Laughter is GOOD for the body!


When I first saw this, I thought of the humour on here by our members.

Major being slightly in the lead, being followed by crossnote, who, with his subtle humour, is now a full loaf.

The things an imagination can do hey?

Polar bear asks his mother...........Mom, am I a Polar Bear?
Mom says.......Yes dear, of course you are.

Next day he asks his mom............Mom are you a Polar bear.
Mom says, Yes dear of course I am.

Next day he asks his mom.............Mom is dad a polar bear?
Mom says, yes sweetheart he is. Why these questions????

Well he says..........If YOU are a Polar bear and dad is a Polar bear and I am a Polar bear...............
Isn't that the tall one in your avatar?...umm, nope, too cute.

Hey......a man with a refrigerated truck was hired to take 100 Penguins to the Zoo in New Your.

On the way his truck broke down so he waved another truck to take over. He told the driver he was taking the Penguins TO THE ZOO and he gave the driver $500.00 and told him he would meet up with him when his truck was fixed.

About 3 hours later the man drove into town and there was the driver he hired coming out of the downtown theater with the 100 Penguins right behind him.

He went to the driver and said....I thought I told you to take the PENGUINS TO THE ZOO!

The driver said......I did, but we had money left over from the $500.00 - so I took them to a movie!!!!!!o_O
What did the fish say, huffing and puffing to the bar tender when he ran into the bar?...........WATER!
What do you get when you cross a dog with a cell phone? A golden receiver!
For some strange reason, my golden receiver turned Black! Lol.......

My buddy resting his chin on me while working on my computer!