Pray for Ferguson

I do.

I think the closet in UK terms I can get to were the 2011 riots.

My personal UK view is that any shooting by the police should automatically trigger a full public enquiry but this is strictly a UK view and one coming from a person who has a general dislike of guns...

Huh...I was unaware of this. I thought only the US did this (teasing). It was one of those years I wasn't watching the news. I think of protests of the Arab spring or Benghazi - where the US embassy was looted and burned. I don't think any of these led to anything good - altho I suppose it depends on your point of view. When I think of these things, I think the word "lawlessness" and then I think of the Adversary who thrives and flourishes in these things. In the Ferguson protests, after the verdict was announced, there was no clergy out on that night and I wondered why. Plenty of media. Michael Brown Sr.'s church was burned down as well. I always pray for eyes, ears and hearts be made open and to be kept open to the will of God (my own included). And lawlessness seems to be on the rise. Keep praying.
I don't blame the residences of Furguson, nor the police, per se. I think the issue is that the US is militarizing its police, training them to be like soldiers, which means they see anyone that's NOT a cop as the enemy and what do you do with the enemy? ... My point exactly. Now on the flip side, yes, we have a gun problem in the US, but at the same time, the first amendment is freedom of speech and the second is to defend the first by having a right to bear arms (or as my kids joke: right to arm bears). The US is quickly, if not already, an oligarchy. The top dogs might change collars, but those running all the cabinet agencies don't change. Why do you think Guantanamo is still open? It was the very first thing Pres. Obama did after taking his jacket off from being sworn in. Yet, it's still open. The country isn't run by the top 5% but the top 30% of the remaining 95%. Everyone in the gov knows this. This is how the companies got into bed with the gov and once that was done, the media got in bed too. Who loses out? 99% of the US population. To "fundamentally change" something is to change it's foundation. That's what the 30% are doing, and using the top 5% as scapegoats. This is why nothing changes from pres to pres, congress to congress. It's called Fabian Socialism, burn it down so it can be rebuilt. Why hasn't it been done by now since it's been around since the 1920's? The US Constitution, something the President, a Constitutional Professor, calls a set of "negative rights". What that means is the gov can't do what it wants without changing it, that is, unless the media or the people stand against it. How can people know if the media don't speak. So what's the real issue with Furguson? Ignorance on both sides. The cops are being used and the people are being exploited. Read everything the gov has said on the subject and you'll see for yourself. Just my two cents.
Huh...I was unaware of this. I thought only the US did this (teasing). It was one of those years I wasn't watching the news. I think of protests of the Arab spring or Benghazi - where the US embassy was looted and burned. I don't think any of these led to anything good - altho I suppose it depends on your point of view. When I think of these things, I think the word "lawlessness" and then I think of the Adversary who thrives and flourishes in these things. In the Ferguson protests, after the verdict was announced, there was no clergy out on that night and I wondered why. Plenty of media. Michael Brown Sr.'s church was burned down as well. I always pray for eyes, ears and hearts be made open and to be kept open to the will of God (my own included). And lawlessness seems to be on the rise. Keep praying.
Dear sister... this is all part of prophecy...

Matthew 24:12 (ESV)
And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.
Silk said:
It was one of those years I wasn't watching the news. [/QUOTE]

OT but weird isn't it? I'm possibly similar on this, times when I've wanted to be on top of current affairs and times when events just sort of pass you by
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Glad you understood and I went for a long time ignoring the events of the world. I was originally going to post that I didn't think any other country was as dumb and as easily manipulated as the US appears to be....then I thought again. It seems to be fairly easy to stampede any group of people into darkness. All you need is to feed fears and lie a whole lot.
Glad you understood and I went for a long time ignoring the events of the world. I was originally going to post that I didn't think any other country was as dumb and as easily manipulated as the US appears to be....then I thought again. It seems to be fairly easy to stampede any group of people into darkness. All you need is to feed fears and lie a whole lot.

It's everywhere Silk; the 'prince' of this world has been waiting a long time subtly turning the creation against the creator....

(The USA is only 238 years old-just think how entrenched Satan is in Europe-WWI, WWII...)
Glad you understood and I went for a long time ignoring the events of the world. I was originally going to post that I didn't think any other country was as dumb and as easily manipulated as the US appears to be....then I thought again. It seems to be fairly easy to stampede any group of people into darkness. All you need is to feed fears and lie a whole lot.

I'm not sure I do understand silk but if you are going down the route of suggesting there is a general dumbing down of societies , I'd probably agree with you.

I'm not sure I do understand silk but if you are going down the route of suggesting there is a general dumbing down of societies , I'd probably agree with you.

What I meant was I wasn't aware of the 2011 riots in the UK and you spotted correctly that I wasn't paying attention to any news, for the most part, other than the random sight of an atom at the tip of the glacier. I thought it might be misread as I only cared about US events. Group think can be dumb throughout history. In behavior experiments it has been shown over and over that sometimes we just want to agree with what we think the majority thinks even when we see the truth. I dunno if it has it in this video but I'm thinking of the one where you are in a room with 5 others and shown a brief film clip. You (rhetorical) see a red haired boy and everyone else says he's blond. So you correct your answer to blond.

Just to expand on the way I think on some things, siik, remember when we were young? Not saying we never got bored but hey in Uk, you could kick a football, you could play trekking (a sort of paper chase) make dens, etc. Of course I don't know a young girl in the US but maybe you know hopscotch or maybe something to skip to and/or maybe joined with the boys in dens, maybe you know different games, etc. My point really is that we could find ways of amusing ourselves without "I things", etc. and the need to consume.

I'm not suggesting we never consumed, eg. Banana Splits was quite pouplar in my childhood as was Scooby Doo... just we were not dependent on it. Or maybe my own upbringing at that stage ws just odd. of give or take 1 year, first time round in Pydew, there were 5 boys and one girl. A village covering over a mile and about 40 houses scattered aroud. From my part, it was only in much later years that I realised what we had in terms of freedom of space to play.
I think I get where you are going but I don't think I can use myself as an example of typical. I don't ever remember being the b word. I could always amuse myself or take part, if I wanted with groups. There were cards to play (no one seems to do that anymore) swings to swing on, a sandbox to dig down to china, an apple to pick. A bicycle to ride. You'd think it would get easier but with the information overload these days, I find one lifetime not enough to read/learn/watch all that I want. And I like my own company, quite well, altho I enjoy people too. When I grew up, eons ago - it wasn't a cliche yet "that everybody lies" and you were punished for it. Now it seems everyone feels it is easier to reach for a lie than try to be truthful. You are right, tho, it has become a very "I" world.
I must stop this OT rambling of mine but re cards, it was only the other day that my mother commented it would be nice to get a pack of cards (maybe there is on somewhere at home...) and have a game of cribbage. Solo is perhaps my favourite game (never got into bridge) but it;s donkeys years since I last played it.

Re company, I think I'm one of those who likes a lot of my own space. I wouldn't say I'm a loner though as I can also enjoy company and can get frustrated when I go through a couple of weeks with only my parents to talk to. I guess that's why I can babble so much on the Internet...
Well, telling lies or as they call it now, spin, and an "I" world aren't so far OT as all that :). Just when I think I know all the card games, somebody mentions a bunch I don't know (Solo, Whist, Tripoli, 31 or skat). I played bridge in college but not much since. My all time favorite is double deck pinochile and I got a computer card program just for keeping my hand in with that. The only money games I ever played was pitch and liar's poker - the last didn't involve cards so strike that last. I still play spider solitaire.
Cards, you've done the same to me, I know a few but you've mentioned ones I don't know. Money wise, I have played for nominal stakes, eg. 10p for each of the 3 lives in a variety of brag. But big stakes is something I have always stayed clear of.

Spin, yes there are some odd words these days. A couple of my favourites (not that I approve of them) are "being economical with the truth" and "creative accountancy".
I don't blame the residences of Furguson, nor the police, per se. I think the issue is that the US is militarizing its police, training them to be like soldiers, which means they see anyone that's NOT a cop as the enemy and what do you do with the enemy? ... My point exactly. Now on the flip side, yes, we have a gun problem in the US, but at the same time, the first amendment is freedom of speech and the second is to defend the first by having a right to bear arms (or as my kids joke: right to arm bears). The US is quickly, if not already, an oligarchy. The top dogs might change collars, but those running all the cabinet agencies don't change. Why do you think Guantanamo is still open? It was the very first thing Pres. Obama did after taking his jacket off from being sworn in. Yet, it's still open. The country isn't run by the top 5% but the top 30% of the remaining 95%. Everyone in the gov knows this. This is how the companies got into bed with the gov and once that was done, the media got in bed too. Who loses out? 99% of the US population. To "fundamentally change" something is to change it's foundation. That's what the 30% are doing, and using the top 5% as scapegoats. This is why nothing changes from pres to pres, congress to congress. It's called Fabian Socialism, burn it down so it can be rebuilt. Why hasn't it been done by now since it's been around since the 1920's? The US Constitution, something the President, a Constitutional Professor, calls a set of "negative rights". What that means is the gov can't do what it wants without changing it, that is, unless the media or the people stand against it. How can people know if the media don't speak. So what's the real issue with Furguson? Ignorance on both sides. The cops are being used and the people are being exploited. Read everything the gov has said on the subject and you'll see for yourself. Just my two cents.

Interesting to see an opinion from someone not living in the United States.
In the early days of Ferguson, CNN cut the crap out of this video of another Officer who had a video on youtube. He was forced into retirement. Dan Page is a christian and he has a warning about police miltarization.

I should have said the above video was posted in April, 2014. It is interesting what he says is coming.
Interesting to see an opinion from someone not living in the United States.
I try to watch what's going on, but the US news just doesn't tell you all that's going on. Am I wrong in my analysis? Let me know and I'll do more research. But I do have cop friends who complain about what's happening.