Is immersion baptism required for slavation?

What if he had not yet heard about baptism? I have met such a person.

Act 2:21 And2532 it shall come to pass,2071that whosoever3956, 3739, 302 shall call on1941 the3588 name3686 of the Lord2962 shall be saved.4982

But after you met him he heard about it, right?

God, I believe will call us accountable for our knowledge of Truth or lack of.
No, I don't believe some poor hermit in the mountains would be condemned to hell, because the Gospel had not been preached to him.

You cannot hear my voice but my heart is speaking softly and kindly~:)
Baptism in the NT seemed to be an urgent practice. The symbolic immersion of the convert into the death and resurrection of the Lord was a public (in full view of the unbelievers) display of commitment to Christianity. Today we do it mostly in Churches, although I was baptized in the local YMCA pool. In the old days people were baptized mostly in summer and in clean lakes or rivers.

I once thought that the Baptists overplayed the practice of baptism, but later I came to believe that my denomination under emphasized it. Not much urgency to baptize these days. Over the years I have heard many times of people coming out of the water speaking in tongues. Some say that both should happen at the same time. I don’t know. I saw a telecast from Brownsville (during the revival) where members of Teen Challenge were being baptized and were not coming out on their own power because they were so drunk on the spirit. The ushers had to pull them out. It is really hard to lift dead weight that is soaking wet. Never saw a baptism like that.

A lot of Church practices were really hand-me-downs from the Old Covenant to the New. Underneath the Temple there was a corridor where they had comfort facilities for the priests. Every time the priest used the "can" he had to take a full bath (immersion) in a large container of water (no hot water). Then he would dry off and warm himself by a perpetually maintained fire and then would go back upstairs and resume his duties.

The practice that I see, historically, is one of total immersion. The symbology is that we are dead and buried with Christ and like him - we arose from death (water) with Christ – his whole body died and his whole body arose.

In the first and second centuries the Church met in homes, so the size was limited. You got to know everyone. People were baptized and communion was still a covenant meal together. In the third and forth centuries the church became institutionalized and buildings were erected. Now we have huge mega churches – like Joel Osteen’s church in Texas. I don’t know how you could have a covenant meal with a large church. No problem with me on the wafer and the grape juice or sprinkling as it is all symbolic and difficult to handle because of the sheer size of the Christian population today. Besides, Jesus seems to be more interested in his relationship with us as opposed to our theology. If we all were required to have correct theology as a prerequisite for salvation – who would be saved anyway?
I was baptized in a mountain-fed crystal clear stream...

Sounds beautiful, but it was COLD!:rolleyes:

Is immersion baptism required for slavation?

Salvation? Yes, I believe so. My reverend told me to imagine it as dying in your old self (the life of sin) and being reborn (as a follower of Christ). When you die, he said, people don't just sprinkle you with dirt and call it good. You're covered completely.

My older sister :)mad:) didn't want to be baptized as an adult. Mom told her, what are you afraid of? I'm not afraid, she said. It's just that I was baptized as a baby (sprinkling) and that's good enough for me.

But this symbolizes that you're doing it of your own free will...and not because I wanted to try to protect you when you were a baby...

I was baptized already. I'm immunized! Just drop it!

Jesus didn't set a limit, mom said. He didn't say you could only be baptized once as a show of faith. One per customer? So what's it going to hurt being baptized again? Just to show him that as an adult you agree with what I chose for you when you were a baby? You afraid your skin's going to blister this time?:D

I was on the sidelines, just roaring with laughter listening to them argue.

(to this day, she still hasn't been baptized as an adult...she just did the water-sprinkly thing)
But after you met him he heard about it, right?

God, I believe will call us accountable for our knowledge of Truth or lack of.
No, I don't believe some poor hermit in the mountains would be condemned to hell, because the Gospel had not been preached to him.

You cannot hear my voice but my heart is speaking softly and kindly~:)
So could they be saved without getting wet?

I am not trying to antagonize you either. I am just discussing this with you. If I start to offend you I will move to another subject.
So could they be saved without getting wet?

I am not trying to antagonize you either. I am just discussing this with you. If I start to offend you I will move to another subject.

You are not offending me at all.
I like these discussions, and that is what I consider it; a discussion between adults~

According to my beliefs, baptism is full immersion in water.

God, I believe will call us accountable for our knowledge of Truth or lack of.
No, I don't believe some poor hermit in the mountains would be condemned to hell, because the Gospel had not been preached to him.

You mean like Moses? Like Abraham he believed in God and God spoke to him. No baptism, no church just faith. We try to add so many man-made requirements to righteousness, when it really boils down to belief. If you believe in God, you love him with all your heart, for God is love. If you know the Father, you recognize the Son, for they are one.
Do you guys mean to tell me that, even though I have wholly and undeniably accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, because I haven't been baptized in water I am not saved? In other words, I am on my way to hell? Sorry, I love and respect you guys, but I think you're wrong! Besides, can I please have some concrete scriptural evidence that this is true, because if I remember correctly, the Bible says that "by grace through faith are ye saved, lest no man should boast!":)


I have never been submerged in holy water either, yet i undoubtably contain the Holy Spirit. We are born again believers in Christ. I think it is highly recommended to be baptized but does not get you into Heaven. Baptism is a physical act/work, which alone will not hold up in God's courts. We are saved by grace, and entering the Kingdom soley depends on what kind of relationship you have with Jesus Christ
According to my beliefs, baptism is full immersion in water.

I agree with you. There is something about being immersed in water, a cleansing, a refreshing. There is a baptism that is just sprinkling water that I agree with. That is the baptism of a child and in that ceremony, the church as a whole agrees to care and watch over this child and teach him about God and his Son. Kind of a pre-baptism for the child's protection until they are old enough for a full baptism that is a personal choice and commitment.
1. Those who have repented of their sins and have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ are eligible to be baptized.
2. They should be baptized immediately upon conversion to Christ.
3. By receiving baptism, they are following Jesus' command and the apostolic doctrine and practice.
4. They are baptized into Christ's death, burial, and resurrection for the remission of and release from their sins.
5. Believers are baptized by full immersion in water.
6. Biblical baptism is done in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (which name is) the Lord Jesus Christ.
7. Believers who have not been immersed, or who have been immersed but not in the triune name, should be immersed in that name!
1. Those who have repented of their sins and have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ are eligible to be baptized.​

2. They should be baptized immediately upon conversion to Christ.​

3. By receiving baptism, they are following Jesus' command and the apostolic doctrine and practice.​

4. They are baptized into Christ's death, burial, and resurrection for the remission of and release from their sins.​

5. Believers are baptized by full immersion in water.​

6. Biblical baptism is done in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (which name is) the Lord Jesus Christ.​

7. Believers who have not been immersed, or who have been immersed but not in the triune name, should be immersed in that name!​

I agree. The bible says it is showing a good conscious towards God; and rising to walk in the newness of life.
The Lord bugged me for years about babtism after I was saved... finnally i gave in ... Full immersion... bluejeans and all...

however, i believe in some cases like the thief next to Jesus was saved without babtism...
Required for You can be saved on your deathbed.

BUT Jesus did not go to minister until He had obeyed God the Father in this action.

Baptism isn't something to be taken lightly. I don't believe that brand new baby Christians should be taking the step without FIRST being fully aware of what they are commiting to. You are killing your old self...burying it really. The person who comes out of the water is ready to become a disciple of Christ. To do what He commands.

I do believe that baptism should be required of ALL persons who wish to go into ANY ministry.
Required for You can be saved on your deathbed.
Sister, with all due respect, is that a guarantee?
BUT Jesus did not go to minister until He had obeyed God the Father in this action.

Baptism isn't something to be taken lightly. I don't believe that brand new baby Christians should be taking the step without FIRST being fully aware of what they are commiting to. You are killing your old self...burying it really. The person who comes out of the water is ready to become a disciple of Christ. To do what He commands.

I do believe that baptism should be required of ALL persons who wish to go into ANY ministry.

The Bible tells us we must be baptized!
Acts 10
33Immediately therefore I sent to thee; and thou hast well done that thou art come. Now therefore are we all here present before God, to hear all things that are commanded thee of God.

34Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
35But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.

36The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:)

37That word, I say, ye know, which was published throughout all Judaea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached;

38How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.
39And we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews, and in Jerusalem; whom they slew and hanged on a tree:

47Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?

48And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord.