That is because it has always been the agenda of the Catholic church to increase its influence regardless of the means. "The end justifies the means" has been her philosophy. This is a prinicipal of Vatican II.
From my observations and reading of history she is nothing but a card player that will play any suit that will ensure she survives or is convenient .She also cheats . Never play cards with her .
Evolution while on the face of it or by appearances looks to have some merit.
But no one has ever shown .known or ever proved that one species can change into another or indeed mate with another . Nor can they .
Even a horse and a donkey being very close to each other will produce a mule. But there is no life in its seed and so cannot reproduce itself . If you want another mule you need another horse and donkey.
In one species say a dog or for that matter Darwins famous finches .You have every variable . So at one end you have those miniature toy dogs and at the other a great dane . As with everything in between you have only dogs. A cat is not a dog. and a dog is not nor can be a cat . Cats have their range also and variations . But that is within the range of the gene pool as it were or as God intended has made it so.
Within Adam was all that was needed to reproduce all the variations of men that there are . Men have not evolved from apes nor can they . Nor have they evolved from half ape men to men . Men can descend to brutes ands act like animals or worse . that is one thing . But God still demands they give an account of themselves as men .
Evolution does not take into account the laws of physics .Let alone God.
Are we to assume then that those laws have evolved as well? and in that case can still evolve or change? That is absurd and no one believes it . For if those laws can or do or might change then they are untrustworthy and no one would get in a plane and expect to reach their destination. or get in a car and turn the wheel left and expect it to go left etc.
They are for all practical purposes eternal.
if it is insisted they are not. Then by what law did this so called big BANG! work by?
If they do not then the law was there before the big ......................................BANG!
Then how did those laws come about?
The universe does not 'work' without God ,Let alone the earth and men . and the world in its history and present declention proves it and in any event the Word of God states it .
It matters not then what this man or that man high or low may say or deny. It does not change the facts .It does matter though when people blindly follow them.
and while people
and each person is responsible for their own actions and words. Those who lead them down the broad road to destruction will suffer the greater condemnation.
in Christ