I never said they were. You keep straying from the word of God in this subject. Everything outside the word of God can be proven either way to whomever wants to believe that information. Most people won't believe in healing until they see it for themselves. Most people won't believe in giants unless they find them in their own back yard. While all that information is intriguing, the word of God is more. When you remove the translation bias, ask the Holy Spirit, you'll find things that are amazing! Literalists have been greatly blessed because they believe the word of God first, then find it proven in life.Not all science, not all scientists are dishonest.
Are those scientists who support special creation dishonest deceivers?
I for one will not in anyway vilify Dr. Tommy Mitchel the author of the above linked article.
He would be just one of many science educated persons who should be respected for their stand against false teachings in the secular world.
Matthew Fontaine Maury literally believed Psa 8:8 and became known as the "Father of Modern Oceanography and Naval Meteorology". Newton and Pascal were great scientists, but they were Christians first who believed the word of God plainly. Columbus believed the earth was round Isa 40:22 and discovered America searching for a homeland for the Jews. General Allenby flew in dense fog to Jerusalem alone and conquered it from the Ottoman Empire without firing a single shot because he believed Isaiah 31:4-5.
So why do I keep up with this debate about the giants? Major and I have been at this same impasse since I joined CFS years ago. It's because of Jesus' warning that the last days would be like the days of Noah. So what was it like then? Evil abound certainly, but there are clues galore, and they're happening today with movies and headlines pushing generic manipulation, songs about mating with angels (or demons) (e.g. Katy Perry), these are non-Christians pushing this. That's why it's important. That's what they did in the days of Noah. The evidence is everywhere, but we spiritualize the word of God to non-use. The word of God contains accurate history and today examples we can live by.