OKAY...I was expecting a lot of flack because I know it is or can be a sensitive issue, and I know that I am going up against a few published commentators
I've often wrestled with this issue. My current understanding is that there is really no division. All the 613 laws come down in the long run to the ten commandments, which in turn come down to the first.
Hypothetical: I love the Lord my God....hmmm nobody will miss this ipad that is lying in the unlocked store showcase, besides I could use the money I'd save to watch a few adult movies.
Quite a few wrongs in that hypothetical, none of which support my claim to love God.
I think the amplification of the Ten Commandments are/were to act as a guide for a more comprehensive understanding and application.
For example,
General Commandment
Commandment #7 and #10 Deu 5:21 "'And you shall not covet your neighbor's wife. And you shall not desire your neighbor's house, his field, or his male servant, or his female servant, his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's.'
Amplified application in part:
Deu 22:22 "If a man is found lying with the wife of another man, both of them shall die, the man who lay with the woman, and the woman. So you shall purge the evil from Israel.
I may be wrong, but I think the idea that not one jot nor tittle means not the least eensy weensy item of the Law is to be done away with till all be completed. That would logically include the 613 (explanatory) laws.
I am aware that some would therefore argue that the Sabbath must be kept, however that is not a sound Exegesis in light of much other Scripture.
Hello Brother Calvin,
I would truly like to continue in this with you but until you can actually make a valid point using all scriptures pertaining unto your claim and scriptural interpretations, it is difficult to say the least.
Here is what I am talking about.....
When you use Matthew 5:17-18 why do you leave out 19-48 which is Jesus explaining what He is talking about ?
What is your point with Acts 28:23 ? How does this fit your claim ?
Perhaps you have missed the big point in this.
1. If the word of God says the old law is done away with then it is done away with. None of us have any right to go to questioning what is written in Gods word. I did not say asking questions about His word...Questioning what it says is doubting it or saying it is not correct and who ever is questioning the word of God like this is saying they know something different....
2. The laws of G0D are through out the written word of God and includes both the old testament and the new testament. Such as walking in Forgiveness and walking in Love are spiritual laws or commands from God or Laws of God or GODS LAWS. The tithe is still in effect and so forth.
3. The Law is done away with.....No use for it because Jesus went to the cross to replace the old laws which were not working. Meaning the laws were not getting man justified in the eyes of God. It still can not.
Jesus through His blood made or put into effect a new and better covenant between God and man. The laws of God are still in use brother but those old laws and interpretations of the old laws are dead and no more. This is where including 19-48 of your claim from Matthew 5:17-18 would help you to see this. Jesus compares what WAS WRITTEN unto WHAT IS TO BE NOW.
There is a huge difference here.
4. With your Hypothetical theories above that you used I must ask what is your point with these ? You go from scripture to rambling to scripture trying to connect the dots. How does this work ?
Such as Love thy God with all your heart and being is the greatest commandment and with it goes......love your neighbor as you love your self.
You were using some of this as reference for your claim but in all truth it was just saying this person broke one of the 10 commandments....Thus shall not steal. How does this incline that the old done away with law is still in effect?
All this old law could ever do and would ever do is show people how bad they were and how cursed they were. That is why it is GONE for GOOD !
Now then Brother if you can show me your claim with all scriptures pertaining unto your claim and leave out the stuff that does not help, this could be an interesting subject.
Thank You for sharing with me.
Love and Blessings in Christ