I know this is a public forum and not a personal blog, but I really want to share this with you guys.
I recently had a dream of Jesus, I couldn't see Him but I knew I was in His presence.
I have no idea if this was some sort of Revelation but if it was, maybe I couldn't see Him because of my sins and wickedness. I believe Jesus can only be seen by people with a pure heart or a select few with a special mission.
And I don't know if this was 'technically' a 'Rapture dream' but it was extremely vivid and intense.
Nothing spectacular happened, we didn't speak and I was just weeping like a baby. I wasn't sad but it wasn't just happiness, I felt humbled and 'crushed' by His perfection.
Then I remembered the movie Bad Lieutenant, starring the wonderful Harvey Keitel, who played a crooked cop that eventually finds Christ and redemption. And whenever he saw Christ, he cried just like I did in my dream!
Many other people have had similar experiences, how do you explain these tears?!
Question #2 is about demons. We know they can disguise as angels of light but can they appear as humans, as well?
When I was in college, I met this Dutch guy who owned a brothel and was extremely successful. He was constantly blaspheming God, family, the church and all things sacred but he was also incredibly charming and witty. I was an atheist at the time and didn't pay much attention to him but today I think he was a psycho. Or maybe a demon?
I recently had a dream of Jesus, I couldn't see Him but I knew I was in His presence.
I have no idea if this was some sort of Revelation but if it was, maybe I couldn't see Him because of my sins and wickedness. I believe Jesus can only be seen by people with a pure heart or a select few with a special mission.
And I don't know if this was 'technically' a 'Rapture dream' but it was extremely vivid and intense.
Nothing spectacular happened, we didn't speak and I was just weeping like a baby. I wasn't sad but it wasn't just happiness, I felt humbled and 'crushed' by His perfection.
Then I remembered the movie Bad Lieutenant, starring the wonderful Harvey Keitel, who played a crooked cop that eventually finds Christ and redemption. And whenever he saw Christ, he cried just like I did in my dream!
Many other people have had similar experiences, how do you explain these tears?!
Question #2 is about demons. We know they can disguise as angels of light but can they appear as humans, as well?
When I was in college, I met this Dutch guy who owned a brothel and was extremely successful. He was constantly blaspheming God, family, the church and all things sacred but he was also incredibly charming and witty. I was an atheist at the time and didn't pay much attention to him but today I think he was a psycho. Or maybe a demon?