June 1967 - The Six Day War - I remember it well. Israel versus Egypt, Syria and Jordan.
1967 is also an expression of the Lord still blessing and working with Judah (the Jews) even until this day, despite their unbelief.
Because the promises of God are Yeah and Amen. Jesus does not retract his promises, unlike us mere mortals.
1917 saw the end of the seven times punishment of the Jews (Judah) for their gross disobedience to God and the worshipping of other gods.
Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon came and took Judah into captivity: Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel...
Daniel declared Nebuchadnezzar to be the head of Gold in 604BC.
In the Bible a period referred to as a 'time' is equivalent to 360 years. So the seven times punishment is 2,520 years. This came to its final year in 1917 AD.
Daniel gives us a Bible prophecy to this in 12: 12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. 1,335
This is the Muslim year 1,335 years since Mohammed and that year coincidentally was 1917 in our calendar. Surprise!
Jesus referred to this when he quoted that Jerusalem must be trodden down until the 'times' of the gentiles be fulfilled.
Now 1917 is an extraordinary year in history. The Australian Light Horse Infantry charge and capture the wells of Beersheba from the Turks and Germans.
And save the British Army a costly setback of not having access to water. Suddenly Jerusalem is within reach.
The British Government on the very same day, issue the famous "Balfour Declaration" stating that Her Majesty's government would consider the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people. At the same time Fatima in Portugal is happening and the Russian Revolution has began.
All this and more in October 1917. A busy month.
Anyway to cut a long story short General Allenby walks into Jerusalem in December 1917 in accordance with Bible prophecy Isaiah 35: 5
As birds flying, so will the LORD of hosts defend Jerusalem; defending also he will deliver it; and passing over he will preserve it. [Royal Airforce]
1917 changed everything in the Middle East. Jews who had already started returning from the 1880s were now able to come in on more organized larger immigration numbers with plans for a future homeland and its institutions. The Zionist Movement moved up a few gears...
Now the Year of Jubliee [Jubile in the KJV] Leviticus 25: is a special year under the Law requiring that land be redistributed back to its original owners, and that captives and slaves could be set free, and I think debts were also cancelled.
Lev 25:23 The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me.
The formula for determining the Year of Jubilee was seven times seven years plus one sabbath year [no farming] = 50 years.
So when Israel captured what we call the Gaza Strip, the West Bank [Judea and Samaria] and the Golan Heights, plus East Jerusalem and access to the Western [Wailing] Wall of the Temple Mount in 1967, this all fulfilled the Law concerning the Year of Jubilee where land was to given back to its original owners.
1917 + 50 = 1967 - now the next Year of Jubilee will be 2017 - which by my ready reckoner in my head will be 5777 in the Jewish Calendar.
The Temple Mount is all that's left to be given back to its original owners!!!
777 is certainly the seal of God; and 17 is the numerical value in Hebrew and Greek for the word "salvation"
I wouldn't go out and buy investment property at the moment.
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The Arabic numerals read 1335
View attachment 1538
11th June 1967 - Jubilant Israelis on the Temple Mount.