Banned based on his last post?
I'll have to take a look
Banned based on his last post?
As a newer Christian, that thread makes no sense to me. I had no idea eternal damnation had a time table, but I'm not that great at math.
I guess I'll have to read that thread. I never clicked on it before because the title was using big words :S
The gist of the article ended up having very little to do with Annihilationism. This stuff always expands into strange and random territory, which isn't really a problem IMO. I'm not familiar enough with Mitspa to comment on the decision, but I know that he was being pretty stubborn in that particular thread. However, while I can't discuss the specifics of any moderation, I can say that when we moderate, and a decision to ban is made, it's not made on a single instance of misbehavior. In fact, we often put off single instances and try to intervene and see if things get better or worse.
i haven't had a chance to read the Annihilationism thread all the way through yet. I've read the first 3 posts. A lot of isms in there. I think I'm going to have to have the dictionary open in a separate tab because I'm not that smart.
I'd say that for the most part, while it's interesting, and a worthy discussion, it's also not really a very important subject to Christians. It gets a bit deep, and mildly confusing. I only really stepped into the topic at all because there are about a dozen pages with the same information repeated over and over and over again with no apparent end.
Are banns permanent?
Sometimes my posts will have multiple repeats. I think it has something to do with version 1.3.1. I usually just edit the repeated posts.
oooh okay I see what you're saying.Trust me on this one, it wasn't like that. It was intentional. If you look at the last few posts, my intention in that thread was simply to ask him to stop posting there. The ban occurred while I was out, but I know that several instances in several threads were discussed.
oooh okay I see what you're saying.
I think some of our brothers and sisters get really fired up during some of the debates on here. Which I think it's good to be passionate but we should also be passionate in a loving way.
I've been doing this for a long time. I appreciate passion, but it's always a bit of a challenge around here. We can't enforce any particular doctrine, so when accusations of false doctrines start getting slung around, it's often hard to know how to respond without taking sides. We can take sides on certain doctrines which are clear, but there are always those that take issue with EVERY single possible belief and interpretation on every single issue that could ever show it's ugly little head. Sometimes it's worth the time, and other times, I just have to step away for a few days, weeks, months, etc... just to have the energy to maintain an unbiased perspective.
I'd say that for the most part, while it's interesting, and a worthy discussion, it's also not really a very important subject to Christians. It gets a bit deep, and mildly confusing. I only really stepped into the topic at all because there are about a dozen pages with the same information repeated over and over and over again with no apparent end.
I can only imagine, especially with so many different denominations all coming together in one site. When I first came to this site I always wondered how that would work.
Me personally, I like a few different denominations, but don't ever tell them, because I think they might be offended.But I know what you mean, some of these threads become exhausting to read. Sometimes I think the two people that are arguing are saying the same thing, but differently and they just continue to argue lol. I can't imagine having to moderate all of it.
I started laughing when you said it gave you a headache, especially seeing your avatar. I pictured you reading the word Annihilationism and then holding your head saying owe owe oweIt was definitely not a subject for me being a newer Christian. I'm just starting to dive into all the new vocabulary and views on scripture and to be honest that thread was really odd. The OP and the one after that should have been good enough. It just gave me a headache to read after that![]()