Hi @Major,
- You talked about Israel`s land, which is correct but you didn`t address the scripture referring to the Lord`s authority & where this is -
`far above all,....not only in this age but also in that which is to come.` (Eph.1: 21)
- Yes we are told that the Lord descends to the mount of Olives, & we are also told that he ascends `with a shout,` after He has `subdued the peoples ` under Israel. (Ps. 47: 2 – 5)
- The verse in Ps. 68: 17 refers to the angelic hosts that are always before the Lord. See also Daniel 7: 10.
- I do not believe that the Lord will be showing people, as you said -`how life could have been if man had accepted Him when He came the first time.` That is not the purpose of the Millennial rule of Israel over the nations.
- Sickness, death & rebellion were on earth when the Lord came the first time in His human body, however He now has a glorified body & is exalted to the highest place in heaven.
- If the armies of the world were plague stricken when they saw Him, (Zech. 14: 12)
- & the Apostle John was as dead when He saw the Lord with His `countenance like the sun shining in its strength,` (Rev. 1: 16)
- & even the `earth & heaven fled away,` from His face, (Rev. 20: 11)
Then the Lord is more majestic & powerful than we can ever imagine. Thus to bring Him down to our level of ruling physically on this earth, is to me, not understanding who the Lord is, His authority or His power.
- `And fire came down from God out of heaven & devoured them.` (Rev. 20: 9) This clearly shows where God the Son is ruling from & not `holed up` in Jerusalem surrounded by Satan & the world`s armies.