Bob, I don't (or never) claimed to be a teacher, just one who puts forth ideas to chew on.
As far as new believers go, I would direct them to the books of John and Romans.
Revelation is not a Book for new believers, as even seasoned believers struggle with Revelation, as witnessed here on this Forum.
Amen and Amen! In should be the last book for a new believer to read.
I'll make sure to avoid it at costs...I agree with the premise, but ill intent nonetheless.

Hello drequeen;

God bless you for your questions. Were you the one who is studying Revelation at Church? I'd be blessed to know how your Pastor and everyone is doing in leading this class.

I've struggled for years with Isaiah and Acts and I'm still coming across passages that fill me with questions.

God bless you, brother, and your zeal to grow in God's Word.
Yes, we're studying Revelation on Wed. night. It's going well, we're all trying to figure it out. We're starting Ch 13 on Wed. No one has all the answers. We've been studying Acts in Sunday School for the past 2 months or so. I'm ready to move on to be honest, looking forward to my favorite book, Romans (called the Constitution of Christianity by someone, not sure who). J Vernon McGee used to call it that often. God bless you, bobinfaith
I'll make sure to avoid it at costs...I agree with the premise, but ill intent nonetheless.
Maybe I did not say it correctly. I did not mean that the Revelation should not be read.

In fact, it is the only book in the Bible that promises a blessing to those who do read it.

All I am saying is that IMHO, the other books of the Bible need to be read and studied before going to the Revelation....especially Daniel and Ezekiel.

The Revelation is an unfolding of Daniel so one must have an understanding of Daniel to begin with.
144,000 Israeli priests of God. (Rev. 14: 1 -5)

The Government of the City (New Jerusalem) - Priests.

The Priesthood - l44 cubits of the wall.

` Then he measured its wall: 144 cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of an angel.` (Rev. 21: 17)

This foundation of God`s government is the 12 apostles, kings ruling. Then we read of the Priesthood with them. They are symbolised by the `144 cubits.` This is what God promised to Israel.

` And you shall be to me a kingdom of Priests and a holy nation.` (Ex. 19: 6)

These Priests are revealed to us when God sealed them at the beginning of the tribulation. They came from every tribe in Israel, 12 x 12 = 144,000.

`Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads. And I heard the number of those who were sealed. 144,000 of all the tribes of the children of Israel were sealed.` (Rev. 14: 1 – 5)

These 144,000 Priests are also shown with the Lord on Mount Zion.

`Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion and with Him 144,000, having His Father`s name written on their foreheads.` (Rev. 14: 1)

These 144,000 are described as priests. They have followed the Lamb and not false religions, or idols etc. They are pure, symbolised by being `virgins.`

` These are the ones who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes.`
(Rev. 14: 4)

The walls, the government in this city, is of the Lord. This is symbolised by `jasper, gold and clear glass`. All of which are found in relation to the Lord and His throne. (Rev. 4: 3 - 6)

`And the construction of its walls was of jasper, and the city was pure gold, like clear glass.` (Rev. 21: 18)
