Lets Get Cfs Back To Friendly

Nope...I am thinking of a whole batch of folks....Not merely you. Read my posts again, and you MAY realize that.

Man up and take me at my word.

So if you are yearning merely for "deep political debates"....What's stopping you?

doesnt really matter whether it was aimed at me-which, by all appearances you were, your not really fooling anyone, of if it was aimed at a bunch of folks-an attacks still an attack.
Secondly. Stan, I do owe you an apology-while I don't agree with you, you have at least been professional, and havent attacked me. I apologize if I came down on you a bit harsh-I fear I may have let some of my frustration at rusty spill over on you, and I apologize.

Accepted, now please tell me what your concerns are or what posts in what thread you have issues with and I'll do my best to address them if you feel they have NOT been properly dealt with.
A sailor is shipwrecked on a deserted island for a few years.
While there, he has taught himself to be very efficient, make inventions, and build shelters for himself.

One day, the Coast Guards show up and rescue him.

Before they leave, the commander says "I'm impressed with your ability to make the most of your resources. Please, show us what you've done here."

The sailor says, "Well this building is my home. That building over there is where I go to church."

"What about that building on the opposite side," asks the commander.

"Oh, that's where I used to go to church."
Patriot, Major and others claim their are many promoters of "false doctrines" on the forum, whodoes pop up momentarily sometimes, but soon get trashed by the Mods by those of us that will report them, like me, and will say they have. However, there is also problem with certain people among us who, IMO, go too far and have organized a posse to castigate all who do not fit their religious tastes.

These are the issues I asked Patriot to address...He focused only on ONE. The one in red. Which he was (i guess) against but them turned around and grouped "Marian" phenomenon with folks that come from Planet X. This I have a problem with, and have tried to get a reply, but no luck.

Whoaaaa Rusty! Once again we see right here the why problems arise and I for one am trying to stay away from the spats.

I point this out only to show how easy it is to cause a confrontation IF you are looking for one.

Rusty just posted above these words......
"Patriot, Major and others claim their are many promoters of "false doctrines" on the forum, whodoes pop up momentarily sometimes, but soon get trashed by the Mods by those of us that will report them, like me, and will say they have."

No, the ole Major never said such a thing!!!!!

This is an old thread started by Jeff to incourage a more friendly attitude toward each other. I am totally for that!!!

I commented on that in comment #50 and never mentioned anything about "false doctrines".

Patriot in comment #59 denounced those people who expound the teaching of Plant X destroying the earth and those that would say that mother Mary is standing naked on the moon. Any well thinking human will agree that such nonsence as wrong and I agreed with him as I think we all do.

Then to make sure that I cleared my mind and heart, I apologized to all for any misconception on my part.

But right here in fron of you in comment #99, Rusty says something of me which I did not say.

IF I was looking for a fight, this would be a good one to pounce on BUT I am not looking so it will just go by the wayside with only this comment right here to correct the, shall I say, misconception.
Thanks for giving me your side, Rusty. Hopefully Patriot will say this is not what he meant, but I guess I'll have to wait and hear what he says. Luckily, I don't think the admins would agree with this otherwise some of us couldn't be allowed here. Although I think we've all been pretty welcome, Protestant or Non-Protestant.

You have been an asset to every discussion that I have read where you participated. My friend Glomung is also of the RCC and he is well respected as well and he always has well thought out comments as do you.

I appreciate you and hope that you will remain here with us.
You have been an asset to every discussion that I have read where you participated. My friend Glomung is also of the RCC and he is well respected as well and he always has well thought out comments as do you.

I appreciate you and hope that you will remain here with us.

I appreciate the kinds words, friend. Thank you.
Back to Jeff's OP:

Father O'Malley answers the phone. "Hello, is this Father O'Malley?"

"It is"

"This is the IRS. Can you help us?"

"I can"

"Do you know a Ted Houlihan?"

"I do"

"Is he a member of your congregation?"

"He is"

"Did he donate $10,000 to the church?"

"He will".

LOL! Super!

Three men are stranded on a deserted island. One is Southern Baptist, one is a Catholic and one a Church of God.
The Baptist and Catholic are wringing there hands and praying and crying and worrying. The Church of God person is sitting over on an old log taking a nap with no worries.

The two men approach the third and say to him......aren't you worried that we are going to die here on the island.
The Church of God man said NO.

You see, I am very rich and I believe in tithing 10% to the church, When my pastor dosen't see my check after acouple of weeks........he will move heaven and earth to find me.
How in the world do you respond so quickly to posts????

Do you have this site routed to a cell phone or something.?

Just curious.

I keep a few tabs open at my office PC. This is one of them. I've just responded to your comment AND an work email AND a phone call. ;)
Naked Mary on the moon? You've got to be kidding me.
I knew there were some serious nuts out there... but WOW.
BTW, St. Mary is well known by some and is known to be quite modest in her person and attire.
Naked Mary on the moon? You've got to be kidding me.
I knew there were some serious nuts out there... but WOW.
BTW, St. Mary is well known by some and is known to be quite modest in her person and attire.

Hey Glo......I had never heard that either but Mr. patriot posted it. If it is something that is out there, it would of course be false, ignorant and just about anything else you can think up.
Calling that particular thing would then be a no-brainer IMHO!
I think Patriot is confusing this. Can't find any cult posting here or anywhere about a naked St Mary on the moon. Again, all I ask of him, and he is mighty short of, is proof.

This is what my Catholic sources say of this symbolism:http://campus.udayton.edu/mary/questions/yq/yq244.html

In Patriot's defense, I think he was only meaning to be hypothetical. However, I do agree that to ban people for the believe that perhaps they don't align with one's specific doctrine could promote an attitude of elitism and shunning.

Not trying to call anyone out for anything (because God knows I'm probably more guilty of this than anyone--I'm pretty horrible), maybe this argument isn't worth enough to continue. We all agree the Mods have been pretty good about where the line is to be drawn when it comes to banning people.

One problem I have sometimes is that I might try to pin something on someone else rather than only defending my position. I think the more we try to blame, the more we get contemptuous. One of the most noble things we could do, even if we think the other guy has it all wrong, and even in the process of calling him out on it, is to show the most sincere form of charity toward that person.

I forget to do this quite often--I wish it was second nature for me--but I think it's worth a reminder now and then. I think there is merit to each person's statements. Maybe this back-and-forth has been exhausted.

Don't mistake this as me trying to accuse anyone of anything. However, I think maybe each person feels the other guy isn't doing the right thing. I hope this makes sense.
In Patriot's defense, I think he was only meaning to be hypothetical. However, I do agree that to ban people for the believe that perhaps they don't align with one's specific doctrine could promote an attitude of elitism and shunning.

Not trying to call anyone out for anything (because God knows I'm probably more guilty of this than anyone--I'm pretty horrible), maybe this argument isn't worth enough to continue. We all agree the Mods have been pretty good about where the line is to be drawn when it comes to banning people.

One problem I have sometimes is that I might try to pin something on someone else rather than only defending my position. I think the more we try to blame, the more we get contemptuous. One of the most noble things we could do, even if we think the other guy has it all wrong, and even in the process of calling him out on it, is to show the most sincere form of charity toward that person.

I forget to do this quite often--I wish it was second nature for me--but I think it's worth a reminder now and then. I think there is merit to each person's statements. Maybe this back-and-forth has been exhausted.

Don't mistake this as me trying to accuse anyone of anything. However, I think maybe each person feels the other guy isn't doing the right thing. I hope this makes sense.

Agreed. Whether hypothetical or not and it probably was, IMO we can drop it and move on. I understand what patriot was trying to say and I as well have read about some really weird teachings in my lifetime.

At this point I do not see any future in it.
So you agreement on #63 is meaningless?

Patriot says:
You hook up with this idea right here:

SO....you do agree that there is a a lot of false doctrine here. I tried to get Patriot to show us where they are, made a list of possible problems and neither you or he will discuss them, but complain about personal attacks .....by making personal attacks, like calling folks "arrogant" and "confrontational"....when well....you confront and call names.

Pretty easy to see for most anyone who is reading without special glasses.

Now since I returned you to ignore with your first insult to my mission, I saw no "apology" from you...Can you take the time to point that out. Major?

No Rusty I will not do that for you. IT is there, I think on page 5 is I remember correctly but no matter it is there and you can look it up.

I specifically explained the reason and the why I agreed with patriot in comment #127.

I have again and again stated that, my concern is more about the way things are said not so much what is said.

Example.......your comment of:..............
"Now since I returned you to ignore with your first insult to my mission".

I am just not going to be drawn into another debate over nothing with you. By nothing, I mean explaining this or that on a post 2 months ago, or agreeing on something said or not said.

If you would like to discuss Biblical matters that we both can learn and grow from, then I am your man. But just for arguments sake over who is right and who is wrong...NOPE.

Life is just to short to spend it doing such things.

If you "ignore" me fine and dandy. If not, I will talk to you later, until then may the Lord bless you.
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now see rusty, here is the problem. I said we need to draw a line, and we need to allow discussion. any kind of prolonged debate, since Ive started here, has been heavily discouraged. So how are we to "man up and defend" if were not allowed to debate? just curious.

I never said ban all non-protestents, or those who believe differently. Never. So please, please DO NOT put words in my mouth. I said ban those who are obvious false prophets, who are only here to spread mischief. Those are pretty obvious, I think to all who actually bother to pick up the Bible and read it.

Now, don't you think your being a slight bit hypocritical with your last post? I mean seriously, you all but accused me of being mr high and mighty-and state that we cant know it all. Well, if we can't know it all, how do you know Im wrong? just curious.
I've just been scanning through this 'bid for peace thread. I found the following in post #59.
First I never accused you: that is your own thoughts.
It seems to me that 'all but' means stop short of, yet you have been falsely accused of accusing
No Rusty I will not do that for you. IT is there, I think on page 5 is I remember correctly but no matter it is there and you can look it up.

I specifically explained the reason and the why I agreed with patriot in comment #127.

I have again and again stated that, my concern is more about the way things are said not so much what is said.

Example.......your comment of:..............
"Now since I returned you to ignore with your first insult to my mission".
Major, just what mission is that?
I have personally known several Christian missionaries over the years, some Baptist, some Anglican. For the most part, they are all Godly people exuding the love of Christ in their every waking moment. One couple (on my wife's side of the family) are ahhh well so heavenly minded, they are of no earthly use:) but not one of them display belligerence or bullyboy tactics.
I am just not going to be drawn into another debate over nothing with you. By nothing, I mean explaining this or that on a post 2 months ago, or agreeing on something said or not said.
And for the record, the now infamous post #55 contains no direct question in need of answer, nor would I grace them with an answer had they been directed at me. Rhetorical questions laced with sarcasm should be ignored by all IMNSHO.
If you would like to discuss Biblical matters that we both can learn and grow from, then I am your man. But just for arguments sake over who is right and who is wrong...NOPE.

Life is just to short to spend it doing such things.

If you "ignore" me fine and dandy. If not, I will talk to you later, until then may the Lord bless you.
I have stayed out of this cat fight til now, and I just wish to state that Jeff's dream has turned into a nightmare.:(
Nor will I stay as a participant in it.
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One last thing here and then I'm done with it.
Directed mostly to Jeff. Jeff how are we to deal with a change of mind!! Yesterday I was going to post a comment to Patriot, but changed my mind and did not complete the post nor send it. I thought I deleted the draft, but this morning, I posted a reply to Major, and lo and behold yesterday's draft is back it it!
I have left the partial post to Patriot as an illustration of what happened rather than edit it out.
How are we to deal with the forum keeping a draft without asking us first?
I've just been scanning through this 'bid for peace thread. I found the following in post #59.
It seems to me that 'all but' means stop short of, yet you have been falsely accused of accusing

Major, just what mission is that?
I have personally known several Christian missionaries over the years, some Baptist, some Anglican. For the most part, they are all Godly people exuding the love of Christ in their every waking moment. One couple (on my wife's side of the family) are ahhh well so heavenly minded, they are of no earthly use:) but not one of them display belligerence or bullyboy tactics. And for the record, the now infamous post #55 contains no direct question in need of answer, nor would I grace them with an answer had they been directed at me. Rhetorical questions laced with sarcasm should be ignored by all IMNSHO.
I have stayed out of this cat fight til now, and I just wish to state that Jeff's dream has turned into a nightmare.:(
Nor will I stay as a participant in it.

Calvin............I have no idea what Rusty's mission is, in fact I asked him 3 times what denomination he was affliated with and so far he has refused to answer the question. I have no idea what the mission statement is and without a mission statement what is it?

Since he and Stan have me on the "ignore" option, there is no need to ask again I guess.

You know.....that "ignore" option is a wonderful thing!!!!

I appreciate your comment and my experience is exactly what you described about missionaries. On every single missionary trip I have been on, I never had time to wash my butt let alone spend time on a computer, but that was just me.

In all honesty, before I re-invigorated this old thread by Jeff.........I was convicted when I read his comments and that in some way it was just me that Rusty and Stan seemed to be so, what is the word---against, or angry? My goal was to try and clear the air, change the direction of communication and try and get the regulars on this site liking each other so that we could move on in life and have some friendly dialog about Biblical things.

Well........when you read the thread, seems like "BOOM" would be the description. But in my heart I feel like I did the right thing for me and in the end, that is who I am worried the most about.
[quote="calvin, post: 289696, member: 5203
I have stayed out of this cat fight til now, and I just wish to state that Jeff's dream has turned into a nightmare.:(
Nor will I stay as a participant in it.[/quote]

I am with you yet once again!