Yeah some threads are a bit old but I find the subjects very interesting. I think it's better to comment on the thread instead of creating a new thread about the same subject. Plus if that member ever comes back they can see my post
Yeah some threads are a bit old but I find the subjects very interesting. I think it's better to comment on the thread instead of creating a new thread about the same subject. Plus if that member ever comes back they can see my post
I hope some come back. It would be nice for them to give an update of their situation.
Where, have you been employed to watch over the thread graveyard? I've been noticing you're unearthing some pretty old threads
In all seriousness though, I wish that these people actually stayed on the forum for long term growth instead of a short term solution![]()
That is driving me crazy. I start reading a post only to discover it's old and the person never came back.
where is very wiseWell, when we post on it, I think it sends them a message to their emails.. So there is a good chance they might read it.
You California folks probably eat eggs from chicken's that have their own set of civil normal folks don't take much thought about such thingsDo you guys eat regular eggs or organic?
You California folks probably eat eggs from chicken's that have their own set of civil normal folks don't take much thought about such things![]()
You guys out there on the left coast have way to much time to worry about chickens and if they are happy with there situation in this world? Don't you guys have any ophans or widows you can feed?[/QUOTE]Well chickens deserve to be treated with respect. That's why I only eat eggs from free range chickens.
You guys out there on the left coast have way to much time to worry about chickens and if they are happy with there situation in this world? Don't you guys have any ophans or widows you can feed?
Wow sounds like God is still in charge out there too? Don't think I have heard of Francis Chan...I will look him up.Speaking of healthy food. Did you hear about when Francis Chan was up in San Francisco? How he wanted to feed the homeless out there but had nothing. So he prayed, and trusted in God. Then God destroyed a bunch of refrigerators at Trader Joes, forcing Trader Joes to give the food to Francis Chan to feed the homeless. (I'm briefly summarizing what happened) Can I get an amen?
Oh no you sound like one of those conspiracy folks now.."they are trying to kill us" and if folks would learn to pray over there food they would not have to worry about a lot of this kind of stuff...[/QUOTE]Yes, we do have orphans and widows to feed. Don't you think they deserve eggs from a chicken that has been treated with respect, and is able to roam freely? Or do you think the orphans and widows don't deserve to eat well? Do you think the orphans and widows should be fed chickens pumped full of hormones, so that they get cancers or other diseases and die early?![]()
Wow sounds like God is still in charge out there too? Don't think I have heard of Francis Chan...I will look him up.
Oh no you sound like one of those conspiracy folks now.."they are trying to kill us" and if folks would learn to pray over there food they would not have to worry about a lot of this kind of stuff...
What for...I like what little I saw of his teachings.He gives a similar message as Paul Washer, but in a more of a hippie way. That guy has kicked people out of his church before, but in a really loving way. Quite interesting.
Oh come on...its not the same! No where is it written that our snakes are blessed because of Him... but it is clear that God has given us all food to be enjoyed and it is "blessed" in thanks giving. I believe all those who are so worried about what they eat are just "fearful" and all that is unbelief...Our life is in Christ and comes from the Spirit, I believe in moderation in all things, but food cannot relate to godliness.[/QUOTE]LOL, how come you haven't been quoting properly lately? It's not a conspiracy, it's population control. There is too many people on this earth, and the government is trying to control the population by poisoning us and starting wars.
We can pray over our food, but if we knowingly continue to put unhealthy stuff in our bodies then shame on us. That's kind of like those churches dancing around with snakes, and them saying pray before you touch the rattlesnake. Silly talk!
Paul Wash or Francis Chan?What for...I like what little I saw of his teachings.