Via.....all I do is educate. I do not judge or condemn. That is not my job.
Allow me to do that now. If you have read the posts I have done you saw the one on
Theosophy. Offical Label =
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When L. Frank Baum wrote the Wizard of OZ book in 1900, all of the things you see in the movie are "SYBOLISMS" used in the false teachings of "THEOSOPHY". Allow me to demonstrate...............
1. In the Wizard of Oz, The entire story is an allegorical tale of the soul’s journey toward enlightenment. The same concept of
The Yellow Brick Road, for example in Buddhism is referred to as the “Golden Path” & is an integral concept in theosophical beliefs.
2. The story begins with Dorothy Gale in Kansas,
representing the material world, or the physical plane from where our spiritual journey must begin. By exhibiting a desire to seek a higher truth Dorothy has passed the Nadir, & yearns to go over the rainbow, and follow the path to illumination which is also the teachings of
3. She is transported to Oz by a giant cyclone which symbolizes the cycles of karma, the cycle of errors and lessons learned. It also represents the theosophical belief in reincarnation, the cycle of the multiple lives & deaths of a soul toward divinity. In occult rhetoric, the spiral represents the evolving self, the Yellow Brick Road begins as an outwardly expanding spiral. This is the soul’s journey as it ascends from the lower depths of
consciousness of matter into the higher plane of the spiritual world = NEW AGE PHILOSHPY.
4. Throughout the movie, Dorothy has conversations with Toto, (her dog) or her inner intuitive self. Toto represents her inner voice & is an integral part of the script.
Toto was always right. Toto represents the inner, intuitive, instinctual, most animal-like part of us.
5. In the novel, Dorothy is given the “silver shoes”, which represent the “silver cord” a mythical link inspired by a passage in the Bible that speaks of a return from a spiritual quest. ‘Or ever the silver cord be loosed, says the book of Ecclesiastes, ‘then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it’.
(Dorothy was wearing ruby slippers in the movie due to a last minute change by the director, who thought that the color ruby looked better against the Yellow Brick Road).
The silver cord is considered to be the link between our material and spiritual selves.
There is a lot more I can share with you, but the point is that the Wizard of OZ is a deceptive production aimed at teaching children that
SELF is all we need!
Now.....the world is free to regard these words as the rantings of an old retired Baptist Right Wing Christian Terrorist and in fact I encourage everyone to think that because I are just that!!!
Or you can read and accept the LITERAL words from the Theosophist themselves concerning the "Wizard of OZ"................
The Wizard of Oz is much appreciated within the Theosophical Society. In 1986, The
American Theosophist magazine recognized Baum as a “notable Theosophist” who thoroughly represented the organization’s philosophy.
“Although readers have not looked at his fairy tales for their Theosophical content, it is significant that Baum became a famous writer of children’s books after he came into contact with Theosophy. Theosophical ideas permeate his work and provided inspiration for it. Indeed, The Wizard can be regarded as Theosophical allegory, pervaded by Theosophical ideas from beginning to end. The story came to Baum as an inspiration, and he accepted it with a certain awe as a gift from outside, or perhaps from deep within, himself.”
-American Theosophist no 74, 1986