I know nothing about New Age or Gnostics (except that they alliterate); but since that Rabbit is out of the hole, maybe you can help me understand this.
I have not seen Matrix, but I can understand that in science fiction a man or in my case a girl can become energy. I'm willing to be more specific and say that a girl's matter may become energy. That is ninth grade physics. I learned that last year in school.
Maybe I should not say that a girl may become energy because a girl's matter is not the girl. She still exists after her matter has become worms. That is Christianity.
Is there a force to tap? I don't want to say no. Many unlikely events may be possible.
The Star Wars movie is full of nonsense. Last year my physics teacher made us watch the movie. She asked us to make a list of the nonsense. The nature of whatever energy or information may be related to "the force" was not on her list. I think that from a scientific point of view any force may become a source of energy and a change in a force may be used to transmit information.
When Obi Wan Kenobi said that he felt a change in the force, that was fiction; just like HG Wells' journey to the Moon was fiction. Neither are nonsense. Both are possible.
I hope I have not said anything that is inappropriate. If any of this is Gnosticism, I'm going to be really surprised.
A Gnostic is one who has gnosis (a Greek word for “knowledge”) — a visionary or mystical “secret knowledge” capable of joining the human being to the divine mystery. Gnostics, the Pope remarked, and he is absolutely correct, distort God's word “in the name of a profound knowledge of God.”
The Gnostic worldview is dualistic. Reality consists of two irreducible elements: one good, the spiritual world (the realm of light); and the other evil, matter (the realm of darkness). Two supreme powers or gods oppose each other — the unknowable and inef-fable god, from whom a series of lesser divinities emanated, and the evil god, or demiurge, who produced the universe from foul matter and possesses it with his evil demons.
Star Wars is the clash between the two supreme powers of the universe — “the force” and the “dark side of the force,” which is exploited by the “emperor” (the demiurge) and his demons (Darth Vader, the siths). The Gnostic heroes are the Jedi, who possess the “secret knowledge” of their own spiritual powers; unlike the non-Gnostic, they are able to use “the force” well. Each Jedi has a master, who trains him to acquire this redeeming gnosis. Ben Kenobi, for instance, was for a time the master of Anakin and Luke Skywalker. The greatest spiritual guide in the saga is Yoda, a respected senior member of the Jedi council and a general in the clone wars.
As Christ's followers, we must sort out the good seed from the weeds (cf. Matthew 13:24-30). I propose a distinction between the Gnostic values and its philosophy. Read more: http://www.ncregister.com/site/article/gnosticism_and_the_struggle_for_the_worlds_soul/#ixzz3D6b3fK1k