Obama's remarks at prayer event

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation [tribe or people] shall rise against nation, and kingdom [realm] against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diverse places.
All these are the beginning of sorrows. Matthew 24: 6-8
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity [to be at a loss, quandary]; the sea and the waves roaring;
Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. Luke 21: 25-28
Obama he the man to give confidence to the enemies of Israel.
Keep your eyes on Turkey - Erdegon, their President, is bringing about an Islamic state upon what was a Muslim secular nation.
Turkey is part of NATO. Strategically important politically and geographically. Armies coming down on the hills of Israel from the North!!
Hhhhhmmmmmmmmmm we live in interesting times - or is that dangerous times??
That said, we must give thanks to God for the office of the Presidency and pray for God to either get him radically saved or removed and to fill that office with a dedicated and fully mature Christian.

I believe that as more of us in the body of Christ, are praying for our nation, and turning from our worldly ways, seeking God (2 Chronicles 7:14) we will be seeing a turn around in the coming year. And as we truly seek the Father on who to vote for in the coming elections, i believe the prophecy that God is giving our nation back. Not that He took it but that we by our sin slowly got away from God, and allowed sin to enter this nation that was founded upon God's Word, and godly principles. The pilgrims came to get away from the British ways, and to have freedom to Worship our Loving creator.

Just as Daniel was God's mouthpiece in Babylon, so are we as the Body of Christ, in america, and where ever we happen to live. God takes care of His people who have a covenant with Him. And that is the Body of Christ and Israel. But are we as the Body of Christ willing to stand up and say Sir, Yes Sir, what can i do, how can i pray, spending the time on our knees interceeding for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ and for our government? If we do not begin to flood the gates of heaven with our faith filled petitions then who will? If we do not speak the Word of God over ourselves our families, and our nation, then God has no mouthpiece in this world. We are His mouthpiece! It's a call to action! Whose going to stand up and be accounted for? This is not the time to be weak in our faith, or lazy in our faith! We have been born for such a time as this! For we are all soldiers in God's army, in charge of taking with us as many as we can, because the time is short!
Peace to all who have ears to listen and are being invited to the banquet of the king, accepting your call to His table. Blessings
Yup, you bet cha! My spiritual daddy :) God has placed him in my life to teach me a lifestyle of living by the Bible, and the truth of His Word...and to only say what God says and do what God does.
Blessings my friend!
That's fantastic! I would call him my spiritual daddy also. The Lord led us to him about 3.5 years ago.
Kenneth Copeland? Sorry, I have nothing good to say about him, he is a false teacher. I'm sorry if that hurts people's feelings, but false teachers have to be exposed.

Hey, just so you know, Kenneth Copeland doesn't teach anything that isn't in the Word. Search the Scriptures for yourself if there seems to be something that doesn't jive. He said some things that at first I was like, whaaaat?, but then after investigation in the Word, I found it was all true. I would also tell you that God has completely changed our lives through his ministry. Don't believe the haters, check it against the Word, forget everything else. If the Word says it's true, then that settles all argument. I cannot say enough good things about Brother Kenneth Copeland and his ministry. I love that man, he is my brother in the Lord and my spiritual father. He was a direct answer to a sincere prayer and I'll never forget it. My wife was skeptical at first, but she listened and she saw in the Word that what he said was true. Give him a chance without filtering it through someone else. Listen directly and have your Bible ready. God bless you Relentless :)
As i was reading my Bible today, i believe God gave me these verses for us to all stand on.

Isaiah 54:14-17 "In righteousness you will be established: tyranny will be far from you; you will have nothing to fear. Terror will be far removed; it will not come near you. If any one does attack you, it will not be my doing; whoever attacks you will surrender to you. See it is I who created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for it's work. And it is I who have created the destroyer to work havoc; no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me," declares the Lord.

May the Lord richly Bless you all!
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That's fantastic! I would call him my spiritual daddy also. The Lord led us to him about 3.5 years ago.

We have been following him for about 2 years faithfully, and like you said his ministry has totally changed our lives for the better! We had similar reactions to you and your wife, but as you stated, The Word of God proved them true. One just had to have ears to hear. Blessing to you and your wife!
Kenneth Copeland? Sorry, I have nothing good to say about him, he is a false teacher. I'm sorry if that hurts people's feelings, but false teachers have to be exposed.


Are you kidding me here Relentless ?
You are making a choice about a servant of God by what some one else has posted ? You are actually taking what some post about a servant of God by what the media post ?
Anything that the media releases against a Christian will be doctored and edited and infact most of the stuff they do about anything is edited...

OBTW that stuff or attacks to the ministry fell to the way side. It simply came to a stop. Ever wonder why ? Ever wonder why God has not ever stopped him if he is so wrong ? God shut down other ministries that were truly out of their minds....
They seem to be living to die. It's very sad. Natural Rights are from God like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in our Declaration of Independence. Normal people don't want to die. Normal people want life and the freedom to pursue happiness. Normal people want to praise God, it's actually written in our DNA which we know from the scriptures, but even according to Time Magazine.

I feel that many nations right now are riddled with compulsory education systems that no longer teach the basic principles of natural rights and now are inundated with every kind compulsory ideology that causes our younger generations to adhere to furthering compulsion. Yet I know very little about the educated precedent in Belgium.
That's fantastic! I would call him my spiritual daddy also. The Lord led us to him about 3.5 years ago.

Yea I had just gotten out of Jail where I had excepted Christ as my Lord and God lead me right to Him. This was in the early 80's. Brother I saw and felt God moving in my life like nothing I had heard or seen. That is until a few years down the road and I LET the people at the church finally steer me away from KCM.

Well long and short of it all.............I came back to my senses ...............He has always been as a spiritual dad for me as well as a few others...........
Have a wonderful and blessed week end
Are you kidding me here Relentless ?
You are making a choice about a servant of God by what some one else has posted ? You are actually taking what some post about a servant of God by what the media post ?
Anything that the media releases against a Christian will be doctored and edited and infact most of the stuff they do about anything is edited...

OBTW that stuff or attacks to the ministry fell to the way side. It simply came to a stop. Ever wonder why ? Ever wonder why God has not ever stopped him if he is so wrong ? God shut down other ministries that were truly out of their minds....
"the media"? Seriously? How about reading his actual words, or hearing them, and seeing how they don't match up with scripture?

At least now I know why some people here are so adamant that all suffering by Christians is their own fault. And if God always stops every false teacher, then why do you think there are still so many? Did not scripture prophesy that there would be MANY false teachers in the last days? No, God does not stop them, and if this is the criterion by which you discern, then you have a lot to learn.
"the media"? Seriously? How about reading his actual words, or hearing them, and seeing how they don't match up with scripture?

At least now I know why some people here are so adamant that all suffering by Christians is their own fault. And if God always stops every false teacher, then why do you think there are still so many? Did not scripture prophesy that there would be MANY false teachers in the last days? No, God does not stop them, and if this is the criterion by which you discern, then you have a lot to learn.

NO its not how I decern.....but it is howwrite simple like totry and get something accross to you. You said name it claim it bunch in another thread.....this shows that you have no clue in what you are saying. Better yet why not you your self actually list each thing you believe is wrong in his teaching and look each one up in the word and study to see if perhaps you are missing some things.....P,S just so you know......words we speak do set up our future. What words have you been releasing through out your every day ? Think about this as you look around at your life.. maybe yoo too have room to grow and learn....
I gave a link to some of the issues with Copeland's teachings, but it seems clear that posting more would only invite further claims of my cluelessness. Also, I do not see any scriptural support for the teaching of spoken words having any power to set up our future. And my life, you may be surprised or disappointed to know, has been, and continues to be, very blessed.
I gave a link to some of the issues with Copeland's teachings, but it seems clear that posting more would only invite further claims of my cluelessness. Also, I do not see any scriptural support for the teaching of spoken words having any power to set up our future. And my life, you may be surprised or disappointed to know, has been, and continues to be, very blessed.

How much do you know about the author of this link?
How much time have you spent checking to what they feel about other parts of scripture?
It is easy to find something that backs your beliefs and has christian this or that written all over it. All I am saying is research every area of the source you use,

I am not attacking you.....I just debate this way with you .... smile !!
How much do you know about the author of this link?
How much time have you spent checking to what they feel about other parts of scripture?
It is easy to find something that backs your beliefs and has christian this or that written all over it. All I am saying is research every area of the source you use,

I am not attacking you.....I just debate this way with you .... smile !!
Ah, so I can call you clueless as well, as long as I use a disclaimer? Awesome! ;)

You don't know me. I do my research, and if I haven't, I say so. And I go where scripture leads me, not pick a belief and make scripture fit it. So ask yourself as well, whether you've done due diligence and dared to put Copeland under the microscope.