WorkingWutcha doin over in Belgium?

WorkingWutcha doin over in Belgium?
What is your work?WorkingUsually they're 3 years job lengths... same company... just go where they need me
You are assuming that he did not know the facts. I would guarantee that every lie he speaks is well chosen.I was talking about this with a friend of mine (an Evangelical youth pastor). We both rolled our eyes at the comments he made about the Crusades and the Inquisition.
I know a lot of people still mistake those events for something else, but as a political leader -- especially one at his status -- he really has an obligation to get the facts straight.
You are assuming that he did not know the facts. I would guarantee that every lie he speaks is well chosen.
That is one great advantage that the evil have, they can lie with impunity and the "average man" is too innocent to see through the lies. Read the comments of Joseph Goebbels to get an idea.
Computers... I manage the the systems for the company.What is your work?
I live here in Belgium and this article is VERY accurate:
They seem to be living to die. It's very sad. Natural Rights are from God like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in our Declaration of Independence. Normal people don't want to die. Normal people want life and the freedom to pursue happiness. Normal people want to praise God, it's actually written in our DNA which we know from the scriptures, but even according to Time Magazine.Do you feel that Belgium is on a path of disintegration regarding Natural Rights or do you feel its establishing a turning point to solidify them?
He's the ONLY President to remove "under God" from our pleadge of allegence... no less that three times.He is the only President to ever not issue a Resurrection Sunday Proclamation, and conversely the only President to ever invite Muslims over to celebrate ramadan at the White House. He seems to be strongly anti-Jew and anti-Christian and pro-Muslim, refusing to ever acknowledge them as terrorists, which they are, because of their book, constantly trying to free muslim terrorists; he hasn't done anything about the terrorists that went to fight with isis - just lets them go on like nothing happened, doesn't consider it an act of war against the USA when isis executes US citizens...none of this trash where the devil is trying to infiltrate and infect our US textbooks with lies that Islam is peaceful and muslims are revolutionary war heroes ever came up before he took office. His administration has tried to hurt Christianity every time it can and has tried to protect muslims and do nothing to stop them. It is 100% clear he is a muslim. If it talks like a duck, walks like a duck, acts like a duck, looks like a duck, what else can it be?
Why would God remove Him when God put Him there? What is going to help this country is a radical change in its beliefs and turn back to God.That said, we must give thanks to God for the office of the Presidency and pray for God to either get him radically saved or removed and to fill that office with a dedicated and fully mature Christian.
I wouldn't say God put him there at all; God established the lines of authority, but not that man to occupy it. God's people didn't show up to vote him out, and most were deceived the first time. Contrary to popular thought, God is NOT in control of the earth, and that's Bible. He is in control of Heaven, but not earth.Why would God remove Him when God put Him there? What is going to help this country is a radical change in its beliefs and turn back to God.
You might be interested in something I blogged today: wouldn't say God put him there at all; God established the lines of authority, but not that man to occupy it. God's people didn't show up to vote him out, and most were deceived the first time. Contrary to popular thought, God is NOT in control of the earth, and that's Bible. He is in control of Heaven, but not earth.
Before anyone says anything let me prove it to you, and though there are many examples we will just use one from the red words: Jesus prayed to the Father that HIS will would be done here on the earth just as it is in Heaven. Meaning literally that God's will is NOT done on the earth unless HIS PEOPLE pray it to be so in faith.
Otherwise you would be blaming God for all sin, for every bit of rape, abuse, murder, etc because then we would be saying if He put Obama in office to directly oppose His own will (sending $ to murder babies, help Islam, hurt Israel, hurt Christianity, need I go on) then He is contradicting Himself and clearly this males no sense.
I think too that the US is the last stand, and that it will hold together until that Day... which I believe is upon us at any moment.I agree, except, consider 1 Chronicles where for the sake of the ones called by His name He heals the land. And if for just 10 righteous ones Sodom and Gamorra would not have been destroyed, so how much more will God for OUR sake, the righteous ones called by His name in this land will God heal our land and protect us when we believe His Word? As well, the unrighteous husband is sanctified by his righteous wife and vice versa...God does a lot for the sake of His righteous ones who believe Him to do so. It is not too late, the USA will not be destroyed, it will endure til the Day of Jesus Christ.