As some of you guys know, I was called into the ministry earlier. But now, I'm having doubts. I don't know how to get rid of them. I don't know if it's Satan giving me these doubts, or it's just me.
I really want to do it, but is this what God wants? I always keep telling myself, "It's not about me, it's about Him." And with that kind of attitude, I want to do things for HIM, not for myself. I keep praying about it.
My pastor was doing a sermon about something. And I remember this thing he said. If God wants you to be something, he'll tell you three times. And I know I had dreams about it...I think it was three. About my ministering to people. But how am I supposed to know it's from God?
I don't want to do something that God doesn't want me to do. I'm trying not to look at my selfish needs and whatnot but about what He wants.
I need tons of prayer everyone! I just want to do what God wants me to do
As some of you guys know, I was called into the ministry earlier. But now, I'm having doubts. I don't know how to get rid of them. I don't know if it's Satan giving me these doubts, or it's just me.
I really want to do it, but is this what God wants? I always keep telling myself, "It's not about me, it's about Him." And with that kind of attitude, I want to do things for HIM, not for myself. I keep praying about it.
My pastor was doing a sermon about something. And I remember this thing he said. If God wants you to be something, he'll tell you three times. And I know I had dreams about it...I think it was three. About my ministering to people. But how am I supposed to know it's from God?
I don't want to do something that God doesn't want me to do. I'm trying not to look at my selfish needs and whatnot but about what He wants.
I need tons of prayer everyone! I just want to do what God wants me to do