let me say this,
I you see a man with no legs is he less,
okay suppose he has no legs, arms, ears, is he less,
what about if we remove his whole body from the neck down and put him on life support machines, he is still a man and still there,
okay, off with his skin, hair, skull so there is just a brain,
well the man is still there.
A lot of the brain is just for the body, so lets remove all the un necessary tissue used to support the body, so we are only left with the man.
Lets look at sensors, eyes ears touch taste smell. did you know your skin has neurons like your brain.
But really how big is the human being inside the brain? a marble size?
Our physical body is a massive biological machine being driven by a tiny little alien jelly fish.
On your skin lives lots of little micro monsters, how do they function at such a small scale.
At some point in the scale the biological and chemical is controlled by energy: magnetic, kenetic, charged, negative positive in a constellation
of tiny stars within us.
Everything, stone, flesh, air, tables, chairs, water is composed of a design pattern in the atoms/electrons/protons,
in a sense that energy pattern is the key to everything, Jesus could walk on water how did peter walk on it unless it took on a solid nature, but then he doubted and it lost cohesion because he was no longer connected.
Most of us think we move through empty air, but air is hydrogen and oxygen and other elements, if you could you could suck that energy in
and use it to infuse the matrix pattern of something, for example multiply a loaf of bread or fish.
Look at your hand,
it has skin, cells, blood, bone, calcium, elements, but without the energy at the very base it would dissolve into nothing.
That energy could be manipulated to make your finger nails grow long in seconds.
So is there a star wars force, yes and no, the force is there as a blanket of dark energy holding everything together,
but I think God infuses everything, I mean everything,
imagine the whole universe is not stars and galaxies but in God's brain.
Imagine you don't really have specific elements like limbs or taste or sight etc to your body, but one sense that
is forced into these areas....
now I forgot what the subject was,