If I were to commit suicide, would I go to hell?

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1. That sin we commit right before we die :p.

2. I believe it is inline with all Paul's warnings to us Christians. Paul never singled out Christian X as saved and Christian Y as unsaved. Paul was being respectful. That is why we will forever debate OSAS :giggle:. A human cannot see the depths of a heart, only works. But God knows who is His and who isn't. So the sin unto death is clearly rejection of Him. Rejection of Him is full measure when our sin is full measure. The Amorites were not destroyed because their sin was not full measure Gen 15:16. Sodom was because their sin was full measure.

Ananias and Sapphira should be compared with Judas. A single action that reflects a state of the heart being so lost / a depth of evil intent that causes our love of sin / evil to be '''full measure'''.

I can not agree with that.

You are saying that Ananias & Sapphira were not believers. That is not the case IMO.
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1. You are not discerning properly. There were two states in death OT. ONE in Hades and ONE in Abrahams bosom.

Continue in mortal sin OT or NT and your home is Hell.

2. It is very different. As I have already explained.

Remember brother.......no one is in Abraham's Bosom now. Now, when a believer dies his spirit goes to be with God in heaven NOT in Abraham's Bosom.
1. You are not discerning properly. There were two states in death OT. ONE in Hades and ONE in Abrahams bosom.

Continue in mortal sin OT or NT and your home is Hell.

2. It is very different. As I have already explained.

I don't have a problem with discerning. Why do you think I do?

In the OT, the unrighteous dead would find themselves in Hades, and the righteous dead, who have their hope in their coming Messiah, would find themselves also in Hades, but in the compartment called Abrahams' bosom (which was cleared out by Jesus).

This has nothing at all to do with the made-up ideas of mortal sin or venial sin. Sin has no label on it. Suicide is just one sin out of countless others.
Jim you need to discern better. On the one hand we have the verse you referring to Matt 7:22 Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles.

On the other we have James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Now look at those verses properly. Matt 7:22 = I prophesied....I drove out demons.....I performed great miracles....= all works that appeal to pride / push our vanity = I am God's man of the hour = I am prophet so and so = I am doctor so and so...

Jesus would NEVER EVER IN A MILLION GAZILLION years say ''I never knew you' to the Christian that has a testimony of helping orphans, widows and is keeping himself unspotted from the world.

kj learn to read. Once again you reply with a correction to something that was not said.
Jim you need to discern better. On the one hand we have the verse you referring to Matt 7:22 Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles.

On the other we have James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Now look at those verses properly. Matt 7:22 = I prophesied....I drove out demons.....I performed great miracles....= all works that appeal to pride / push our vanity = I am God's man of the hour = I am prophet so and so = I am doctor so and so...

Jesus would NEVER EVER IN A MILLION GAZILLION years say ''I never knew you' to the Christian that has a testimony of helping orphans, widows and is keeping himself unspotted from the world.

Kj you make no sense at all. I think it is time you get weened off of this basic 101 christian thinking and get onto the meat department bro. ( Wink ) something is off here.
I love you bro but please pay close attention to what you read. Your getting all worked up on things that have not been said and replying to them with scriptures so out of context it is not even funny.

God Bless You kj
I can not agree with that.
You are saying that Ananias & Sapphira were not believers. That is not the case IMO.
This is why we invented the term carnal Christians. You and I do not know who are believers so we give everyone the benefit of the doubt. But to me, I don't see God instantly killing His children. Only the evil who sin is full measure.
I don't have a problem with discerning. Why do you think I do?

In the OT, the unrighteous dead would find themselves in Hades, and the righteous dead, who have their hope in their coming Messiah, would find themselves also in Hades, but in the compartment called Abrahams' bosom (which was cleared out by Jesus).

This has nothing at all to do with the made-up ideas of mortal sin or venial sin. Sin has no label on it. Suicide is just one sin out of countless others.
Having hope in the coming Messiah...made them righteous? It was because they desired righteousness that they put their hope in the coming Messiah....
You used the term ''I do not know you'' to support your argument without its context....making it a rather disturbing manipulation of scripture.
Manipulation of scripture ? How so ?
What is it that you can not understand or except ? People in church or people who do good and hate evil end up in hell because they never became born again or get away for I never knew you ? KJ Jesus is the only way to the Father. That is settled
Unless you become born again ( since the cross ) you are not going to spend eternity with the Father. Now which is it that you have problems with bro ?
Remember brother.......no one is in Abraham's Bosom now. Now, when a believer dies his spirit goes to be with God in heaven NOT in Abraham's Bosom.
I never said we die now and go there. I said OT they went there because they were not worthy to be with God. Because they had sin tainting them. Those in Hades also had sin tainting them. So the question is, what sin did those in Hades commit that those in AB did not? Or what did those in AB do that those in Hades did not?
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