Are Police officers to be respected as God given authority over us........
Oh sorry. But they make judgement calls in emergency situations..and in my country have perverted the justice system. Lot of corrupt cops out there.
There seems to be no accoutability and some think they above the law.
Would it be too rude to answer your first question with another question?
According to scripture, if the police officer steps off the virtuous foundation of Natural Rights Theory, and engages in acts of despotism, then are we as Christians mandated to condone, support or obey the officer or the despotic action committed (despotism = actions of aggress/ initiating violence)?
Thus upon using scripture, we can know where Christ and Paul drew for us a very precise line for support or rejection.
General prayers are good too, but prolly wont be as effective.
I dont know..does anybody have a prayer we can pray for the police?
To answer your question, i believe that yes no matter what the officer is doing we must obey, or comply to show respect for his authority (just like the Bible commands the slaves to obey their masters, even if they are harsh)...should we ever get to the place where we have to come in contact with that officer.
However i do think that we need to be praying that God would bring the corruption to light, and pray for that officers salvation. God has placed certain authorities on this earth to govern, but that does not mean that we jut sit by and do nothing. We should be taking the time every day to lift up the officers, and all forms of government, and asking God to give us scriptures to pray and (what) if there are more specific things to pray about so that God through us can control the things that He set up for our benefit. This is not the time for us as a Body of believers to sit back and allow the evil in this world to rule.
God gave us the dominion over this earth, adam and eve lost it, but Jesus bought it back for us with His Blood.
If Daniel could rule Babylon with his prayers....we certainly should be doing the same!