Not "you" all of us...are judged by this truth and must accept this truth in order to walk in the light of Gods righteousness.
Thank you for responding, Mitspa. I accept that you believe that this especially applies to me, because it has been written after my posts several times. But that is all right. For myself, I know that I am not perfect, because the Bible says that we all have sinned, and I know that I lust after approval; sometimes, I think things I shouldn't then act in a different way because I must in order to show a more righteous attitude; sometimes, I get irritated with my boss and need to repent; I get irritated with me a lot. These are part of being human, and I accept that. But Mitspa, I am sorry, but I have been very open here. Very open. I was just having a hard time accepting that your statements were so pointed at me, as I still believe they were.
Yes, I still obey the Ten Words: (1) I still accept that the L-rd G-d has delivered me from my own Egypt.
(2) I still do not want any gods before Him, but sometimes, I do put things ahead of Him and must repent.
(3) I still believe that I must not take His Name in vain and when I realize I have, I repent.
(4) I still believe that I must remember the Sabbath day, but I am not perfect at that either.
(5) I am still learning how to honor my father and mother but admit that I haven't figured that one out sufficiently. I need His constant help on this.
(6) I haven't actually murdered anyone yet, but see Word #5. I am working on this one, too.
(7) I have not committed adultery; the thought is suffocating.
(8) I used to be a thief, but I have been forgiven and am extremely protective about this one. I just don't do it, not even with regard to time at work.
(9) I don't lie. It is just something I've been delivered from, and while I am sometimes tempted, I find I can't do it.
(10) I am not covetous, but only because I continuously put up fences against it -- like I don't go to new car shows because I know me.
Are there some of these from which you believe the Messiah has delivered you, other than the 4th? Are you free from them, so that you may now covet, lie, steal, etc.? I seriously doubt it, Mitspa. I cannot see you as that kind of man.