I'm not suicidal, but...

we dont understand emotional issues guy i worked with put on fakebook he was denouncing Christ tired of every thing thought about ending it all.. i got him to call me .. he said he didnt mean all that . told me he had issues that caused him cry be depressed . i told him get medical help they could refer him him to what he needs .to many doctors wants to dope people up turn the to zombbies
Depression is a very real and disabling condition, to which there are no easy remedies.
While sufferers might find temporary relief from symptoms, they do persist.
Medications are not always the answer, or the only one. As Christians however, we do have support.
There are all kinds of church meetings for company, and group discussions. Ask a pastor for help.
Ive attended many Celebrate Recovery meetings simply for the fellowship of understanding females.
Talking about our daily struggles in a safe place helps with life battles. It also develops life friendships.
Being armed with scripture through the understanding of others is priceless. Getting out of the house helps, too.

Personally, I believe a combination of therapies is best. I am in constant levels of pain so I follow a schedule.
Stretching, mediation, diet, prayer, natural remedies, and fellowship have helped me the most.
Accepting the source of my depression was the best way for me to get a grasp on my feelings.
For me, nothing will ever be a long term cure as I have a disability (ankylosing spondylitis).
Its a daily fight to be better.
I've spent a shockingly large percentage of my time feeling like I would rather die than live.
Let me be clear: I am not planning on doing anything to end my life.
But I find myself wishing a meteor would hit my house while I'm sleeping, for example.

Life just seems so... pointless. I have no idea what I'm doing here. I've been unemployed for a number of years, unable to get anything going. Everything I try seems to fail. I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels, taking up resources for no reason. I have no idea what to do with the rest of my life.

I think about the "blessings" I always thought came with the Christian life. Well, when do they start? When do I "get to the good part"? Not until after death? It must be, because life has been just struggle and dashed hopes, with occasional, brief moments of distraction. So why would I want to go on living even a minute longer than I absolutely have to?

I could compare it to a football game (American football): I feel like it's the middle of the 3rd quarter (I'm a bit over 50). I'm losing 31-3. My starting quarterback and a few other key players are out with injuries. I just want this game to end.

I don't understand when people say things like, "the gift of life", or when they talk about being thankful for each new day, or anything like that. I don't understand anyone who says they're glad to be alive. And I want to ask questions like, "If you believe you're going to heaven, why are you glad to still be here?"

I don't want to make this too much longer, so... any thoughts, anyone?
As you can imagine, it's not a whole lot of fun going through life feeling like this. I can manage to feel optimistic for as long as a couple of weeks now and then, but that's about it.
Well... I needed to go back to the original post here to see where I made the error of assuming... HA.

I know this post is NOT about me... so... I am trying to understand what was articulated here.

rikdo ... Even though I did get my "breakthrough"( if you will )... I'm still not a fan of LIFE. I CHOOSE to remain here out of obedience.
I would still choose death in a flash.... hands down... NO QUESTIONS asked... TAKE ME HOME. I speak this as a Christian who KNOWS she is going to heaven. I'm not scared to die. I am excited for death ( WHEN it's my God appointed time ).

As far as life being a GIFT. The JOY that I received three years ago and still lingers greatly today... helps with that. I have enjoyed my garden... the lake.... and other things that were created by God. A soul that is truly suffering with constant sadness and sorrow is simply NOT able to afford the luxury of ENJOYING anything... let alone LIFE. (That is my opinion).

King Solomon had a very dim view of life... He called most everything FOLLY and VANITY. I feel the same way about lots of things.. even though I now have JOY.

All that to say... even if I worded things wrong and you are not clinically depressed ( in a medical sense )... you are obviously still suffering.
I always thought that way. It is normal for me. it's like no matter how bad things get, you have one clean way out. I also never do it or have come close.
I was thinking about this today. Happiness to me is less pain. Joy is an alien concept. I am 60, in that time. Most if not all my happiest memories are just not having something painful happen for a while.
I always thought that way. It is normal for me. it's like no matter how bad things get, you have one clean way out. I also never do it or have come close.
I was thinking about this today. Happiness to me is less pain. Joy is an alien concept. I am 60, in that time. Most if not all my happiest memories are just not having something painful happen for a while
My 60th birthday was last week. I never married. I took care of my parents all my life. my father who died years ago, was always sick. My 82-year-old mother lives with me, and my sister. I worked all my life. I never really did anything else. always thought that it was normal, still think it is normal. I would not change anything.
My wife has similar thoughts. You don't have a Roman Catholic background by any chance, do you?
No, I was not raised with any religion. I know we were Anglian but I have never been to church.
I never knew I had this belief until I saw an episode of 'King of the Hill' (about the Olympic torch) and it was about that idea.
I have had just about everything one could just about imagine bad happen to me, as a child and adult.
I should be in a rubber room or dead by now.
The original OP was mentioned how does life have meaning if we are just waiting for the after life.

My TRUTH, the fact I am alive now, and lived through it. I wear as badge off Honor.
I am in no hurry to leave. Why? This pain and anguish, and difficulty is one heck of a ride.
I know I wont die before its over. So I just hang on.
I do not want more pain. But I also know its limited until I am lifted.

Its not as easy living life as I am carving it out to be. I am just saying there is no movie I could watch
that would be more entertaining then life.
I learned about age 40 ( 20 years ago) Why worry about these really bad events. Just go along with the ride.
And so far I have made it and repeated the above many times to anyone that wants to here.
Is life worth Living. MHO wow is it. Pain and all.
My 60th birthday was last week. I never married. I took care of my parents all my life. my father who died years ago, was always sick. My 82-year-old mother lives with me, and my sister. I worked all my life. I never really did anything else. always thought that it was normal, still think it is normal. I would not change anything.
One of the weird beliefs I grew up with is God does not like happy people. Any time something happy happened, I was scared and waited for the event that would cancel it out. Balance the books as it were.

Good morning, CranberryArtworks;

I'd like to speak from my heart; First of all, HAPPY, HAPPY 60th BIRTHDAY! I thank God for giving you another year of life, brother.

In Exodus 20:12,
12 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. - ESV

In Canada and the Americas our society's way of life is ambition, therefore, care for our parents has diminished more in these times. By taking care of your Dad and Mom all your life, I don't know if they ever told you, CranberryArtworks, but they love you for that and it went a long way with them.

Your parents have been through hard knocks experience in life and no doubt they knew of other parents whose grown up children barely stayed in touch with them, or give them a cup of cold water. Difference is, you did.

We all have those moments of unhappiness. Or, when we are feeling happy and nothing is wrong, why do we still fall short of God's Joy? Happiness is temporary but God's Joy comes from Him and is constant because of our relationship with Him.

I've always been capable of being happy but have also wondered for how long before something happens that I cannot control, and ends up ruining my day?

For years my relationship with God has been a growing process. I find that during my daily prayers to God, I'm actually talking to God. This is a time I can tell God anything, keeping in mind my respect and reverence for Him.

It has helped me love myself because of Him. I know that sounds weird and conceited but God also speaks to me. (not audibly though I know He can) but His speaking to me is a feeling in my heart that He created me, loves and cares for me and no matter what state I'm in He is always with me.

Back to your Dad and Mom. Your commitment and sacrifice in taking care of them has been seen by God and may use you to be a witness to others who are struggling with what you accomplished.

I'm personally blessed to know this about you.

God bless you, CranberryArtworks.
First, without taking offense at anyone, I'm going to have to object to being described as mentally ill. I've always had a very pessimistic, cynical outlook, with a few brief periods of optimism—which have always proven to be unjustified and seemed foolish in retrospect. And I repeat, I am not offended, just want to clear that up.
Hi rikdo,
The biggest piece of advise I can give you is to make connections with other people, ideally Christian people. Volunteer with them as much as you can to get involved in working to help others. The optimism is infectious as the good feelings of helping others flood over you. God may, I said may, be working on you to prepare you for what is to come.
Being active with others, that connection, helps immensely to make contacts as other Christians will eventually ask about your life and when they find out your needs, they will have opportunities or know of an opportunity, to offer you.

The Bible has many instances of people going on their own for a long period to fellowship with God. But eventually they return to do great things with others that make a difference in their lives.
Bless you and keep keepin' on!