GiL, you keep praying for your friend, pray that Father would open his eyes to the Truth, but here is a little consolation for you if he doesn't, some people think we will just quietly slip away when the Rapture happens, that is far from the truth, the Rapture will be such a cataclysmic event that it will be even greater in comparison to the Flood when the first drops of rain started to fall in getting peoples attention. Not only will the True Church be "snatched away," but I personally believe, because of the character of Jesus, His Justness and His love for children, babies and children that haven't reached the age of accountability will be taken too, just imagine, Muslim babies, Buddhist babies, Hindu babies, New Ager babies, AND J W's and Mormon babies will all vanish in the twinkling of an eye, now you don't think that will turn this world upside down, set it into such a turmoil that it has never seen?
Paul tells us in 2 Thes 2 that pew warmers will be left behind, unable to believe in Christ and they will believe the lie of the enemy, however, those that have never heard the true Gospel will remember what we have told them and like Enoch they will search everywhere for us, those that we have preached to will immediately start to believe we were right, but Paul also tells us the AC will appear with such great lies, miracles and wonders to deceive the people, to calm them down, ...he has to or otherwise every parent who has had a child disappear would turn to Jesus immediately, and many will, John tells us millions and millions will be saved during the Great Tribulation and these people will come from the cults and other religions, ...and, hopefully your friend and his family too.
So like I said, keep praying and praying and praying.