Some basic and creepy teachings of the LDS church:
Adam is father God.. He was once a child who had a father before him and so on...eternal endless Gods. And we are to become Gods as well.
Jesus is a created being, one god among many and the spiritual brother of satan. Jesus was conceived by father God having sex with Mary
Salvation? Well you are saved by grace after all you could do yourself...following the laws and ordinances of "Christ", confessing with your mouth that Joseph Smith is a true prophet...also the blood of Christ is not enough to atone for your sins your own blood must be spilled as well.
That's enough to determine whether or not they are following the Gospel, me thinks.
This info can be found in the Journal for Discourses, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith by: Joseph smith, Doctrine and Covenants, Articles of Faith and other LDS approved literature.