1. Anti-Christ the work of...Some scholars have raised doubts about the genuineness and inspiration of Mark 16:9-20.
2. Whilst many hundreds of original ancient texts were deliberately mutilated by Rome and the Byzantine Church, thousands were not.
Some 85% of the original Greek manuscripts were not - thus we have available to us thousands of complete copies of the gospel of Mark,
all including the so-called controversial endings.
3. The last 12 verses of Mark are consistent in their teachings with Acts and with the Epistles; there are no contradictions.
4. When the Church and Christianity no longer resembled the original Apostolic Church and the gospel of the Pentecost -
believers would speak in tongues as the only sign given in the Scriptures - then the last verses of Mark were a problem.
The Roman and ( later Byzantine Church) were shown up as NOT fulfilling the standard of proof given by Jesus himself.
Hence the verses had to be expunged.
5. Modern scholarship (equates to unbelief) is just again another means by which unbelievers promulgate their own gospels rather than
to submit to the word of God. People argue over these scriptures because they do not want to be obedient to the Word of God.
Populism is rife throughout what passes for christianity these days. (Bible prophecy by Paul to Timothy)
6. The scriptures are true because today throughout the world people are still experiencing the exact same gospel of salvation as began in Acts:
http://miracles.areonthe.net/TESTIMONY Collection/TESTIMONY POSTERS/TESTIMONY Posters/Ben, Adelaide, Australia.pdf
http://miracles.areonthe.net/TESTIMONY Collection/TESTIMONY POSTERS/TESTIMONY Posters/Ame Nyeadeh Zee, Liberia.pdf
7. Bible Numerics (the pattern of arithmetic values given to letters of the Hebrew and Greek alphabets) also completely exonerates and demonstrates the truth and validity of the last 12 versus of Mark.
8. These verses are too challenging for most people - very little wriggle room. You either have these signs following or you don't.
And if you don't, what does that say about your standing with Christ Jesus and his Church??