Police Officers

hmm I've never called the police for help, oh wait a minute I have.
They didn't turn up.
I just know calling them doesn't do anything. Have learned. Even when the police station is right up the road, they didn't come. Anyway. sorry, but that's the case in my country.
I think they tracked down the guy months later. But I had to keep on at them otherwise they just let it go. Another time I got scammed I didn't even bother to go the police with it cos of all the rigmarole went through last time.
They couldn't arrest him cos he didn't say anything. anyway that was ages ago forgotten about it now. Plus, now in applying for jobs need a police check - for teaching..and that's going to take AGES. So by the time you do and get all the required documents the job has already been taken.
ugh just thinking bout it makes me angry and prolly not the police officers fault but the whole system in place. Can't change the system I suppose but maybe just pray that we live in peace.
Had a friend who used to work in police as secretary and as govt department they don't get paid all that much but they do have heaps of perks. She left that job and now has own business. Plus I imagine associating with crims all the time many would get tempted, and prolly there is bribery and coverups.
Many want to be the hero I suppose but a lot of the everyday stuff is not heroic at all. It's tragic and horrible. I shall shut up now. Good thread. Keep praying.
It sounds like your country has an insufficient law enforcement.
Hopefully it sorts itself.
Are Police officers to be respected as God given authority over us........

Would it be too rude to answer your first question with another question?

According to scripture, if the police officer steps off the virtuous foundation of Natural Rights Theory, and engages in acts of despotism, then are we as Christians mandated to condone, support or obey the officer or the despotic action committed (despotism = actions of aggress/ initiating violence)?

Thus upon using scripture, we can know where Christ and Paul drew for us a very precise line for support or rejection.
Oh sorry. But they make judgement calls in emergency situations..and in my country have perverted the justice system. Lot of corrupt cops out there.
There seems to be no accoutability and some think they above the law.

I am sorry that you have corrupt police officers there. Can i ask how often you pray for them, that God will remove the corruption, and bring salvation to where you are at?
Would it be too rude to answer your first question with another question?

According to scripture, if the police officer steps off the virtuous foundation of Natural Rights Theory, and engages in acts of despotism, then are we as Christians mandated to condone, support or obey the officer or the despotic action committed (despotism = actions of aggress/ initiating violence)?

Thus upon using scripture, we can know where Christ and Paul drew for us a very precise line for support or rejection.

To answer your question, i believe that yes no matter what the officer is doing we must obey, or comply to show respect for his authority (just like the Bible commands the slaves to obey their masters, even if they are harsh)...should we ever get to the place where we have to come in contact with that officer. However i do think that we need to be praying that God would bring the corruption to light, and pray for that officers salvation. God has placed certain authorities on this earth to govern, but that does not mean that we jut sit by and do nothing. We should be taking the time every day to lift up the officers, and all forms of government, and asking God to give us scriptures to pray and (what) if there are more specific things to pray about so that God through us can control the things that He set up for our benefit. This is not the time for us as a Body of believers to sit back and allow the evil in this world to rule. God gave us the dominion over this earth, adam and eve lost it, but Jesus bought it back for us with His Blood. If Daniel could rule Babylon with his prayers....we certainly should be doing the same!
And no i did not think you rude. :)
The Police officer is a minister of God for our Good according to the written word of God.
As human beings they can make a bad choice but this does NOT in any way release us from keeping them lifted up and prayed over. They see and face stuff that would sicken the ordinary person and deal with stuff so hideous it is almost insane.

They are getting a bad rap these days and satin is behind it. He removed God from the schools
and makes it harder for a parent to discipline their children and the generations grow older.
Now take away the authority of the police and the devil has a much easier free range to run a muck in.

Most of the crap that our police officers get drug through is just that crap. The gang bangers and other such crowds get more rights dealt to them and all the while a police officers are getting shot and killed or a minor tail light out stop. They run from the officers and shoot at them and attack them but once an officer fights back then it turns into a ,,,,,some ones rights were abused....Poppy cock !! Walk a righteous life and you wont have any problems with a ploice officer......
General prayers are good too, but prolly wont be as effective.
I dont know..does anybody have a prayer we can pray for the police?

I would suggest praying ps 91 over them, and also praying for their salvation. And asking God to remove all corruption within the departments.
To answer your question, i believe that yes no matter what the officer is doing we must obey, or comply to show respect for his authority (just like the Bible commands the slaves to obey their masters, even if they are harsh)...should we ever get to the place where we have to come in contact with that officer.

I understand your point, but may I go further to explore your position using ethics?

Based on this answer “yes no matter what the officer is doing we must obey, or comply to show respect for his authority” – let us consider its application.

An officer of the law pulls a Christian over in any given country and the officer in pure disdain of the Christian faith points his gun and says, “Get on your knees now and denounce your Christian God, and give your allegiance to my God.” (This is happening in a few countries even now as we post.)

Ethical Application
Are we in this extreme situation “still” required to comply and respect the officer and their despotic action to use violence to coerce a Christian to kneel and denounce their Savior and give allegiance to Satan?

However i do think that we need to be praying that God would bring the corruption to light, and pray for that officers salvation. God has placed certain authorities on this earth to govern, but that does not mean that we jut sit by and do nothing. We should be taking the time every day to lift up the officers, and all forms of government, and asking God to give us scriptures to pray and (what) if there are more specific things to pray about so that God through us can control the things that He set up for our benefit. This is not the time for us as a Body of believers to sit back and allow the evil in this world to rule.

I could not agree more my friend and your wise assertion resonates deeply with me personally

God gave us the dominion over this earth, adam and eve lost it, but Jesus bought it back for us with His Blood.

How did Adam and Eve lose dominion over the earth; for the great delegation from creation was reconfirmed when Noah landed, which was after Adam and Eve’s sin in the garden. I will contend that mankind is still the recipient of the delegation of Natural Law and Natural Rights; for man and woman both are the recipients of the earth and all things in it.

If Daniel could rule Babylon with his prayers....we certainly should be doing the same!

Here we are completely on the same page; for our ability to move a nation will not be with the force of human law or human power, but by the Spirit of the Lord.