You are right. I have a son that just retired from the police service after 25 years. What we all need to remember is that the police USELLY, not all the time but most of the time are dealing with the lowest forms of humanity. Drug dealers, users, thief's, liars, murders, prostitutes and the list goes on and on and on. They by association to these elements are always at risk and are exposed to the very worst of society. They are cursed at, spit at, SHOT at and yes KILLED!!!!
Sometimes, when a policeman shows up after YOU have called for help......he has just left the scene of a murder where a man has killed a 2 year old child. Or a man has just cut his dogs head off with a knife. He can not just turn off what he has just seen because it has disgusted him and sometimes that creeps into his personality and he does not seem friendly to us when we call for help.
I am not saying that is right.......just that it is a fact of life and it effects all of us.
I have had the honor of presiding at 2 funerals of slain policemen and I can tell you friends that there is not another job on this planet that is more dangerous than theirs is. What ever the pay is not enough to put up with the abuse that they have throne at them or the fact that their life is on the line every single moment that they are on duty.
One of the happiest days in my life was when our son called and said dad, guess what................