Lets Get Cfs Back To Friendly

Rusty............What is wrong with YOU???

I have never seen anyone who is more defensive and attack oreintated that you are my friend. You are ready to pounce at every opportunity. I would hope and pray for you to have a more loving and forgiving demeanor and that the God you are working for will protect you in the place you are in.

If I had been told where, and what the mission statement was, I would have been pleased and blessesd to place you on my churches prayer list.

I was answering a question from someone else not from you.

I don't not give a tinkers dam what denomination you belong to, I guess since you will not tell us, you don't. Again I do not care. The comment was simply an answer to someone else's question.

And from that you belive you have trhe right to question whther or not I speak Chinese.

Do you speak Spanish Rusty, or French, or German?

Then you say this.....................
"Oh and most importantly of all: make sure you have the friendship of the non-democratic government and the non-Christian and missionary hating rulers. With your diplomatic skills displayed here among your own faith....this may be harder for you than being fit, speaking three languages or building secret house churches.

Now...I suggest if you really meant your apology that you roll back a page or two, read my posts where I accept it and stop offending, wheedling, ferreting and gossiping about me. Stick to your apology and efforts to actual be friendly. "

I t has now become obvious to me that trying to reconcile with you by an apology which was not in fact needed from me, was a huge mistake. Thanks calvin, you were right all along about one not being needed.

It is apparent to all that you my friend have some kind of problem deep within you which has manifested itself against those here on this site who have been trying to get out the Word of God in love and friendship. It is not just me as I perceived but it is anyone who disagrees with you. You have even aligned yourself with Stan who has in his own words rejected the fall 0f man and refused to accept the Adamic Covenant which is heresy my friend.

When asked flat out if he accepted it he said...........NOPE! You have since agreed and even tried to explain his position.

I love you, but I am afraid I am going to have to resend my apology as it has by your words and actions been rejected and then used by you to hammer me over the head with like a baseball bat.

The mods it seems have decided to sit this one out, or it just may be that the hammer is about to fall on another thread thanks to you.

In either way........I am done with you and I hope and pray that you are done with me.
yuk, these brackish waters.
Major I see you are swimming in controversial waters again.
I have a homework assignment for you.
You are to perform a site search of the word "apology" you must do this for each and every user name that frequently appears.
You should then tabulate the search results and this will tell you much.
My scales are begining to itch-I go!
That was a very short lived reform and apology. You may need some serious anger management help, but that cannot be done while in denial.
YOU are the hostile one Major...I never call you names or questioned your walk: you are constantly doing this to me and others.
Yes,....I'm totally done with you. Back in the Ignore box you go.

Hence why Jesus never let the Pharisees begin. He stopped them in their paths and got to the root of the matter. Only way we can do that today is to ignore those who obviously only want to cause turmoil.
yuk, these brackish waters.
Major I see you are swimming in controversial waters again.
I have a homework assignment for you.
You are to perform a site search of the word "apology" you must do this for each and every user name that frequently appears.
You should then tabulate the search results and this will tell you much.
My scales are begining to itch-I go!

The salmon's statement is fascinating. But I think since he's late, perhaps he's a little fish in a big pond. Maybe he's fishing for info. I don't know. He is right though regarding the brackish water. This is indeed a fine kettle of fish. I mean, holy mackerel! The jabs are so easy--it's like shooting fish in a barrel. In fact, it's caused us to lose site of the conversation--this whole dispute has been one big red herring. This has gone on for quite awhile. Are you all in on this? Is the salmon in on this?....

...something fishy is going on here.
LOL Funny stuff there LS!

This has gone on for quite awhile. Are you all in on this?

I can not imagine why this type of "Christian"? behavior is being allowed to continue for so long, personally I'm ashamed for the world to see this thread and because of this type of behavior on this thread and others I would not recommend CFS to anyone.

LOL Funny stuff there LS!

I can not imagine why this type of "Christian"? behavior is being allowed to continue for so long, personally I'm ashamed for the world to see this thread and because of this type of behavior on this thread and others I would not recommend CFS to anyone.

Gene, I couldn't agree more. In fact I would have reported a few posts, a few hours earlier, but for some reason I have not been able to log on. But now I can and so I will.
I am also going to petition Jeff to remove the 'ignore' feature as I believe it has no place on an adult forum, let alone a Christian forum, where it is just being used as a means trying to hurt others. I hope many others who are also weeping for the lack of Christian witness will petition Jeff as well.
The posts I am reporting are Post# 166 and #69, (One of the poison barbs Rusty 'liked').
The salmon's statement is fascinating. But I think since he's late, perhaps he's a little fish in a big pond. Maybe he's fishing for info. I don't know. He is right though regarding the brackish water. This is indeed a fine kettle of fish. I mean, holy mackerel! The jabs are so easy--it's like shooting fish in a barrel. In fact, it's caused us to lose site of the conversation--this whole dispute has been one big red herring. This has gone on for quite awhile. Are you all in on this? Is the salmon in on this?....

...something fishy is going on here.
In on what? you lost me.:(
Well I dunno, the info is there it seems on the 'site search' thing. Salmon must have been swimming there and found a few choice worms or whatever they eat.:ROFLMAO:
God doesn't force anyone to get along bro, why do we need it if we are born again, regenerated and have the Holy Spirit living inside of us, we should be exuding, manifesting the Fruits of the Holy Spirit and that is Love in all it's different forms listed in Gal 5:22-25

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, eekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. if we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

On the other side of the coin, Father purposefully places people that we don't get along with to change us, to cleanse our hearts, ...hence the signification of iron sharpens iron, it is the sanctification process, preparing us for eternity.


God doesn't force anyone to get along bro, why do we need it if we are born again, regenerated and have the Holy Spirit living inside of us, we should be exuding, manifesting the Fruits of the Holy Spirit and that is Love in all it's different forms listed in Gal 5:22-25

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, eekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. if we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

On the other side of the coin, Father purposefully places people that we don't get along with to change us, to cleanse our hearts, ...hence the signification of iron sharpens iron, it is the sanctification process, preparing us for eternity.



I suppose people view the ignore option in different ways--I think we see it differently. For some, they might view it as an means to shush out people who they disagree with or people who they just don't like very much. For others, it's a means to block out a voice that seems to be hindering.

Whether it is right or wrong to ignore someone (I'd argue it's often wrong), it's not always a bad tool if someone is intentionally trying to break down someone for the worse.

I wouldn't suggest advertising who you've ignored either--it just seems catty and unnecessary.

I suppose you've misunderstood where I'm coming from and I'm most likely misunderstanding your position, too. No worries.
Yeah, I can see your point and and agree with most of what you say.

I suppose you've misunderstood where I'm coming from and I'm most likely misunderstanding your position, too. No worries.

No worries on this end either, and many times after reading a post if it has stirred the pot of my carnal nature I won't answer until I confess my sin and Father restores my peace again so that I won't come off offensive to a brother or sister,

...however, in the cold, sterile world of cyber space, I have found often times the unlovingness of one poster may jaundice the thread in such a way that other posters are interpreting the sentiment of an inoffensive post or a post that was spoken in love as offensive, resulting in misconceptions and misunderstandings, ...so, love covers a multitude of sins and doesn't hold any grudges.

Blessings bro,
