Miracles ... Do You Believe...?

Ha-ha-ha! You think you can intimidate me with your devilish schemes? He that is of God will do the works of God; and he that belongs to satan, will do the works of his father, the devil. So satan, you think you can use my past against me? I was the worst of sinners, broke everyone of God's commandments before I was even 18 years old: and I say that to my shame. But God decided to "...have mercy upon whom I will have mercy, and have compassion on whom I will." You think I am afraid of you, satan? I know you: and I have seen how you have hindered the faith of God's elect. The Lord Jesus rebuke you!

get be hind me satan ..
that is Hebrew for "deceiver" ..
meaning you are a false accuser ..

bearing false witness is the work of satan .. so you are exposing yourself ..
more often then not, people who accuse others are the ones guilty of their accusations ..
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if I did not enumerate what I found, then HOW am I using it against you ???
perhaps you missed what I underlined ..
IF you love God is the only thing that matters ..

you made my point for me .. in your last post ..
I'm forgiven, but others are evil .. how Pharisee of you ..

But God decided to "...have mercy upon whom I will have mercy, and have compassion on whom I will."

BTW: the Lord does not rebuke those who serve Him to protect an ego ..
if I did not enumerate what I found, then HOW am I using it against you ???
perhaps you missed what I underlined ..
IF you love God is the only thing that matters ..

you made my point for me .. in your last post ..
I'm forgiven, but others are evil .. how Pharisee of you ..

But God decided to "...have mercy upon whom I will have mercy, and have compassion on whom I will."

BTW: the Lord does not rebuke those who serve Him to protect an ego ..
if I did not enumerate what I found, then HOW am I using it against you ???
perhaps you missed what I underlined ..
IF you love God is the only thing that matters ..

you made my point for me .. in your last post ..
I'm forgiven, but others are evil .. how Pharisee of you ..

But God decided to "...have mercy upon whom I will have mercy, and have compassion on whom I will."

BTW: the Lord does not rebuke those who serve Him to protect an ego ..
if I did not enumerate what I found, then HOW am I using it against you ???
perhaps you missed what I underlined ..
IF you love God is the only thing that matters ..

you made my point for me .. in your last post ..
I'm forgiven, but others are evil .. how Pharisee of you ..

But God decided to "...have mercy upon whom I will have mercy, and have compassion on whom I will."

BTW: the Lord does not rebuke those who serve Him to protect an ego ..

So, you are offended because the Lord had mercy on me! Beloved, if you will be of Christ, then don't use the tools of the devil. I will rebuke satan as many times as he comes against me or the Church: so don't allow satan to use you.
So, you are offended because the Lord had mercy on me! Beloved, if you will be of Christ, then don't use the tools of the devil. I will rebuke satan as many times as he comes against me or the Church: so don't allow satan to use you.

not at all .. God is very merciful
I do not use the tools of the devil ..
you did by making false accusations, which you are doing again ..
perhaps you need to look inward ..

what I do notice, is you call me satan out of one side of your mouth, and beloved out of the other ..
not at all .. God is very merciful
I do not use the tools of the devil ..
you did by making false accusations, which you are doing again ..
perhaps you need to look inward ..

what I do notice, is you call me satan out of one side of your mouth, and beloved out of the other ..

Catholicism (the institution) is outwardly very pious, but covertly very devilish. You need to make a stand.

The Lord spoke to satan and rebuked him, when Peter would dissuade Him from going to the cross. The Lord also told his disciples, when they misspoke: "You know not of what spirit you speak." Would you dissuade me from speaking the gospel?
Catholicism (the institution) is outwardly very pious, but covertly very devilish. You need to make a stand.

The Lord spoke to satan and rebuked him, when Peter would dissuade Him from going to the cross. The Lord also told his disciples, when they misspoke: "You know not of what spirit you speak." Would you dissuade me from speaking the gospel?

Jesus called Peter a "stumbling block" ..
I do not find the RCC Pius, but in many ways like Judaism (ritualistic) .. but hey, most of the Rituals the Jews followed were God's idea .. and I most certainly do NOT find it devilish .. I find teaching to attack the denomination that has brought countless souls to Jesus as devilish ..

by all means .. preach the Gospel of Love ..
so if a denomination holds the same Gospel but different doctrine you should brand them as "of satan" ???
then you should be an "equal opportunity attacker" for no two denominations hold the same doctrines ..

perhaps you missed what Jesus said about those who "did not follow the same" .. "leave them alone" .. and what makes you think the doctrine you hold is correctly interpreted ???
Jesus called Peter a "stumbling block" ..
I do not find the RCC Pius, but in many ways like Judaism (ritualistic) .. but hey, most of the Rituals the Jews followed were God's idea .. and I most certainly do NOT find it devilish .. I find teaching to attack those who are children of God devilish ..

by all means .. preach the Gospel of Love ..

(1) Yes, most of the Jewish rituals were of God: as most of the rituals in Catholicism were copied from Jewish traditions.
(2) Beloved ( I base that on Jn. 3:16), we DO preach the gospel of love: but it is not loving/lovable to everyone! "For unto God we are a savor of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish. To the one we are a savor of death unto death; and to the other the savor of life unto life...But we are not as many, as corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ."
So you see, the sheep still know and follow after the voice of the Lord Jesus: and it is good to us. But those who will follow another voice will find the true gospel offensive. But we know that the Lord will add to the Church "...as many as should be saved."
Ha-ha-ha! You think you can intimidate me with your devilish schemes? He that is of God will do the works of God; and he that belongs to satan, will do the works of his father, the devil. So satan, you think you can use my past against me? I was the worst of sinners, broke everyone of God's commandments before I was even 18 years old: and I say that to my shame. But God decided to "...have mercy upon whom I will have mercy, and have compassion on whom I will." You think I am afraid of you, satan? I know you: and I have seen how you have hindered the faith of God's elect. The Lord Jesus rebuke you!

I was going to post something yesterday but just got that check in my Spirit and did not. I don't hate Catholic people, I just wish they would stick with the Word. Ixoye is also very decent until you get him talking about Catholic stuff, it's then he looses all common sense. I have no idea why he sticks up for Rosa's crazy belief's. I sure would not defend anything that can't be backed by scriptures.

With that said, I don't mind ripping apart stupid doctrines and making people look stupid that believe nonsense. I do find that attacking and getting mad at the person is not good though. I think we can give views on doctrines we don't agree with and not get upset to much at the person.

Brother Anthony on here writes article after article against some of the people I believe are right and listen to, but I Like Brother Anthony and poke at him every chance I get. I don't have to dislike him just because he constantly slams what I believe.

Same with Rosa, I think she is confused big time when it comes to scriptures and all that junk she adds that is not scripture but I don't carry that from thread to thread. She has shown to be capable of not mixing Catholic stuff in discussions.

What I am telling you Mario is that we can't let things get personal. Once we do then it no longer matters who is right. It's another reason I never give anyone a dislike or disagree because that sticks to their score or whatever and I don't want to carry that disagreement from thread to thread.

We can make other doctrines look stupid, but we have to watch bitterness toward people.
When it gets personal, it's time to stop.

(1) Yes, most of the Jewish rituals were of God: as most of the rituals in Catholicism were copied from Jewish traditions.
(2) Beloved ( I base that on Jn. 3:16), we DO preach the gospel of love: but it is not loving/lovable to everyone! "For unto God we are a savor of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish. To the one we are a savor of death unto death; and to the other the savor of life unto life...But we are not as many, as corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ."
So you see, the sheep still know and follow after the voice of the Lord Jesus: and it is good to us. But those who will follow another voice will find the true gospel offensive. But we know that the Lord will add to the Church "...as many as should be saved."

I concur ..
and I have NEVER found a REAL Catholic who did not embrace the Gospel ..
the Gospel is simple ..Love God with your ALL (which includes repentance and obedience) and treating others as you would yourself ..
what about Protestants who ordain gay ministers ???
is that obedience ??? .. what say ye ???
MichaelH, post: 306981, member: 12848"]I was going to post something yesterday but just got that check in my Spirit and did not. I don't hate Catholic people, I just wish they would stick with the Word. Ixoye is also very decent until you get him talking about Catholic stuff, it's then he looses all common sense. I have no idea why he sticks up for Rosa's crazy belief's. I sure would not defend anything that can't be backed by scriptures.

With that said, I don't mind ripping apart stupid doctrines and making people look stupid that believe nonsense. I do find that attacking and getting mad at the person is not good though. I think we can give views on doctrines we don't agree with and not get upset to much at the person.

Brother Anthony on here writes article after article against some of the people I believe are right and listen to, but I Like Brother Anthony and poke at him every chance I get. I don't have to dislike him just because he constantly slams what I believe.

Same with Rosa, I think she is confused big time when it comes to scriptures and all that junk she adds that is not scripture but I don't carry that from thread to thread. She has shown to be capable of not mixing Catholic stuff in discussions.

What I am telling you Mario is that we can't let things get personal. Once we do then it no longer matters who is right. It's another reason I never give anyone a dislike or disagree because that sticks to their score or whatever and I don't want to carry that disagreement from thread to thread.

We can make other doctrines look stupid, but we have to watch bitterness toward people.
When it gets personal, it's time to stop.

Michael .. I agree with you .. they may not have all their ducks in a row (doctrine right) but God does not love them less then you or me .. the WHOLE of the NT is about LOVE ..

I do have to keep reminding Rosa of some things .. and indeed, they do require a anavowment to their teachings .. whereas your only loyalty should be to God alone .. but nonetheless, they do teach what is needed inre salvation .. they do teach to Love God, believe in Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross for sins repented and to obey God ..
I think you can simply say .. the Gospel is the blueprints to making your heart a heart acceptable to Christ .. so all we need to do is follow that blueprint .. and indeed, His written word is paramount, and as such is life giving when we confirm our hearts by practicing what we also profess ..

God Bless All ..
so if a denomination holds the same Gospel but different doctrine you should brand them as "of satan" ???
then you should be an "equal opportunity attacker" for no two denominations hold the same doctrines ..

perhaps you missed what Jesus said about those who "did not follow the same" .. "leave them alone" .. and what makes you think the doctrine you hold is correctly interpreted ???
I concur ..
and I have NEVER found a REAL Catholic who did not embrace the Gospel ..
the Gospel is simple ..Love God with your ALL (which includes repentance and obedience) and treating others as you would yourself ..
what about Protestants who ordain gay ministers ???
is that obedience ??? .. what say ye ???

Beloved, I do not brand anyone as "satan" if they "holds the same Gospel but different doctrine". It's when both their gospel and doctrine do not follow that of the apostles and prophets of the Lord that gets my attention.
The scriptures teach that it is the gospel that saves; it is apostolic doctrine that keeps us from erring from the gospel that saves!
Now, Do you really believe I "missed" the disciple that did not follow (was with) Jesus and his disciples? He was not teaching a different doctrine: in fact, he was casting out devils in the Lord's NAME! That, Beloved, was not a different doctrine because it was done in the Lord's NAME. Can a catholic cast out devils? Or a Methodist? Or a Baptist? Of course! but it will not profit anyone if it is not done in the Lord's NAME.
"What if it's done in the name of the church, congregation, denomination, etc.?" Then the Lord will not get the glory, but they will be glorifying the name in which the devil was cast out.
"You mean that the devil will obey that name?" Yes...if it belongs to a higher demon! "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against (1) principalities,(2) against powers,(3) against the rulers of the darkness...(4) against spiritual wickedness...". So demons in the domain of the spiritual wickedness will accede to those in high places, etc. But they must all obey the NAME "...that is above every name that is named..."!
"gay ministers?": What do the scriptures say?
Michael .. I agree with you .. they may not have all their ducks in a row (doctrine right) but God does not love them less then you or me .. the WHOLE of the NT is about LOVE ..

I do have to keep reminding Rosa of some things .. and indeed, they do require a anavowment to their teachings .. whereas your only loyalty should be to God alone .. but nonetheless, they do teach what is needed inre salvation .. they do teach to Love God, believe in Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross for sins repented and to obey God ..

Fire comes from going outside the 66 books of accepted cannon. Jeff who owns this site is for the 66 books only and the way the site is set up. So, you get believers here that are scripture only and also don't accept strange belief systems.

The issues comes from Mormons, JW's, Catholics who believe things to be true that are not true and outside of the Word of God. They still consider themselves believes like the rest here but conflict will occur.

If this were a Catholic forum, then I would be the odd ball out, but I would have enough sense to know that and stick within their accepted belief's. This is where Rosa lacks wisdom. We don't count Stigmata as a miracle of God. There are lots of other things she could have mentioned that are not tied to the Catholic Church.

So she is going to get fired upon but it's her own fault.

If I am on a Catholic forum, I can talk about praying in Jesus name and expecting God to move and help. That is acceptable, and I would have more room to breath there because they included the Word of God with tons of other stuff. I would not put down Mary though or even get involved in those conversations, because I would have enough sense to know I was on a Catholic forum.

I was going to post something yesterday but just got that check in my Spirit and did not. I don't hate Catholic people, I just wish they would stick with the Word. Ixoye is also very decent until you get him talking about Catholic stuff, it's then he looses all common sense. I have no idea why he sticks up for Rosa's crazy belief's. I sure would not defend anything that can't be backed by scriptures.

With that said, I don't mind ripping apart stupid doctrines and making people look stupid that believe nonsense. I do find that attacking and getting mad at the person is not good though. I think we can give views on doctrines we don't agree with and not get upset to much at the person.

Brother Anthony on here writes article after article against some of the people I believe are right and listen to, but I Like Brother Anthony and poke at him every chance I get. I don't have to dislike him just because he constantly slams what I believe.

Same with Rosa, I think she is confused big time when it comes to scriptures and all that junk she adds that is not scripture but I don't carry that from thread to thread. She has shown to be capable of not mixing Catholic stuff in discussions.

What I am telling you Mario is that we can't let things get personal. Once we do then it no longer matters who is right. It's another reason I never give anyone a dislike or disagree because that sticks to their score or whatever and I don't want to carry that disagreement from thread to thread.

We can make other doctrines look stupid, but we have to watch bitterness toward people.
When it gets personal, it's time to stop.


Beloved, I understand what you are saying. I have not gone outside this forum, nor will I ever, to investigate anyone here. I would always rather stick to the scriptures, and I have, for my defense. And I have never written anything in anger...although those who are sensitive might believe I have!
I love the Brethren that love the Lord, even them who have been conceived by Him.
Beloved, I understand what you are saying. I have not gone outside this forum, nor will I ever, to investigate anyone here. I would always rather stick to the scriptures, and I have, for my defense. And I have never written anything in anger...although those who are sensitive might believe I have!
I love the Brethren that love the Lord, even them who have been conceived by Him.

Well, I am not at all sensitive and ALMOST NEVER GET (I have my buttons) upset at anyone or take things personal. Hence I don't give dislikes, but If I can tell you were getting personal then, You were getting personal. I have gotten more than one P.M asking me to be nicer or tone it down and that normally means I need to tone it down.

I blasted another person on here because they just flat out lied about what I posted and to me believers should not lie on one another, so I let him have it. However, Major asked if i would just forget it and let it go. I did, and Major is right.

Rosa is confused about a lot of things, I don't even understand how she tolerates her own belief system. However that does not mean I dislike her or even carry things from one thread to the next. I know being Catholic your going to believe goofy things and i just sort of expect that.

It's often these differences in Doctrines that derail threads.

I am what they call Word of Faith and that rubs a whole lot of folks the wrong way. I understand that, but I just stick with scripture. So at times it's kind of like being Catholic in a way because you can show someone something in the Word and blindness just won't let them see it.

We need to be cool with each other, fire our shots and smile at each other the next day.