
I know that is your opinion. I'm not going to fight you on it but I do disagree with you.

Nothing I've said was meant to hurt your feelings or insult you. I understand though. I have people insult me constantly here because of my beliefs and you've done it before too. I apologize if your feelings were hurt.

I will accept your apology. Can you please tell us all exactly what it is you disagree with? It is clear that the LDS religion is false and follow a false gospel of works, and a false Jesus, and those who are caught up in it are not Christians, but still are in dire need of the Saviour.
I have no respect for Mormonism because I know where it has come from---demons...but I respect people, and love them as Jesus tells us to. I love them by telling them the truth of the word. LDS people are more than welcome on my veranda.

Yes, you have turned to insulting me, not knowing one iota of what I am like as a woman. You need to develop a bit of grace and not attack those you disagree with. I don't see what you say directly to me as constructive in ANY way, so you need to stop. It is hurtful. Try discussing the subject, rather than the POSTER!

You hurt my feelings too when you attack me. I am scared to reply to you with an opinion out of fear you might attack me :(
I will accept your apology. Can you please tell us all exactly what it is you disagree with? It is clear that the LDS religion is false and follow a false gospel of works, and a false Jesus, and those who are caught up in it are not Christians, but still are in dire need of the Saviour.

I knew I should have expanded on that but I let it slide anyway.

I guess I do feel we need to respect the person rather than the religion, but having such a low and insulting view of the religion that people hold dear makes it incredibly hard to witness to them. If you were witnessing to a Mormon and then they happened to see this thread, do you think they would give you any more time? I know I wouldn't if I held that view.

You hurt my feelings too when you attack me. I am scared to reply to you with an opinion out of fear you might attack me :(

I still love you Where! Don't be afraid, I will Agree with all the posts she Disagrees with!
I knew I should have expanded on that but I let it slide anyway.

I guess I do feel we need to respect the person rather than the religion, but having such a low and insulting view of the religion that people hold dear makes it incredibly hard to witness to them. If you were witnessing to a Mormon and then they happened to see this thread, do you think they would give you any more time? I know I wouldn't if I held that view.

I still love you Where! Don't be afraid, I will Agree with all the posts she Disagrees with!

Well on a positive side, I am now catching up to Mitspa with the negative ratings. Soon he will not be able to boast anymore :LOL:
I knew I should have expanded on that but I let it slide anyway.

I guess I do feel we need to respect the person rather than the religion, but having such a low and insulting view of the religion that people hold dear makes it incredibly hard to witness to them. If you were witnessing to a Mormon and then they happened to see this thread, do you think they would give you any more time? I know I wouldn't if I held that view.

I have dealt with Mormons in real life and on line. Lovely people, but they are antagonistic themselves against the gospel.

I still love you Where! Don't be afraid, I will Agree with all the posts she Disagrees with!

Don't get carried away, now.
Well on a positive side, I am now catching up to Mitspa with the negative ratings. Soon he will not be able to boast anymore :LOL:

Mitspa and Euphemia have given me the majority of my negative ratings. I think I have maybe four that are from other people. And one of those I really don't understand why I got. Oh, well. Some people don't like people with different opinions.
Mitspa and Euphemia have given me the majority of my negative ratings. I think I have maybe four that are from other people. And one of those I really don't understand why I got. Oh, well. Some people don't like people with different opinions.
You and euphemia are actually tied with 4 last time I checked.
None of the Mormons I have talked to have given a story book type Jesus. You just don't agree with it so you find insulting ways to describe their beliefs. It's actually a lot like what atheists do when they call God our "invisible friend" or call our Bible a book of fairy tales.

Actually he's right. Did you know that mormon's say they believe in the Trinity, but they don't actually believe in the Christian trinity? They believe that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit exists, just like Christians do. BUT, they don't believe they are 1 in the same, they believe they are 3 seperate entities and that the holy spirit and Jesus are God's best servants, but not actually a part of God. They also believe that there are actually thousands of Gods that exist, but our God is the true one for us.
I had a Mormon friend before I was a Christian. His dad was the leader of the local Mormon church. I was raised to be an atheist and he was raised to be a Mormon. But God saves, hallelujah! Now i'm a Christian and hopefully someday he will be too. He was really nice and friendly and had good morals. I pray for him to hear the truth in his heart someday.
I lot of people believe mormons are Christians.. This is the reason Christian leaders supported Mitt Romney.
SOME .. so called leaders supported Mitt...Mitt lost because "real" bible believing Christians could not support a ungodly Mormon. I am greatly ashamed of these so-called leaders who are basically sell-outs in my view. In fact I left my last church where I was a teacher, in part because of this issue. I yet love this church that I help build and the people and consider the pastor as my close brother, but because we where very large and growing, a lot of pressure was put upon him (by other pastors and people of influence in the community) to some how approve this group. I was disappointed that he in part submitted to this pressure. Its very sad to see this sort of thing in the Church of the Almighty...:(
Actually he's right. Did you know that mormon's say they believe in the Trinity, but they don't actually believe in the Christian trinity? They believe that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit exists, just like Christians do. BUT, they don't believe they are 1 in the same, they believe they are 3 seperate entities and that the holy spirit and Jesus are God's best servants, but not actually a part of God. They also believe that there are actually thousands of Gods that exist, but our God is the true one for us.

Yeah, I know that they don't believe in the Trinity the same way we do, but I don't think that makes it a "story book" type belief regardless. I feel like the Trinity is slightly confusing anyway so I can see how someone would have a different belief about it. Especially since it seems like they are separate most of the time. Actually, the chapter in John (14?) is the only place I've seen than clearly shows what the Trinity is. But is the correct view of the Trinity necessary for salvation if the person fully believes that Christ died for their sins?

I also knew about becoming a god like being after death and having your own realm or whatever. I think that's awesome, actually, but I don't think it's true. Still, we don't know what happens after death. I don't think we will be gods, but instead like angels but who's to say we don't have a little area all to ourselves? I'm not sure if their view holds that we will create after becoming god like or not.
GiL, you keep praying for your friend, pray that Father would open his eyes to the Truth, but here is a little consolation for you if he doesn't, some people think we will just quietly slip away when the Rapture happens, that is far from the truth, the Rapture will be such a cataclysmic event that it will be even greater in comparison to the Flood when the first drops of rain started to fall in getting peoples attention. Not only will the True Church be "snatched away," but I personally believe, because of the character of Jesus, His Justness and His love for children, babies and children that haven't reached the age of accountability will be taken too, just imagine, Muslim babies, Buddhist babies, Hindu babies, New Ager babies, AND J W's and Mormon babies will all vanish in the twinkling of an eye, now you don't think that will turn this world upside down, set it into such a turmoil that it has never seen?

Paul tells us in 2 Thes 2 that pew warmers will be left behind, unable to believe in Christ and they will believe the lie of the enemy, however, those that have never heard the true Gospel will remember what we have told them and like Enoch they will search everywhere for us, those that we have preached to will immediately start to believe we were right, but Paul also tells us the AC will appear with such great lies, miracles and wonders to deceive the people, to calm them down, ...he has to or otherwise every parent who has had a child disappear would turn to Jesus immediately, and many will, John tells us millions and millions will be saved during the Great Tribulation and these people will come from the cults and other religions, ...and, hopefully your friend and his family too.

So like I said, keep praying and praying and praying.


Yeah, I know that they don't believe in the Trinity the same way we do, but I don't think that makes it a "story book" type belief regardless.

What is more "storybook" about their beliefs is their teaching that God is a man (flesh and bone) who came to supremacy over time and effort. He is said to have a wife (Mary) and had two sons---Lucifer and Jesus. Jesus is considered A god, but that all men can become gods also.

Nothing there has any relation to truth. It's all a made up story.

It is our responsibility as Christians to know the word so that we can counter the lies of Satan when we come up against them, and not stand there unknowing and even confounded by their beliefs, thinking, "Duh---I don't know--it could be true." We need to know.
What is more "storybook" about their beliefs is their teaching that God is a man (flesh and bone) who came to supremacy over time and effort. He is said to have a wife (Mary) and had two sons---Lucifer and Jesus. Jesus is considered A god, but that all men can become gods also.

Nothing there has any relation to truth. It's all a made up story.

It is our responsibility as Christians to know the word so that we can counter the lies of Satan when we come up against them, and not stand there unknowing and even confounded by their beliefs, thinking, "Duh---I don't know--it could be true." We need to know.
What I don't understand is how they got all of that when the bible would have clearly said it if it were true. And the main problem I have is that they believe the book of Mormon just as much as the bible even though the bible clearly states that anything added besides the bible is lies and false. Plus, why would God wait thousands of years more before giving us the next addition to his word? If there were more to it, it would have already been in the first book.
What I don't understand is how they got all of that when the bible would have clearly said it if it were true. And the main problem I have is that they believe the book of Mormon just as much as the bible even though the bible clearly states that anything added besides the bible is lies and false. Plus, why would God wait thousands of years more before giving us the next addition to his word? If there were more to it, it would have already been in the first book.

They believe it because they believed the charlatan, Joseph Smith and the fabrications he came up with, being seduced and deceived by an angel of light---Satan---literally, who produced for him "another gospel". He had no godly wisdom in him to reject such a thing, as he should know that Satan wants to usurp Jesus.

If people are not believers, they are targets to believe anything in the first place, and if they were Christians in the beginning, they were not grounded in the word, nor were they obedient to God in being discriminating about who they listen to.

2 Corinthians 11:13-14 should have been enough to keep them from falling for it:
These people are false apostles. They are deceitful workers who disguise themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
They believe it because they believed the charlatan, Joseph Smith and the fabrications he came up with, being seduced and deceived by an angel of light---Satan---literally, who produced for him "another gospel". He had no godly wisdom in him to reject such a thing, as he should know that Satan wants to usurp Jesus.

If people are not believers, they are targets to believe anything in the first place, and if they were Christians in the beginning, they were not grounded in the word, nor were they obedient to God in being discriminating about who they listen to.

2 Corinthians 11:13-14 should have been enough to keep them from falling for it:
These people are false apostles. They are deceitful workers who disguise themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
Dude was a known to practice forms of witchcraft and its just amazing that folks cant see what this man really was? He took other mens wives and took little girls and he was just a dirty pervert and built a religion to justify his own lust for sex, and power...That's all this religion ever was or ever will be.