But the marvelous thing is that God does know how we will use our free will and is still sovereign over all. His knowledge of our choices throughout our life does not force those choices upon us. We are not so much "blundering all over by our free will as you indicated as it is God knowing our choices and allowing our choices and weaving them into His plan.I'm sorry but I disagree with you pov.
You're saying it's all pre-planned ( predestined), and God just lets ignorant man blunder all over by his free will....which I'm not sure you believe in.....and still falls into his plan?
It cannot be both! He does not predestine some to walk his way and others against his way.
I do agree he knows everything from start to finish who will and who won't, but he gave his only begotten son that ALL may!
God said it repented him that he had made man,he changes his mind many times in scripture and who knows he may again before the end. He is NOT SET, for he is God and can do as he wishes. We try to LIMIT him by our finite thinking.
We are to follow God,not a man made thought or interpretation. The WORD is the light and lamp unto our feet,not man!
When one is performing the analysis, one must start by deciding which point of view to use as basis.
If you choose to analyze the choices man makes frpm man's point of view, you find that God never over-rides the choice itself, though He does counteract some of the effects, and even incorporate those choices in His plan. From this point of view free will exists because God allows it (This is His permissive will).
But, if you choose to analyze from God's point of view God knows EVERY decision each of us makes. This does not impose His will on our decision, only that we are unable to "surprise" God.
So a complete understanding of the issue must allow both His knowledge and the choices He allows us to make.
When scripture says God changed His mind, what it indicates is that God is projecting His thoughts and actions into Man's point of view for our benefit. This is necessary because we experience time as a sequence of discrete moments.
The Past is a fading memory.
The present is what we experience and is always changing.
The future is only anticipated.
But God who is unlimited and outside of time experiences all.
So whatever sin I commit is always before Him, as are my prayers of confession and my acts and thoughts of worship.