I like to think myself to be a linear thinker, premise* to conclusion thinker…..
*and I have faith on the premise , so kindly quote a bible verse : )
Hello aha, this is my first comment on this forum so I hope I'm doing it correctly? Your question "is everyone to preach the gospel?". There's no doubt that we can all, to the measure of faith which we've been given, preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and share our own personal testimony with those around us. I would hope that any Christian Pastor would adequately encourage the assembly to do so however, most would need a measure of real teaching on the subject of sharing their faith, so as to have a good result when they do. There's no doubt though, there are those individuals who are truly gifted and anointed to preach the gospel, who God uses to truly reach the lost and win souls to Christ but, many of us shouldn't compare ourselves to them. Hope this adds to the conversation....blessings....