To begin, we don't have the authority to tell people what to do. We can't force theological virtues on anyone...all we can do is evangelize, defend, promote, and pray. To rest is really up to the individuals.
But we have to remember what does it mean to fall in love with someone? This isn't meant as being exclusive, but if falling in love with someone is directly surrounded by a greater love for God, then I think it's especially valid...but if we fall in love without someone more-so than we love God, is it a virtue or have we broken the number one commandment?
Again, I don't believe in force -- love can only be freely given, and Christian morality has to be voluntary. But there are groups of gay people who do their absolute best to live the Christian life by living chaste and devoted to God, divorcing themselves from homosexual activity -- they are called Side B Homosexuals. Side B homosexuals have some disagreements, and a few of them I don't entirely agree with, but these are people who are legitimately doing their best to honor God despite their hurtles.