Thanks guys.
Seems to be a strong consensus which I thought there would be. Some good posts. Thanks.
Seems to be a strong consensus which I thought there would be. Some good posts. Thanks.
I'm not sure what your main point is?Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 2 Peter 1:20
These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. Acts 17:11
I'm not sure what your main point is?
First two links seem to suggest that I should submit to the instructions of the pastors for the sake of peace.
The others I am unsure. Seem to suggest that I should examine the scriptures to see if the instruction is accurate and to not abandon my zeal.
I met with my pastor again.
His view is that the teaching/discussion has no accountability and can't be controlled.
He says that if he supports small groups of people catching up then more, less equipped people, will want to do the same thing which can be dangerous.
He said if we catch up casually and conversation goes into the bible it's ok but not to arrange a catch up for the purpose of discussing the Bible.
It's quite annoying to even hear this for someone like myself who talks about God and discusses the Bible in most conversations with people. To not be able to meet together as a small group of mature believers seems silly.
I would think that a pastor would LOVE for people to be doing this and pushing hard that instead of watching football or movies people are catching up and hungry for the Word.
It seems in this western culture Christianity truly is an accessory and put in a box for church days (church building!). My pastors are of good character and don't teach false doctrine but it seems like they are not driving us passionately.
I sit at home reading the Bible, commentaries, systematic theology books, studying church history, reading biographies or Whitfield, Finney, Muller etc. I have so much desire in me but I feel less motivated at church than I do at home.
I'm not sure that I feel God calling me to leave right now. There are many people I have formed great relationships with and can have a huge influence there. But I'm frustrated. I will continue so seek God in this matter.
Thanks for all the responses!
For those in here viewing or commenting... Is this type of bible reading and prayer something, to the contrary of this situation, something that would actually be encouraged and delight the church/leaders?
Just my opinion but how I'd love for church leaders to get up and implore church members to continue on in such activities.
Thanks for all the responses!
For those in here viewing or commenting... Is this type of bible reading and prayer something, to the contrary of this situation, something that would actually be encouraged and delight the church/leaders?
Just my opinion but how I'd love for church leaders to get up and implore church members to continue on in such activities.
Im a bit puzzled..are your bible study companions doing this apart from thee church or are you open to anyone in the church to join in from your local congregation...?
Eg. Do you announce this bible study in your church bulletin...if you have one, or is it just totally separate from church and you just decided to do it. Are there any other bible study gatherings your church small home groups. It may be your little group is clashing with others.I dont know.
It just sounds odd to me. A pastor would be encouraging and only stop it if he felt that maybe you were going after false teachings or something. Anyway if thats the case just listen to what your pastor has to say. If hes unreasonable or doesnt say why, then we can advise you..because otherwise it seems very controlling.
I met with my pastor again.
His view is that the teaching/discussion has no accountability and can't be controlled.
He says that if he supports small groups of people catching up then more, less equipped people, will want to do the same thing which can be dangerous.
So essentially if I send messages to people saying "let's hang out" and then we talk about God it's ok. But I shouldn't go in with the "intention" of talking about God. Even though 90% of what we talk about any time we see each other anywhere is God.
I know my pastor would love it and encourage it. I have also had contact with other churches who advertise these such bible studies as part of their ministry. I've seen them called "Life Groups" or "Study Groups" or "Home Study Groups", encouraging each other in the Word.
IMO: it has to be acknowledge that is VALID concern, there are mentions that Apostle Paul, Peter raised a similar concern on potential false teaching...
AND that is what I think to focus on: a VALID suggestion for that VALID concern
It is also a valid NEED, from the congregation to have a bible study….
Makes me wonder, there has to be those with gift of Teaching in your Church, that the Pastor can assigned... FORMALLY, assigned not only for the sake of Peace, but much of Order during discussion.
Just imagine a forum discussion without a Moderator : )