Aren't we getting into the "Freedom of Choice" doctrine?
I've never heard of the freedom of choice doctrine. I conducted a search and can't find any references to that either.
Also, one of the things that might help us in this conversation is that the Hebrew word used in Gen. 22:1 as "Tempted" is actually the word NACAH which means to "Try or prove, assay or put to the proof or test".
So then when we read the story we see that God did not intend for Abraham to kill Issac but Abraham did not know that and he was going to kill his son.
As we read the account of the event, we note that God did not intend Abraham to complete the sacrifice of Isaac. Abraham believed God would raise him from the dead. So then we have this...……"Abraham was "TRIED" instead of Tempted.
That speaks then of an evualation of someone or thing.
So then when we come to James 1:13.....he gives a guiding principle:
no one has the right to say that he has been tempted
“of God.” The word “of” is essential to our understanding this statement, because it indicates the origin of something.
Temptations to sin do not originate with God. James concludes: God cannot be tempted with evil, and God does not tempt anyone to sin.
Another important word in this discussion is found in James 1:3 ...……..
“My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into various trials; Knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.”
The Greek word translated “trials” denotes trouble, or something that breaks the pattern of peace, comfort, joy and happiness in someone’s life. The verb form of this word means “to put someone or something to the test,” with the purpose of discovering that person’s nature or that thing’s quality. God brings such tests to prove—and increase—the strength and quality of one’s faith and to demonstrate its validity (vv. 2-12). So, according to James, when we face temptations, God’s purpose is to prove our faith and produce character. That is a high, good, noble motive.
Are there temptations which are designed to make us fail? Yes, but they do not come from God—they come from Satan
(Matt. 4:1), his evil angels (Eph. 6:12), and as I stated already, from ourselves (Rom 13:14, Gal. 5:13). God allows us to experience them, and they are allowed for our benefit. God told Abraham to offer Isaac—the temptation was not intended to get Abraham to sin, but to test and prove his faith.
I think first we must realize that when speaking of the New Testament that the Hebrew words do not apply because the NT was written in Greek.
Further, we are told by God in His word that we are not to tempt the Lord our God. Further, in insisting God allows temptation, while overshadowing the scripture that tells us God tempts no one, is to ignore that fact that for God to allow temptation He must give license to the Temptor. Which is Lucifer. The rebuttal that we are led by our own desires does not obfuscate those scriptures that have been offered to suggest Lucifer tempts us with God's permission.
So again, it is a matter of suggesting a collaboration to that end. Which again makes for the question that if one in every sense defends that paradigm they are then hard pressed to explain why at the end of days the Temptor Collaborator with God is banished to Hell with his fallen angels for all time.
[quote[]As for Judas, John 13:2 says............….
It was not God but...…….
"The evening meal was in progress,
and the devil had already prompted Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, to betray Jesus.
Instead of resisting, Judas yielded to that satanic influence.
In any case, Judas had the full capacity of making his choice—at least up to the point where John 13:27 says that “Satan entered into him” —and God’s foreknowledge in no way supersedes Judas’ ability to make any given choice. Rather, what Judas would choose eventually, God saw as if it was a present observation, and Jesus made it clear that Judas was responsible for his choice and would be held accountable for it.
Mark 14:18......……...
“I tell you the truth, one of you will betray me—one who is eating with me”.
Notice that Jesus characterizes Judas’ participation as a betrayal. And regarding accountability for this betrayal Jesus said in Mark 14:21.....
“Woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born”.
Satan, too, had a part in this, as we see in John 13:26-27, and he, too, will be held accountable for his deeds. God in His wisdom was able, as always, to manipulate even Satan’s rebellion for the benefit of mankind. Satan helped send Jesus to the cross, and on the cross sin and death were defeated, and now God’s provision of salvation is freely available to all who receive Jesus Christ as Savior.[/quote] I'm aware of those scriptures. However, it doesn't answer the question I posed.
Jesus knew Judas intent during the last supper. This is why he told him after to go and do what he must do. Must do.
The question has always been, how else would Jesus have been crucified were it not for Judas doing his part to fulfill God's plan? Jesus told his accusers that He could call upon the Father to save him from his suffering and that fate. Matthew 26.
Further, Judas repented of his actions. He returned the silver to the temple, he repented and then he hanged himself. Knowing the scripture that forewarned, cursed is anyone who hangs from a tree. Which too is why Jesus permitted himself to be crucified. So that he could be cursed, taking the sins of the whole world upon himself there. 1Peter 2.
However, prior to Jesus dying we can see that Judas and everyone else responsible for Jesus suffering and ultimately being nailed to the cross , was forgiven. "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." Luke 23. Because those people thought they were calling for the execution of a blasphemer. Not knowing they were putting to death the Holy One sent to save them from their sins and the sins of the whole world.
Because all those people were actors in God's will. Had all this not come to pass as it did Jesus would not have fulfilled the purpose for which he was born. To be Savior of the world.
So again, my question to you was, were it not for Judas how else would Jesus have fulfilled his purpose?
Blessings to you my brother.
I'm actually a sister.

And many blessings surround you and yours as well brother.