Brother it is this No Fault Religious approach that far too many believers have. When something gets hard or goes wrong it is not my fault for it must be Gods will. It is easier to blame God or better yet pass the buck off to God as God is the great and mighty escape goat then it is to TAKE OWNERSHIP of your own CHOICES and ACTIONS.Nor did I! It's so sad that people throw the baby out with the bath water...
The choices we make today which includes the words we speak lay up our tomorrow which can and is for most even a year later. They do not see them selves as the problem. They wont discipline them selves to truly learn how God created us to walk in this life according to His word. It is a slothful and lazy approach to a Christian walk.
They twist things such as His will and plan for the same thing. Simply put - they take His will for your life as His entire plan for you and what ever happens has to be His will. Truth be told His will is the same for every single one of us........for it is His word and ways of doing things - now then He also has a plan for every human being born of a woman. Neither of them have evil or bad or hardships in them.
They think that I prayed Gods will be done so it is automatically done. Hog Wosh ! You have to work at it - you have to change your thinking and ways of doing things. In order for Gods will to be done in any ones life or family - you have got to buckle down and seek His ways and operate in them. This what ever happens stuff is Gods will is a blinding stronghold the devil has had on the church for far too long.
God has given me much to say THROUGH HIS WORD and later I will begin.
Have a very blessed and beautiful day
God Bless