I forgot to say, saw Phil Driscoll with his trumpet back in the '80's, whoa, we worshiped and that trumpet was glorifying the Lord,
We were in what I now call a cult -- I was born and reared in it and I stayed in it because from birth, they promised me hell for myself and my children if I left. I was driving down a city street, literally screaming these words at G-d in complete rage, "Leave me alone! Leave me alone! I am sick of serving you and everyone else. I am going to just serve myself from now on." Then I flipped the radio on, to drown out my anger, and Immediately, there was Phil Driscoll singing, "You gotta serve somebody." The truth of that song burrowed into my very soul, and I recognized the truth of the lyrics. My next words were a grateful realization of the truth, as I said, "I will serve You! I don't want to serve it (meaning satan)." I will never forget. Ever.I forgot to say, saw Phil Driscoll with his trumpet back in the '80's, whoa, we worshiped and that trumpet was glorifying the Lord,
Now it appears to me that God...My Abba is trying to speak? By the way why use the G-d? His children call Him Abba Father and have no fear in His name?We were in what I now call a cult -- I was born and reared in it and I stayed in it because from birth, they promised me hell for myself and my children if I left. I was driving down a city street, literally screaming these words at G-d in complete rage, "Leave me alone! Leave me alone! I am sick of serving you and everyone else. I am going to just serve myself from now on." Then I flipped the radio on, to drown out my anger, and Immediately, there was Phil Driscoll singing, "You gotta serve somebody." The truth of that song burrowed into my very soul, and I recognized the truth of the lyrics. My next words were a grateful realization of the truth, as I said, "I will serve You! I don't want to serve it (meaning satan)." I will never forget. Ever.
It took years for me to leave the cult, and in fact, I never found the courage. They removed me, thinking to punish me. Praise G-d!
And speak He did! Bless the L-rd!Now it appears to me that God...My Abba is trying to speak
Mitspa, forgive me.By the way why use the G-d? His children call Him Abba Father and have no fear in His name?
We were in what I now call a cult -- I was born and reared in it and I stayed in it because from birth, they promised me hell for myself and my children if I left. I was driving down a city street, literally screaming these words at G-d in complete rage, "Leave me alone! Leave me alone! I am sick of serving you and everyone else. I am going to just serve myself from now on." Then I flipped the radio on, to drown out my anger, and Immediately, there was Phil Driscoll singing, "You gotta serve somebody." The truth of that song burrowed into my very soul, and I recognized the truth of the lyrics. My next words were a grateful realization of the truth, as I said, "I will serve You! I don't want to serve it (meaning satan)." I will never forget. Ever.
It took years for me to leave the cult, and in fact, I never found the courage. They removed me, thinking to punish me. Praise G-d!
God and Lord are not His names. They are who He is.
You probably didn't notice, but that's what I wrote.
I have never failed to vote in a presidential election, until the last one..I have always considered myself a Rep...but sadly I see that they do not really represent the values of the people anymore than the Dems....They forced the last two candidates upon us and this Mormon was the last straw for me! I could not and cannot vote for those I know are ungodly and that I see are at work against the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And speak He did! Bless the L-rd!
Mitspa, forgive me.
He is my Father, my constant Companion, my Giver of Life, my Best Friend but my Judge and a Consuming Fire. My middle name has His Name in it.
But in my circles, some often leave out a letter of His Name in order to never desecrate that Name.
Yes, I know that such words as G-d and L-rd are not His Names, but in the States, we often use these words as His Names, especially in prayer and praise . . . then some use the same words in derision and curses. His Names are a big deal to me, so regardless that some have dropped this practice, I have not, although I've thought of it.
Yes, there is more to this practice, but this is my shorter answer.![]()
Oh, I LOVE trumpet, and he is excellent. Love it!We heard him play the old Hymns, no singing, just his trumpet, ...man, and then when he played, How Great Though Art, ............we were in the presence of the Lord.
Yeah, I took a little Koine Greek years ago but forgot more than I learned.And yeah sis, we have the right to call God Father, actually like Mitspa said, Abba Father, and abba in the Greek language would be correctly translated into the English as daddy or even da-da, .......since He is the One who inspired Paul to tell us that, then that is His desire as to how He wants us to consider Him, ...remember what Jesus said, we are to be converted and become like little children.
Oh, let's see.Just curious, what study helps are you using in your Bible study?
My new friend, although I am sure you believe that you are giving me your best advice, I cannot take it.I would encourage you in the Lord to take a step of courage and toss out the religious remnants of what you once adhered to and break open a new intimacy with the Father.
If my reverence for G-d were based on merely how I write His Name, I would, indeed, be very limited and miserable.Reverence for the Lord our God is not found in how one writes His title, but in running to Him as He welcomes us with open arms and flinging ourselves at Him as our daddy! That gives Him great pleasure!
My new friend, although I am sure you believe that you are giving me your best advice, I cannot take it.Hope you understand. The way I worship now is in no way similar to how I once worshiped; rather, it is what I searched for since my interest turned toward G-d at the age of 14, started seriously considering what the Bible says, and started asking questions to which I received no legitimate answers. I have now received those answers.
If my reverence for G-d were based on merely how I write His Name, I would, indeed, be very limited and miserable.![]()
Oh, please don't disappoint me!Dear one, He is not your Judge, He took your place in Judgement, He is now our Advocate (Lawyer) and He is in the role of the Defense Lawyer against the prosecutor satan, and every case the accuser brings before the Father is dismissed, actually we are exonerated, because of lack of evidence.
Yes our God is a Consuming Fire, but like the three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace, the fire can't hurt us, remember what was the only thing burned off of them? The ropes that had bound them, that is an illustration, a type of how the Holy Spirit is burning off the ropes that bound us to this world, burning away the flesh, we are never hurt in the process, only sanctified, being conformed into to the image of our precious Lord, being made fit for Heaven.
My new friend, although I am sure you believe that you are giving me your best advice, I cannot take it.Hope you understand. The way I worship now is in no way similar to how I once worshiped; rather, it is what I searched for since my interest turned toward G-d at the age of 14, started seriously considering what the Bible says, and started asking questions to which I received no legitimate answers. I have now received those answers.
If my reverence for G-d were based on merely how I write His Name, I would, indeed, be very limited and miserable.![]()
Oh, please don't disappoint me!When He judges me, He corrects me, and I love His correction, even though it makes me cringe. Sometimes, I don't immediately comply, but He stands there beside me, waiting. Then because I love Him, I say to Him, "You are G-d, and I am not," and I give in . . . and feel so foolish that I didn't just give in, in the first place. I am glad that He is my Judge now, not later. Do you see where I'm coming from?
I know that I have my High Priest, Who is continually interceding for me, but I need to comply. I have felt like I have been through the flame (I will not say fire: I have not been put through that kind of severity). I remember (a little bit) a song I learned in Mississippi that was taken from Scripture:
Some through the waters, some through the flood,
Some through the fire, but all through the blood;
Some through great sorrow, but God gives a song,
In the night season and all the day long.
God Leads Us Along [.xml], by George A. Young, 1903, Copyright: Public Domain.
It could be that I understand a little more than you knew, but not because of Father.It's okay sis, I understand where you are coming from now, ...Father deals with His children in the way He knows they need, ...for me, because of an abusive father, I couldn't relate to God the Father as a loving Heavenly Father, hence my response to you about judgment (sorry, please except my apology), Father knows judgement is not what I need but rather loving encouragement, so He doesn't really judge me as much as asks me if that's really what I want to do and then becasue I want to please Him and not hurt Him I change my will and He does the rest,
Gene, as you grow in the L-rd, you will learn to accept G-d in His Fatherly place. Seriously. It's not that I have it all together or anything, but I have seen that as I've grown, my attitude has changed. The last time I saw Mother, I had a very hard time standing. My knees turned to Jell-o, and I had a hard time breathing. Now, she is gone, and one of the things I told G-d was that if she is with Him, after I see our Messiah, before I see ANY others, I want to see her. This brings me to tears of prayer, every time I think about it. I pray she is there. G-d bless you, Gene. G-d bless you. You are precious in His sight....I'm sooo glad that God isn't like what they taught me at first, and I'm sure you will agree, .......He is so much more and I can't wait to be with Him!
Nice song, I like the refrain, gonna see if I have it in my hymnal.
Be blessed,
It could be that I understand a little more than you knew, but not because of Father.Bless you!
Gene, as you grow in the L-rd, you will learn to accept G-d in His Fatherly place. Seriously. It's not that I have it all together or anything, but I have seen that as I've grown, my attitude has changed. The last time I saw Mother, I had a very hard time standing. My knees turned to Jell-o, and I had a hard time breathing. Now, she is gone, and one of the things I told G-d was that if she is with Him, after I see our Messiah, before I see ANY others, I want to see her. This brings me to tears of prayer, every time I think about it. I pray she is there. G-d bless you, Gene. G-d bless you. You are precious in His sight.