leading to death," (1 John 5:16-17).

I don't believe anyone is ignoring that passage. It is a passage whose meaning is not fully comprehended by even the best of us.

For me, it is speaking to the Christians who were Jews who have abided by laws concerning certain behaviours that have a death penalty associated with them.
You are all ignoring this.

"If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask and God will for him give life to those who commit sin not leading to death. There is a sin leading to death; I do not say that he should make request for this. 17 All unrighteousness is sin, and there is a sin not leading to death," (1 John 5:16-17).

So then........what do YOU understand that "sin unto death is"?

I for one do not believe this passage is about spiritual at all. It refers to the physical. The child of God has eternal life at the moment he professes faith in Christ. I believe that John is saying that believers can commit a sin for which their heavenly Father will remove them from this life physically.

Maybe because they are disgracing Him, or will not obey Him or will not answer His call to them for a certain purpose.

I for one believe Moses falls into that category.
I also think Aaron does as well.
I would say the same thing of Ananias and Sapphira.
Absalom would fit in here also.
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