- "....there must be at least sixteen different ways we as parents can discourage our children, some help listing them is required..."
I love the way the New Testament Teachings of Jesus Christ throughout His Gospels and His Epistles simplify a great many subjects we consider as Christians and these verses, the absolute pinnacle of Parenthood, are shared simply by Christ as the key to being a Godly and loving parent. I've looked at the these verses many times but I'm always willing to hear a new slant or thought which I might never have had considered before, as I'm preaching this one again next week.
So, lets think about it; why, out of all the advice Christ could have given us about parenting does He choose to say ' Provoke not your children to wrath, lest they become discouraged.' The reason is, that provoking our children, in the ways which we're hopefully about to list are the aspects of their lives which cause a great deal of damage and often, going un-noticed. Many adults bear the scars of what their parents did or didn't do but it's the anger and the injustice of what happened which causes them the most pain.
So I'd like to know what you think about ways in which made you angry and discouraged as a child as a means to teach us today what it means to be a true parent and I think I might just learn something new here too so I look forward to your thoughts. I'll put in the first way of provoking your child to anger and discouragement as a started and I believe this and many others are the key to being a great parent in Christ. Humiliation - Humiliating another isn't a nice thing but, the humiliation of a child is far more damaging as a young one simply doesn't possess the wit or understanding of sarcasm in the wake of a moment which can humiliate them.
They see it as unfair, unjust and betraying when the person they trust most in the world either humiliates them in the home or even worse in public. This like many other unhealthy ways give the child difficult feelings to process and when they can't, they will feel an anger inside which they can do very little about. This is why it's so crucial to treat a child of any age with the respect that you'd expect others to give you and, give them that dignity as their parent because after the Lord, you are their only line of defense in this world.
Hoping for fifteen more ways we can discourage our children if you don't mind and thanks so much for reading....
So, lets think about it; why, out of all the advice Christ could have given us about parenting does He choose to say ' Provoke not your children to wrath, lest they become discouraged.' The reason is, that provoking our children, in the ways which we're hopefully about to list are the aspects of their lives which cause a great deal of damage and often, going un-noticed. Many adults bear the scars of what their parents did or didn't do but it's the anger and the injustice of what happened which causes them the most pain.
So I'd like to know what you think about ways in which made you angry and discouraged as a child as a means to teach us today what it means to be a true parent and I think I might just learn something new here too so I look forward to your thoughts. I'll put in the first way of provoking your child to anger and discouragement as a started and I believe this and many others are the key to being a great parent in Christ. Humiliation - Humiliating another isn't a nice thing but, the humiliation of a child is far more damaging as a young one simply doesn't possess the wit or understanding of sarcasm in the wake of a moment which can humiliate them.
They see it as unfair, unjust and betraying when the person they trust most in the world either humiliates them in the home or even worse in public. This like many other unhealthy ways give the child difficult feelings to process and when they can't, they will feel an anger inside which they can do very little about. This is why it's so crucial to treat a child of any age with the respect that you'd expect others to give you and, give them that dignity as their parent because after the Lord, you are their only line of defense in this world.
Hoping for fifteen more ways we can discourage our children if you don't mind and thanks so much for reading....