At this point going off what little I know, and really have not searched for an answer..... I tend to think that the earth is not as old as the people who study the dinosaur bones say. It's difficult for me to trust the words of anyone whom believes in the fact that we came from apes and that the first people just communicated in grunts and ughs.
God created Adam and eve in His image and likeness. God is super smart and communicated with them intelligently, plus being that Adam named all the animals and such is proof enough to me that they were very intelligent. Just looking at early Scriptures of Genesis is more proof.
I also believe that the Jews always have been and still are the entrusted caretakers of the Scriptures. I also believe that each day of creation was an actual day. And some day I will do the research to find out if my thoughts line up with Scripture.
Right now there are so many other things that I need to be mindful of and training myself in, so this, for now, has to take a back seat.
Blessings and thanks for asking.... if I get any answers I'll let ya know![]()
I think that we are missing the point here.
What is it that the church is supposed to do? Some think that it is to be political and some think it is to change the world. Some think that it is to promote wealth and fame.
Mark 16:15.............
"15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned."
We are to spread the saving grace of God through the belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are to do that for all people. To do that we as Christians must be able to give that message out to those who are rooted in science.
Just so that we all will understand this, please know that the unsaved world laughs at Christians who hold to a Young Earth view, in particular concerning the matter of dinosaurs. We live in a world where most people are thinkers and they know bogus teachings when they hear it. IMO, It is simply absurd to claim that dinosaurs roamed the earth 4,500 years ago. IF.....IF we are are reach the world for Christ we must have the ability to reach those people as much as everyone else.
As evidenced right here on CFS very few Christians know how to reconcile the reality of dinosaurs with the Genesis flood of Noah's time and the account of Creation in the Bible. Because of that fact many people just like Matt Damon walk away lost and on there way to hell.
Mr. Damon made a comment about potential U.S. Presidential candidate Sarah Palin in 2008, implying that he would never vote for someone who believes that dinosaurs roamed the earth 4,000 years ago. Can you blame him? I have a problem with that claim myself. Albert Einstein said, “Religion without science is blind.”
1st Timothy 6:20 warns us about “science falsely so called” (such as the lies of Evolution); however, if we also reject legitimate science in ignorance, then we only discredit ourselves as Christians and we are not following the commission of Jesus to spread the gospel to all the world. That is our mission!!!!
It's important that Christians be scientifically correct as well as Biblical correct if they want people to respect their opinion and listen to them.
Psalms 102:25, “.......
Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands.”
The human race is indeed only 6,000 years old and the advancement of civilizations (languages, inventions, medical, industry, et cetera) clearly evidence this fact.
However, IMO.....the earth is very old. I have no problem with scientists estimating that the universe is 12 billion years old. It may be several Trillion years old for all we know.
What I do know is that the Hebrew shows in Genesis 1:2 that the earth which God created became without form, and void and dark; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. The Bible says God's Word NEVER returns void. Isaiah 55:11,......
“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”
Everything that God has ever created is good. Only sin destroys good. God never created a devil. God never created a fallen man. God never created an earth that is void.