The liberal agenda to free this nation from God is spawning a godless generation.
Isn't that the truth. I am generation X and I see al lthe generation Y kids rolling around these days wondering why they aren't getting ahead. They are either in gangs/prison already, too drugged up to notice anything, question everything with no real knowledge of anything or living on mommy's and daddy's dime while the "find themselves" what ever that means.
When they removed grades from schools and everyone became a winner no matter how badly you did... that is when we started to confuse them.
When 2365 + 9483 =117,148 is ok if they just show how they got the answer regardless of the actual answer... we are confusing them
When we only require them to show up at school at some point during the day to socialize with no expectations what so ever ... we are confusing them.
When no company will higher someone between the ages of 16-27 because they have had nothing but bad experiences with people in that current age group... we are confusing them.
Currently if you are in that age group you will not be able to find a job with any real responsibilities or decent pay because they don't normally have any ethics let alone work ethics. My company will not higher anyone in that age group for that reason. The 2 people in that age bracket are going to be replaced as soon as they can find 2 others that will:
1. show up on time.
2. show up not wearing shorts, PJ's or sandles.
3. do what is required to get the job done right.
4. not take 3 hour lunches.
5. will work the full shift without leaving for no reason at all.
6. will answer the phone. (helpdesk... so it's kind of important)
7. will not use foul language when speaking to customers.
8. will not download illegal material on company computers.
9. will not bring their girl/boyfriends in with them.
10. not watch porn while working.
11. will not sexually harrass the opposite sex.
12. will keep their cloths on for the entire shift.
13. will not drink on shift or come in drunk before your shift.
14. will not steal company equipment.
15. will not sleep during their shift.
...ect these are the things I have seen within the last 2 months fro mthe kids we have hired.
We hired 19 kids in the past 2 months and these are some of the most common things that they have done while they "worked" here.