I may be the only guy in my age group that isn't a gamer. As my generation matured, so did video games. They became more complex, more interesting, more violent (yet more refined), and even more intelligent (whether you agree with games like Red Dead Redemption or not, it's smarter than Frogger, no disrespect to Frogger of course).
Video Games have become a new medium of entertainment for adults as movies were and TV is. However, is it a good idea to have involvement?
To begin, not everyone struggles with the same sin. If playing video games is a sin, it's not because it's in digital format that makes it wrong. It could be for different or even multiple reasons for different people. It may be wrong for Joe because it is an addiction. It may be wrong for Carlos because he takes pleasure in seeing violent images.
But then what about someone like Tony? To go to the extreme, Tony plays non-violent, clean video games once in awhile and even does it with his 13-year-old son. They laugh together, have fun with it together, and then even when they're done, move on. Did he commit a sin for playing a video game rather than a game of catch? Is it instantly slothful? If so, why aren't boardgames?
If it's because that itself can become a subject of addiction, does non-nutritious food become sinful even if enjoyed once in awhile?
I'm not taking one side over the other, but I don't want to make blanketed statements either because there does seem to be a lot of grey area. Grey area doesn't permit sin, but it's worth asking anyway. If someone decides he wants no part of it because he simply can't claim it isn't sinful, then he's making a fair decision. But if something like video games by default is a direct sin vs. the idea that it can lead to sin, does junk food, books, TV, sex, movies, heck--even education become a sin because of man's own sinful instinct?
To avoid something out of discretion isn't bad, but to claim it is bad for everyone merely because of your own struggles really goes pretty far with it. Cloisters like monks live simple lives outside of worldly pleasures like certain foods, entertainment, etc. But the misconception of this is that they avoid them because these are sinful things...that's not why they do it. They avoid these things because they're good, and they know it is a sacrifice to give up these things for God. A cupcake isn't sinful. We have some senses that God gave us as gifts, not to indulge outside of His goodness, but to appreciate His blessings.